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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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This whole party was going to damnation in a handbasket. It wasn't even just the attacks, or the chulls - which had thankfully seemed to have finally been removed entirely - but there seemed to be confusion.

Torol Sadeas was, however, enjoying the intrigue it offered.

"Brightness Jasnah, I see you're recovering well from the attack," he said. "It must have been frightening being so near death, especially believing as you do."

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8 hours ago, SE_Torol_Sadeas said:

"Brightness Jasnah, I see you're recovering well from the attack," he said. "It must have been frightening being so near death, especially believing as you do."

"I do not fear death, Torol. Death is a natural process of life" Jasnah retorted. "I will graciously accept that path when it presents itsself to me. However, I like you, would like to prolong my experience in this life as much as possible. Because the knowledge I acquire may end up shaping all of Roshar one day, and I'd like to live long enough to see that happen."

Jasnah, feeling slightly offended by Sadeas's remark regarding her recent denunciation of Organized Vorinism, turned away, but remained in the same group as Sadeas, giving him a chance to respond if he felt so inclined. 

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"I would very much appreciate it if no one attacked my family at a feast in their honor." 

I sighed, and looked around the feast hall. I'd been gone for almost an hour, dealing with an emergency elsewhere in the palace that had no bearing on the current feast hall, and was now terribly behind on current events. I needed to find someone to talk to.

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29 minutes ago, SE_Venli said:

Venli looked at the two, confused. "Why do you seem to hate each other?"

"Ah, we do not hate each other." Sadeas smiled at the Parshendi woman. "The Kholin and Sadeas families are actually quite good friends. I helped her father create this kingdom, in fact. I was merely inquiring after her well being. And Brightness Jasnah, we are all doing something here tonight that wish shape Roshar's future. That's what this treaty is all about, after all."

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“I think we should also consider the method of attack,” Aesudan pointed out as she nibbled on a pastry. “An object was thrown. Nobody could quite spot what it was (which is telling in of itself), but if we are assuming this was an attempt on Brightlady Jasnah’s life, it is safe to assume that the object was likely a knife or similar bladed weapon. It takes considerable skill and athleticism to throw a knife in such a way as poses a mortal threat, so that narrows down the pool of suspects significantly.”

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Without money, the best way to get wine was to trade for it with other types of wine. Unfortunately, Beggar had no more wine, unless one counted the stains on his cloak. This was not too great of a problem, for as a beggar, he had mastered the art of acquiring wine for free without resorting to theft. In this occasion, he could just take a bottle of wine from the feast table, which he did. Walking away in an attempt to flee the scene before anyone noticed he was there, he wondered who would trade the most for what appeared to be a bottle of pure sapphire. None of the lighteyes at the feast would give him anything good, and the guests at the Beggar's Feast wouldn't have anything he couldn't get for himself. Perhaps a servant would be willing and able to make a fruitful trade. Beggar shoved the sapphire bottle into a pocket of his cloak and headed towards the east wall, hoping to attract the attention of a fellow possessor of wine. 

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Klade stared at Sadeas and Jasnah, humming to the Rhythm of Curiosity. The two humans were speaking in rhythm to Irritation. Eshonai had told them that the humans might be able to hear the rhythms, but here was proof. "Greetings, Brightlord. Are you enjoying yourself?" Keeping the party calm was a high priority, and an argument would not be best.

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4 minutes ago, SE_Klade said:

Klade stared at Sadeas and Jasnah, humming to the Rhythm of Curiosity. The two humans were speaking in rhythm to Irritation. Eshonai had told them that the humans might be able to hear the rhythms, but here was proof. "Greetings, Brightlord. Are you enjoying yourself?" Keeping the party calm was a high priority, and an argument would not be best.

"I am quite enjoying these festivities, despite the many... problems. How are you finding Alethi hospitality?"

Sadeas still didn't know what to make of the Parshendi and their strange way of speaking, but at least they seemed amiable enough. Maybe he could use them somehow...

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Just now, SE_Torol_Sadeas said:

"I am quite enjoying these festivities, despite the many... problems. How are you finding Alethi hospitality?"

"The hospitality is excellent, Brightlord. There have been several foods that the Parshendi have never had." Internally, Klade didn't much like this man. He seemed... disturbing.

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“What kinds of food are normal among the Parshendi?” Aesudan asked curiously. It must be very difficult to grow food out beyond the frostlands. She was no expert, but she had read that those lands could not support much life, let alone a people as numerous as the parshendi.


EDIT: Is the cycle over?

Edited by SE_Aesudan_Kholin
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Half hour cycle/ 48 hours real time=Every minute in the game is 1.6 (1 hr 36 min) hours in real life. We are 36 minutes over. .6/1.6=.375. In game we are .375 minutes long or 22.5 seconds

"Technically we should have heard the Grand Clock chime about 25 seconds ago, but sometimes it is just a little bit delayed"

Edit. Oops There it is Didn't see Orlok's post.

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LG49/AN3: Hour 5 - A Dying Request

It took Thara far too long to find a change of clothes and wash up and even after she did, she swore she still smelled of wine. Maybe that was just in her head though. A girl could hope.

She walked from the servant quarters to the kitchen to report back for duty, but she was accosted two corridors away by Torol Sadeas, who ran into her as they rounded a corner from opposite directions.

“Take care where you walk.”

“I apologize, highprince. It shan't happen again.”

He turned on his heel and headed down the corridor. She had just turned the corner herself, continuing on to the kitchens when she heard him cry out.

She whirled back and, checking around the corner, saw the highprince on the ground, still as death. Her eyes widened. Almighty, please not another dead body. She slowly walked toward him and when she got to where he lay, she knew her wish was in vain. There, firmly embedded in his right eye socket, was a dagger.


Thara fainted.

Torol Sadeas has been killed!

Hour 5 has begun! It will end Saturday, the 29th of September, at 4:00 PM MDT

(On phone so will edit a countdown in later)

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Tearim rushed to the source of the scream, only to find half the guests crowded around two prone bodies, one bloodied. He pushed through to the front and leaned over to inspect the bodies. One was Brightlord Sadeas, slain by a dagger. The other, he quickly realized, was just a very frightened servant, who he helped to her feet. Tearim turned to the assembled group.

"This is has gone too far," he declared. "The murderer, or murderers, will be found. The guard will be extra vigilant, and I suggest that you refrain from suspicious activity. Now shoo. There's nothing more to see here."

As the people began to slowly shuffle away, a pair of guards rushed in. Tearim instructed them to move the brightlord's body to a more respectable place.

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