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What could the second half of Stormlight be?


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WoR spoilers ahead.

We all know that Brandon plans to split the Stormlight Archive into two five book halves. For the second half I am wondering if this will be set perhaps decades into the future. The characters Brandon mentioned will play roles in the second half are all pretty young so he could mature them. Also it is meant to be a bit of a different story I believe so if say part 1 is the lighter half with younger characters and part two is the darker half with grown up characters that could make sense.

I think it's a decent possibility, seeing as the True Desolation has already begun it looks like we will have a very long battle and what better way to show how long this final battle is by going forwards 5-10 years with this war still raging. I always found it odd how in those fantasy books, the legendary war lasted years and years and then the final war of prophecy lasts for one book. Maybe this is going to be just as long as a historical desolation then and having part two set years in the future could work.

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Here's a Death Rattle from WoK:


“They come from the pit, two dead men, a heart in their hands, and I know that I have seen true glory.”


I have absolutely no evidence to back this up, but one hypothesis I've been toying with is that two major characters will sacrifice themselves at the end of the first five books, becoming "two dead men". They will do this in order to strike a major blow at an enemy ("heart in their hands"). Although they will be dead, it will end on a hopeful note, preparing us for the next five books ("I know that I have seen true glory.")


As I said, there is nothing to support this notion of mine. I simply like the sound of it. And I think it would be incredible, while saddening, if Kaladin and Szeth died fighting back-to-back in a climatic strike against Odium.

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My understanding is that the flashback characters for the last five will be (in no particular order)








This is compiled from my recollection of WoB saying at different times that these characters will have flashback books but that they wont be part of the first five (and that Kaladin would have a second flashback book)


Jasnah and Renarin are the ones I think will be interesting in this discussion

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I think Brandon decided against having a second Kaladin book, but I'm not sure who the fifth character is.


Kobold King

That death rattle is fulfilled in WoR, in the chapter "True Glory" when Kaladin and Shallan emerge from the chasms with a gemheart.


Also, WoB is that the second set takes place 10 in-world years after the end of the first set.

Edited by RShara
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I think Brandon decided against having a second Kaladin book, but I'm not sure who the fifth character is.


It's Stick, of course. Who else could it be but Stick and his stickiness!

Anyway, if I recall it's Jasnah, Renerin, Lift, Taln, and some unnamed Herald (which may also mean that this last one is likely still a little up in the air, as of yet)...

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My understanding is that the flashback characters for the last five will be (in no particular order)








This is compiled from my recollection of WoB saying at different times that these characters will have flashback books but that they wont be part of the first five (and that Kaladin would have a second flashback book)


Jasnah and Renarin are the ones I think will be interesting in this discussion

There is a WoB saying that each book will focus on a particular Order. Kaladin's was Windrunner, Shallan's was Lightweaver, Szeth's will be


. Eshonai's will be either Willshaper or Dustbringer. Dalinar's will be



The second arc I believe, is Renarin:


Jasnah: Elsecaller, Lift: Edgedancer, and Taln: Stoneward. I don't believe we have had confirmation on the last one though I do faintly remember a WoB saying that it might be Navani.

So we know that Eshonai's and the mystery one will be either focused on a Willshaper or Dustbringer. I think it could be Adolin who gets the last viewpoint, though I'm not very firm on that.

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I really thought that Mr T was getting a PoV book--am I remembering wrong?


Brandon used to say that pretty often, but since WoR he has changed the list. Maill got all the confirmed ones correct, so Taravangian could be the last one. However that will only be if Taravangian is a Radiant. As Maill says the last one could be Adolin as well. So it remains to be seen. Personally I would rather see Taravangian than Adolin.

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My hopes are for Rysn getting a book, probably as a Willshaper (the adventurous thing of the Willshapers really fits her in my opinion), I don't know why but I just like her character, and I'll love to see her use Stormlight to heal herself.

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I really hope that Brandon goes back on his decision to give Lift a point of view book. I don't know if I was the only one but the way she talked and thought made me cringe throughout the whole interlude. I would much rather that Brandon make that book with Mr T who appears to be a complex and interesting character. I think he could be a sort of Knights Radiant as there could certainly be a severe "Greater Good" ideal based order. I also want an Adolin book as he seems to be on an interesting and darker path. Overall I do think it is very important to have a Taravangian book, for us readers to truly come to understand the character who may be an antagonist towards the current Knights Radiant, every side of the story is important.

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I think Brandon decided against having a second Kaladin book, but I'm not sure who the fifth character is.

Kobold King

That death rattle is fulfilled in WoR, in the chapter "True Glory" when Kaladin and Shallan emerge from the chasms with a gemheart.

Also, WoB is that the second set takes place 10 in-world years after the end of the first set.

That Death Rattle has been fulfilled? Has that interpretation been confirmed by WoB?

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I really hope that Brandon goes back on his decision to give Lift a point of view book. I don't know if I was the only one but the way she talked and thought made me cringe throughout the whole interlude. I would much rather that Brandon make that book with Mr T who appears to be a complex and interesting character. I think he could be a sort of Knights Radiant as there could certainly be a severe "Greater Good" ideal based order. I also want an Adolin book as he seems to be on an interesting and darker path. Overall I do think it is very important to have a Taravangian book, for us readers to truly come to understand the character who may be an antagonist towards the current Knights Radiant, every side of the story is important.


By the time Lift gets her book, more than 10 (I'd guess closer to 15) years will have passed, so she'll be about the age Adolin is now. Plenty of time for her to grow out of whatever makes you cringe.

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Speaking of Dalinar... his position as book #5 doesn't bode super well. #5 will likely end in some sort of massive defeat or massive victory-from-sacrifice... either way, I'm counting on a lot of Dalinar flashbacks that set up for the gut punch that catapults the events of the back half books.

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Not by WoB, but I think it's pretty clear.

Oh, makes sense. I didn't notice that it was called "True Glory". That does make it seem pretty clear.



Speaking of Dalinar... his position as book #5 doesn't bode super well. #5 will likely end in some sort of massive defeat or massive victory-from-sacrifice... either way, I'm counting on a lot of Dalinar flashbacks that set up for the gut punch that catapults the events of the back half books.

Please, Mr. Sanderson, don't kill off Dalinar. Don't kill Dalinar don't kill Dalinar don't kill Dalinar  :(

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By the time Lift gets her book, more than 10 (I'd guess closer to 15) years will have passed, so she'll be about the age Adolin is now. Plenty of time for her to grow out of whatever makes you cringe.

No she won't. She'll still be ten. Just for another ten or fifteen years ;)

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By the time Lift gets her book, more than 10 (I'd guess closer to 15) years will have passed, so she'll be about the age Adolin is now. Plenty of time for her to grow out of whatever makes you cringe.

It is her way of speech and things like "Lift summoned her awesomeness" or "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows" doesn't fit with the epic fantasy.

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Yea, but because she is a side character - and a kid at that - it's okay for now. Plus, if you are reading Brandon for his following of the genre stereotypes, you are doing it wrong.

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I can't say I or anyone reads his books for the fantasy stereotypes. I read his books because they are great reads and because I'm into fantasy. Is a criticism or opinion not okay? I would prefer that some dialogue like that wouldn't be put into Stormlight unless it was intended for children, it undermines the feel of the entire story. It just sounds poor and sounds like forced and annoying humour. I'm stating that I would rather see flashbacks and lots of POV's of a currently major and fairly complex character such as Taravangian than those of Lift and her annoying dialogue.

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I would say, though, that Lift is speaking entirely appropriately for a child who hangs out with thieves, probably was raised on the streets or in some other sort of "lord of the flies" type environment.  


It could be the "awesomeness" word that is throwing you off - it seems too.. modern?  And since the tech-level of Roshar feels more knights-of-the-round-table, awesomeness becomes anachronistic and thus, jarring.


I thought it was odd, too.


But I still like Lift.

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I don't know if it was me but she did seem less annoying throughout the chapter so as long as she matures and stops talking like that I won't have a problem with her. I still want Mr T as a main pov for one book rather than Lift although it will be cool if she cures Taln's madness.

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