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Horatio Spifflewicket

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Everything posted by Horatio Spifflewicket

  1. When I read it, I felt like it would have been fairly crafty for Odium to take/use/influence a tool designed by Honor (and even named after him). Mistborn:
  2. It makes you wonder, then, in what places Hatred will come in between the other new Radiants and their oaths? Because if the conflicts of men are really analogues for the shardic conflicts, then we should see other places where Odium and Honor (And/or Cultivation) face off. With Kaladin, it was obvious (in hindsight). There have been hints, Shallan hates Amaram for the perceived murder of her brother. Will her refusal to see some sort of truth because of that hatred come between herself and Pattern? Will Dalinar's hatred of... brussels sprouts (can you tell I'm fishing?) cause him to try to segregate instead of uniting? Does Renarin (must tread lightly here, or risk the wrath of Feather) hate himself because of the VERY INGRAINED CULTURAL TABOO ON SEEING THE FUTURE and have that come between himself and Glys? What about Lift, or other future radiants. Szeth, I leave out, because I see him as a member of "People following a broken radiant anonymous" rather than as a true Skybreaker.
  3. Not arguing either way here... just looking for clarity. So, it never says that Adolin picked his knife back up after Sadeas was dead. On the same note, it never says that he left it there in Sadeas's eye, either. When I read that section I sort of picked it up as he jumped back / up and moved away, but without ever letting go of the knife. And depending on if it's designed to be a battle knife (vs. a dinner knife like Dalinar's in WoK) it may or may not be easy to clean. So, I'm not sold on leaving the knife there OR removing it. Because while cleaning the knife would have been good imagery, a corpse with a knife sticking up out of it's eye would as well, and so I could see a valid use of the image either way. Given that the city is a fortress, maybe he's hoping that everyone will think Sadeas ran into a booby trap (or some other random assassin? I'm sure more people than just the Kholins hated him, given what a jerkface he was.) or some sort of automated KR defense mechanism?
  4. What you do NOT do, is look up with your mouth open.
  5. Well, darn, I thought I had something there. I wonder if it is even possible to have a planet orbiting a binary star in the way I was thinking. I will have to take the idea for my own, then.
  6. So, I am listening to the audiobook for WoK, and was listening to the part near the beginning when Kaladin is in the slave wagons and hopes that spring will come again, with the narrational aside that the seasons were unpredictable. This got me to thinking: how could seasons be unpredictable? On earth, the distance from the sun and the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis combine to give us seasons. What could be going on for Roshar to be having a random (to Kaladin) distribution of distances from the sun? My first thought is that perhaps Roshar orbits some sort of binary star system. (Perhaps locked in such a way as to only show one of the two suns at a time, but the differing distances causing irregular (but maybe predictable through math by stormwardens) seasons. This may also explain Braize, as it could be getting both suns, making it a place of fire and heat and eternal day. Thoughts?
  7. I voted other... because the reasons given did not seem like all the possible choices that someone as clever as Brandon could come up with. And as for how I think she'll find out, I'd say RAFO?
  8. I was thinking more that the stormfather said "YOU WILL BE A RADIANT WITH NO SHARDS" but would see some threat as SO compelling (some sort of spren-eater, maybe?) that he would change his mind and join with Dalinar. This assumes, of course, that spren even CAN change their minds, and that the Stormfather in particular is able to deviate from his intent. (which is an argument for another thread).
  9. I was thinking... Would Nalan see what Adolin did as right? Clearly, Adolin has broken A law. So, Skybreaker justice would require Nalan to disagree profoundly with what Adolin did. Could this be part of what the WoB was meaning?
  10. And actually, the Stormfather did not say NO shardeblades, he said that he would not be a blade for Dalinar. Secretly, I'm rooting for the Stormfather to become a GIANT (Weapon/shield whatever Dalinar needs) SWORD OF DOOM for Dalinar, but the alternative could be Nightblood. Destroying odium would take a lot of stormlight, but may qualify for Nightblood's "Destroy Evil" mandate.
  11. I always interpreted the way Diagram-T "modeled" people as more like the way economics models people - in Aggregate. You don't need to know how each individual would respond to know that pushing on a particular political structure will cause war, or that on average, telling people to commit suicide would incite riots. But when he drops below Diagram level, then he has a small amount of empathy, but not enough computing power to do the aggregate modeling. So he makes mistakes. In aggregate, knowing a desolation is coming would indicate that radiants would start popping up all over... I think I had more of a point before I started typing, but a windspren seems to have stolen it.
  12. Still, anyone would be lost if the air they were in were suddenly transformed into a 40 foot by 40 foot block of solid granite. Doubly so if they were flying at the time......
  13. These are directly related to the pain-spren summoning "The kids left the Legos all over the floor you have to cross barefoot and in the dark" spren.
  14. Re: Danlan... I would think (this is without having read WoR) that she could have made a very calculated decision to date Adolin and then get him to break it off with her. After all, that does put her in the company of a LOT of other women, and as such, may either gain access to other ladies she may not have before (by virtue of being in the same situation as they) or be overlooked by people she doesn't want paying too much attention to her (like Navani or Jasnah) because she would be viewed as a foolish young woman who lost Adolin's affection... I think she's devious.
  15. Which, when you state it that way, is almost a direct parallel from Wit's story in WoK about Derethil and the Wandersail.
  16. Spoilers for book 5: Edited because I did not know what WT* was a reportable sort of thing. *is sorry*
  17. I would say, though, that Lift is speaking entirely appropriately for a child who hangs out with thieves, probably was raised on the streets or in some other sort of "lord of the flies" type environment. It could be the "awesomeness" word that is throwing you off - it seems too.. modern? And since the tech-level of Roshar feels more knights-of-the-round-table, awesomeness becomes anachronistic and thus, jarring. I thought it was odd, too. But I still like Lift.
  18. There is some rumor that: Oh, and I made that white with a white background because I can't work spoilers, lol. But I don't remember if that is speculation or WoB, or maybe just something my brain invented while I was sleepless with my toddler twins. Edit: And then I figured out how to work spoilers. Lucky guess FTW!
  19. I always thought that the "person who calls himself Taln" and refusal to call her Shalash was because they had become corrupted versions of themselves. Sort of like Dissociative identity disorder. Or something. So It's not really Shalash, because Shalash is a herald and WOULDN'T deface art of herself. So the person doing the defacing is both Shalash and NOT SHALASH at the same time. I think I just broke my brain.
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