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Horatio Spifflewicket

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Everything posted by Horatio Spifflewicket

  1. To add to this - I think that probably there is both geographic region, and cognative region. So maybe the reason that the Dakhor Monks can use their power everywhere is that they see their natural region as the entire world - Fjordell dominates. That thought just came to me while reading this.
  2. Could this be because the Knights who created all the dead shardblades during the Recreance were all of the highest level (I'm assuming here, as they had plate, etc.) and so the artificial bond with the dead blade (gem powered) is attempting to restore the bond between the blade and the original holder? Which gets me thinking. Prior to the Recreance was eye color still used to determine who the leaders were? Or is that a post recreance creation, caused by the aftermath of whoever had the blades having enough might to rule (and then filtering it and warping it through thousands of years and many generations of precedent and tradition).
  3. Keep in mind that with all the ideals, the words themselves do not matter.(this was in a WoB, I just don't remember where to find it) It's just how Kaladin, Dalinar, or any other Radiant have chosen to express the mental state and attitudes of their particular order. So while Kaladin says "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves", Lopen could express the same Idea with "I will treat all Ganchos like they are my cousin" (or something.). So it IS possible that the truths that Lightweavers require could have some sort of a general description as hoser has suggested. It seems from the text that is what is most important to the Cryptics is that the proto-lightweaver be able to discern reality on a more fundamental level. Which is another way of saying that we all walk around wrapped in our own lies, a Lightweaver has to KNOW they are lies. Note, lies here are not used as concious fabrications, but rather the interpretation of reality through our own percpetion and experiential filters. A poor young man growing up in a ghetto has a very different perception of a situation than a wealthy older woman in the same set of circumstances. For either to become a lightweaver, they would need to be able to simulaneously hold on to their own interpretation, while realizing that it's not strictly the truth - something not many could do.
  4. I was thinking that the traitor was Eshonai (to the Parshendi) - if she ends up as a radiant (like everyone thinks) that means she somehow switched teams....
  5. Also Geranid in the interlude uses "Stars" as some sort of exclamation / curse...
  6. So, like all the best ideas, this came from a dream. (I have been reading Alloy of Law before bed). In my dream, Harmony told me that Brandon had decided I was a Truthwatcher. When I tried to ask what that meant, he said nothing and pointed to a sign that said "if you don't have a spike, I can't hear you." Fast forward through some boring bits, and then, during a thunderstorm, my phone, which was out of battery, lit up with a message: "The Saint is asleep." Somehow, I knew that message was a result of being a Truthwatcher, and that it was vital that we figure it out before book 3 is published. So, there you go: "The Saint is asleep". Go forth and theorize!
  7. Just to throw fuel on the fire, Hoid also makes a brief appearance (with no dialogue) back on Scadrial in AoL. Why else would there be a BEGGAR talking to the newly married couple at the Yomen wedding... It was a single line.. but it was there, and I'm totally sure that it was Hoid.
  8. Well, and I think Jasnah's soulcaster works differently from the Ardent's fabrials, anyways.
  9. I think there was some comment somewhere that Kaladin has Seasonal Affective Disorder - which is why he is always gloomy during the Weeping, as well.
  10. That brings up an interesting question... That would be... powerful.
  11. So, yeah, the whole Bondsmith part is less interesting to me than the connection between Greek/Roman mythology and those three unique spren. @Moogle, I can see why you would classify those three as different types of spren, I keep wondering if "SuperSpren" is a category all it's own. As in "significantly more investiture than a regular spren" type super.
  12. So, in thinking about the Bondsmiths and their spren, and thinking about how Dalinar bonded with the Stormfather I got to thinking: There are lots of theories that there are only three bonsmiths. And that their spren are special. So Start with Stormfather = Zeus = Lightning Bolt / The Heavens as a symbol. Then go (this is where I started, actually) to Cusicesh = Posiedon = The Oceans And to The Nightwatcher = Hades = The underworld And, in Greek / Roman mythology, those three are the "big three" Admittedly, the Nightwatcher is the most shaky in terms of alignment, but I can do enough mental gymnastics to see how maybe going and asking Hades for a Boon would get you a curse as well.... So, now is when you all come in and tell me that there is already WoB and to RAFO.
  13. Lopen is actually Bavadin, meaning there are four shards on Roshar.
  14. And... wasn't there a part where Shallan was in Shadesmar and Pattern told her to watch out for some sort of spren that was flying around? And then there were comments by Shallan about how the spren looked much differently in the cognitive realm. (I checked WoR out from the library, so I don't have a copy in front of me) - I think it was either when she was or So, I can totally see how a Wyndle-like spren could look different on either side of the divide.
  15. Hi IDK, to do spoilers, you just use [*spoiler] [*/spoiler] around your tags (only without the stars)
  16. Chrono, Thank ye for that. (and an upvote for good measure). After typing this next bit out, I realized I should spoiler the whole thing... and maybe put a big DO NOT READ THE SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ WoR. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. before it. I think I just talked myself into liking Shallan a little bit more - or at least understanding her better.
  17. I always suspected that Vedeledev's Golden Keys unlocked
  18. Yah, so there is nothing stopping Dalinar's wife from being Vivenna, though. (I don't think she is, but I had to point that out....)
  19. I always sort of figured that Truthwatchers were like KR versions of Pattern, or Vargo on the Diagram day. Able to "see" by extrapolating the world around them out to a logical conclusion, rather than through actual future sight. That would make it fit that Renarin actually thought they were going to get swept up in the Everstorm as it seems that Shallan was a bit of a wildcard, doing that thing she did. And it would keep the "seeing the future is of Odium" still true.
  20. Oh my, I think I missed the part where and as I checked out the book from the library, I can't go back and check.... would you mind putting a little itty bitty quote up for me?
  21. I think I'm just going to hold out for "Taln's Loincloth!"
  22. I'm listening to the Audiobook of WoK right now and while listening to Dalinar interact with Gallant, I started to wonder if (for no good reason) Ryshadium could .
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