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Alleyverse Meme Thread


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On 8/21/2018 at 3:37 PM, I Am Witless said:

"How may I help you, miss?" Two more showed up. Yzabet put forth her best hostesses face, but inside was thinking AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



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On 8/1/2018 at 6:44 PM, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

He noticed one of the Ghostblpods was killing his friends. Bad Veil. For now though, spiritbending them was a bit too significant because people would say it's godmodding. Sure. So he just summoned a 10 inch thick zorb of aluminium around Veil, which quickly collapsed to the ground. Inside the zorb Veil heard a voice. 'Want to eat food at some point in the near future? Please sign this document signing away your rights to waffles for the rest of your life.'

How to advertise the alleyverse:




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1 hour ago, Grey Knight said:

You know, it was actually the other way around- not that you'd know, unless you're a terrifyingly-efficient stalker :ph34r:


lol, I remember that.

yeah, he approached me, I said that we didn't actually have a use for him yet, so I guess he could spy in TUBA until we needed something more. Then he told me everything.

Actually, the potato wanted the spying to continue, and was mad that I revealed you guys so soon. Still sorry about that grey knight.

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2 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

You know, it was actually the other way around- not that you'd know, unless you're a terrifyingly-efficient stalker :ph34r:

*clears throat* I HAVE FAILED.

Guess I forgot that. My bad.

Yeah. Those were great times. Everything was so simple...

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I was awful at internet interaction back then...:ph34r: *pretends she's better now* *is technically better* *doesn't feel like it*

Excuse me while I go roleplay to oblivion. Who needs the Heart of the Revel when you have character deaths to contemplate?


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