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How did he do THAT??? (Pure Conjecture, Spoilers for WoR)


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This may be a stupid question, or idea, but....


There I was, thinking about Hoid the other day, and the fact that it is apparent that he is able to use or access several forms of magic from different worlds in the Cosmere


Specifically I believe that Hoid uses or references:


 Allomancy (we have a WoB on this one, as Hoid mixes something into his mug while attempting to change people's reaction to his story), lightweaving (to make images in the smoke while telling Kaladin a little story, and mentions having Perfect Pitch before playing his flute) making a reference to BioChroma.


So that is when it struck me. Hoid was SURGEBINDING. He used Lightweaving. How on earth (or Roshar I guess) did he do that??? From everything we know (at least everything I know anyhow), surgebinding requires a Nahel Bond.


Does Hoid have a Spren?

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If you read the Ars Arcanum, there is this explanation of Lightweaving:


LIGHTWEAVING A second form of Surgebinding involves the manipulation of light and sound in illusory tactics common throughout the cosmere. Unlike the variations present on Sel, however, this method has a powerful Spiritual element, requiring not just a full mental picture of the intended creation, but some level of connection to it as well. The illusion is based not simply upon what the Lightweaver imagines, but upon what they desire to create. In many ways, this is the most similar ability to the original Yolish variant, which excites me. I wish to delve more into this ability, with the hope to gain a full understanding of how it relates to Cognitive and Spiritual attributes.


It is clear that there was a system of magic very similar to Lightweaving on Yolen, the planet where Hoid is from. I don't think Hoid has a spren.


You may also be interested in reading the Liar of Partinel sample chapters. Here's a link: http://www.brandonsanderson.com/drafts/warbreaker/LiarCh1v3.doc

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Maybe Hoid knew Adonalsium well, or one of Adonalsium's Shards, and they gave him a Spren to Bind with.

Hoid witnessed the shattering of Adonalsium. He is confirmed to have Feruchemy, Awakening, Lightweaving (Yolen variant, which is almost the same as Surgebinding Lightweaving). He also posses the last bead of Lerasium.

He is also widely assumed to be at least a Soother or Rioter (it's possible through Hemalurgy spikes).


He could've consumed the bead and he could be a full Mistborn, but that is not confirmed. We have WoB that Hoid got the Lerasium bead with the intention of using it for himself, but it is NOT stated clearly that he has consumed it.

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Just to add to the list from what I know:

  • Hoid has a precognitive ability that tells him when and where important things will occur, but not what they are.
  • Hoid can do interplanetary travel using Shadesmar. 
  • Hoid claims that Jasnah's Shardblade can't hurt him.  There may even be WoB that it is true. 
  • Hoid has the Moon Sceptor, but I don't know if it gives him any abilities. 
  • Hoid has a genius for taunting and carries multiple pairs of boots around to placate Horneater princesses. 
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Yolen had Adonalsium sitting on it, at least long enough to develop an inherent magic system. From the Liar of Partinel chapters, we know that Hoid (Known as Midas in-story) was capable of Lightweaving, which allowed him to create images and sounds from his memory. The images were insubstantial, but also contained a little bit of sentience, capable of acting on their own nearby, though not capable of any form of originality. 


I'm assuming there were other magic systems on Yolen, at least 3. When Adonalsium broke, the pieces of it responsible for various magic systems left and went to other planets, bringing their pieces of magic with them. Lightweaving just happened to land on Roshar in one piece.

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  • Hoid claims that Jasnah's Shardblade can't hurt him.  There may even be WoB that it is true. 


Yes, we have WoB that a Shardblade will cut his soul, but he will just heal it back. We don't know how he's able to do that though. 

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Feruchemical Gold heals the body using literal Physical health. There's a WoB that what Hoid does heals the soul in a way practically every other form of healing can't. Except, for some reason, inherent Stormlight Regrowth. But Honourblades aren't the same thing as Shardblades, so we can't be sure.

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Feruchemical Gold heals the body using literal Physical health. There's a WoB that what Hoid does heals the soul in a way practically every other form of healing can't. Except, for some reason, inherent Stormlight Regrowth. But Honourblades aren't the same thing as Shardblades, so we can't be sure.


Feruchemical healing does heal the soul. We even have a WoB that it would heal a Shardblade-severed limb:

Kurkistan ()

Does a limb that has been "severed" by a Shardblade have any Hemalurgic bindpoints? If the same limb was then cut off more conventionally, would a Bloodmaker ferring be able to grow it back?

Brandon Sanderson

A severed Shardblade limb needs repair to the soul before it would function again. A Bloodmaker would be able to heal it without needing to grow it back.


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Hmm, we know he has the last bead of Lerasium. Is there anything to say he didn't manage to get two?


One to consume, and one for its feruchemical purpose, which I believe has something to do with him knowing where to be and what to do.


We know that Hoid always knows where and when to be, so maybe something about Feruchemical Lerasium allows you to see potential futures anywhere, and he uses this to scan the universe for where he needs to be.

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  • Hoid has a genius for taunting and carries multiple pairs of boots around to placate Horneater princesses. 



A vital skill if I've ever heard one.


More seriously, I am certain that Hoid is an Allomancer after Shallan's little "Is he poisoning himself?" episode, but I think we are too focused on the Lerasium bead for that.  That's one way he could have become an Allomancer.  Somehow he became a Feruchemist and he's not even of Preservation or Ruin the way most Scandrian's are.  There is more to the world and magic than we have seen!


Edited to add:  Also there is no reason to assume he has the same lightweaving as Shallan.  As noted, he has probably kept the Yolish version.


I also suspect that he has some magics that we haven't seen yet.  If nothing else, I'm dead certain he has used Soothing/Rioting on Kaladin, if not something more obscure.  Check out the interactions where Kaladin isn't sure why he's doing what he's doing when Hoid is there.  Sounds like emotional allomancy to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obligatory quote from the Letter:

Let me first assure you that the element is qutie safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.

WoK Ch 14: "Payday" epigraph


I always assumed that was the Lerasium. The last sentence is certainly consistent with having eaten it, although it could also mean he implanted it and healed around it as a way to hide it.

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I don't think it would be Lerasium...that seems like it'd be too "common" for Hoid to need to reassure someone about it.  I always thought he meant the rock that became worthless for him wearing it.

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If Hoid has biochroma, wouldnt that mean that when he get cut by a shardbladec that one soul is expended? Since he got perfect pitch, he should have a couple of hundred at least. So technically he can get 'killed' a few hundred times by a shardblade to no effect right?

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If Hoid has biochroma, wouldnt that mean that when he get cut by a shardbladec that one soul is expended? Since he got perfect pitch, he should have a couple of hundred at least. So technically he can get 'killed' a few hundred times by a shardblade to no effect right?


This is possible, but we don't know for sure. Also possible:

  • The number of Breaths he has makes him resist a Shardblade, so it can't even cut him. Sort of like his skin is Shardplate, but it only works on Shardblades.
  • The Breaths have no effect on the Shardblade, and so he gets cut by it and uses Feruchemical gold to heal himself and loses nothing in the end.
  • Blades can still kill him, but Hoid doesn't care because he's tapping Feruchemical zinc and Feruchemical steel and could never in a million years be hit by one without dodging.
  • Something else.
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This is possible, but we don't know for sure. Also possible:

  • The number of Breaths he has makes him resist a Shardblade, so it can't even cut him. Sort of like his skin is Shardplate, but it only works on Shardblades.
  • The Breaths have no effect on the Shardblade, and so he gets cut by it and uses Feruchemical gold to heal himself and loses nothing in the end.
  • Blades can still kill him, but Hoid doesn't care because he's tapping Feruchemical zinc and Feruchemical steel and could never in a million years be hit by one without dodging.
  • Something else.

I think it's the something else, since I believe Hoid has been said to be capable of healing from a beheading, something even TLR can't do. Of course, it might be redundant, where all those statements apply.

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I was under the impression that the Lord Ruler survived his beheading? Certainly Feruchemical gold has the ability to heal even from dynamite exploding you, or you being cut vertically in two.

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I was under the impression that the Lord Ruler survived his beheading? Certainly Feruchemical gold has the ability to heal even from dynamite exploding you, or you being cut vertically in two.

He wasn't fully beheaded. I think TLR certainly could survive a beheading attempt by healing back right behind the blade as it passes through, but if it was fully disconnected he couldn't, since he can't access his metalminds. The Hoid example is a full detachment of the head, so even TLR would stand no chance.
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