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@Sorana @wiritospren@Grey Knight

"Damaya!" Araha screamed, and pulled herself up as the dregs of stormlight started extinguishing themselves, her body still hurt all over, but she was determined. To do what exactly? She didn't know.

She steadied herself on shaking feet, then she heard someone calling for help behind her, she turned and saw the man that was with them trapped under some wood. "No, no, no, no, no, sparks, no please..." She muttered, she didn't know what to do, instead continuing to hobble toward Damaya. She was alive, she needed to be alive. Please She whispered in her mind. "RAN, I NEED YOU!" She shouted as loud as she could, panting.


Ran heard her 'sister' call her name. Not literally, she was looking everywhere, and saw that the Waystop was penetrated and heard a small explosion inside, the Marines were dwindling in numbers, but that didn't mean the battle was already won. She flew as fast as she could back to Araha, she knew where she was by instinct. She darted to the back of the Waystop, noticing the turrets firing at something, but not seeing what.

She pulled herself together, as much as she could, growing to the size of a woman and flying by some infused spheres, bringing them inside the Waystop. It was hard, but she needed to, for her 'sister.'


Ran darted inside, the spheres being let go and rolling toward the ravaged interior. Araha, gritted her teeth and caught the spheres in one hand, then she sucked in. Not all of it. Her body started healing and there was excess stormlight in reserves. She looked down at Damaya, people always said that when someone slept or died they'd look peaceful. Damaya looked like she was in pain.

She is not dead. Araha shouted in her mind, some of her fear turning into defiance, and the rest of it, she drowned into the depths. She looked to Ran. "Damaya needs healing."

Ran nodded. "She'll instinctively breathe in the stormlight. She'll be okay." Her reply was curt and efficient. Araha nodded.

When she turned to the other man, she froze, seeing a man clad in black armor, hulking. One of them. Her fear returned. She backed away and turned sharply to Ran. Who nodded also sharply. Ran made herself as solid as possible and flew as fast as she could in that short distance toward the hulking man. The ram would do nothing but distract him, in that short timeframe, Araha dashed under the Marine's reach and touched the man underneath the wood. She used gravitation on him and lashed him 3 times, backward, enough to free him from the rubble and jet him straight through the hall as if he were falling.

Araha then did the same to herself, skidding on the ground to pull the unconscious Damaya with her back down the hallway. They needed to get out of there.

Ran stood in front of the man, in a ChayShan stance.


Deras had cleared his side of the field of bodies, and looked on, there were still some platoons of Marines left, the furyspren disappeared as did the rhythm. Deras sprung to action, dashing toward the side-ways tank, jumping and ramming it, his shardblade braced flat against his shoulder. The tank toppled back correctly and Deras jumped inside the hatch, killing anything within. He jumped out again, and with all his strength, started pushing the tank, it was slow but it did budge, he needed more strength. He saw another two power fists resting somewhere around the battlefield. He ran to them, equipped them then as fast as he could, ran toward the front end of the tank.

The hit turned the tank toward its allies, and Deras did it again to really line it up. Deras took off the fists and hopped inside, pressing everything on the panel. He didn't know how they worked, but he didn't need to. He jumped out when he heard it fire and took two plasma guns, his armor was shredded now save for his helmet, so he took some plating from the power armour on the fallen marines and wore those over his mangled armour, not a full set but it'll have to do for now. He ran toward the next platoon to kill more.

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When dayne Saw the man with the armor he froze, he had been in mortal danger before, but he has always been free to escape" no, no, not here" suddenly he was falling to the wall and broke free,"wow didnt know I could do that" just then is that he saw Araha falling to him"hey, thanks for that" he throw a coin to the wall and used it to stop his fall and catched Araha with Damaya"Is she okay?"

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"She will be, I put some of the infused spheres near her, and they're dun now." Araha replied, landing on the wall/floor as the lashings wore off. She was still infused with stormlight. The lashings wore off on the man and Damaya as well, but she caught them, putting the man down and continuing to carry Damaya. "We need to find a safe place." She said curtly, emotions dulled.

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Ski simply jumped over the soldier facing her, not even sparing him a glance. Spotting her uncle she dashed over to him in time to see him get stabbed in the back.

”No!!!” She screamed in horror, but her fear was not needed as he whipped a sword from his cane and beheaded the soldier.

Leaping over her fallen uncle Ski quickly killed the soldiers approaching with guns.

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Devaan was flown back, he took a blast to chest from a gun he couldn't see, his clothing was singed but he was relatively unharmed, he looked up and saw Deras, his lifeless pupil mowing down enemies with a heavy bolter.

"Good man" Devaan got up and prepared himself to make another charge at the heavy artillery.

A horn sounded in the distance.

People were coming up the mountain.

A single man landed in the horde of chaos marines, mowing some down left and right. He crouched down and spread his arms wide before coming up, throwing metal around him. He was in the heart of a storm of metal, the jagged bits rending the flesh of anyone who came near.

Astiel Tekiel, leader of the Panthers had joined the battle. Mistcloak swishing elegantly through the air, a marine broke through the storm and swung at Astiel, he parried it with a shardblade that appeared in his hand, then quickly decapitated it with a swish of Astiel's knife, working between the armour. he opened his mouth and shouted over the sounds of battle.


Devaan let out a weak smile

"Hey" He said to Astiel, remembering the moment he dropped the four year old off at tekiel mansion


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Rilu looks at the harmonica playing guy. His songs were oddly fitting for the situation. Rilu Elsecalled around the battlefield, transporting those who were injured to a place where they could be helped. He didn't have a Blade or Plate yet, so that was the best he could do. Besides, he didn't like killing.

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Coru curled himself around his humans body. The letters he usually prefered were ragged from distress. He liked his human he didn't want to loose her.
She was complicated and disliked him. But she was his human, she didn't belong to anyone else. Distrustful he observed the other two humans. His human had trusted them, one more than the other, but she trusted them both. But as the last years showed, his human didn't had much sense in her, when it came to other humans.
He had told her so often to leave, to take her life in her own hand and she had never listened. Curling tighter around her, he carefully listened to her breathing, as it became steadier. The worst wounds healed, but she was still gravely injured.
"More. She needs more."
he tried to influence the two humans that were carrying her. His human needed to get better. She had finally taken a few steps in the right direction. He couldn't accept, that her story would end here, that their story would end here. He needed her, needed her to live, to get well again.
"If you want her to wake up sometime soon, she needs more."
Carefully he covered her burns with his body, tried to protect her.



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Deras reached the next platoon of marines shooting plasma into the infantry and killing them, he reached one of the cultists and bashed his head in twice with a gun, and started shooting again, felling more of them. The shell from before damaged one of the tanks heavily.

In the distance, he saw some commotion.

He had an idea.

He sucked in as much air as he could, which was a lot, then released all of it in as loud a roar as he could muster, and a furyspren briefly sparked into existence before disappearing just as quickly. He managed to turn the attention of most Chaos Marines toward him, including the ones who were making a commotion. (Mr. Amber and Ski @Life&Death)

He unloaded and ran out of ammunition, so he picked up a bolter and a lasgun from nearby corpses. firing into the still-numerous horde of Chaos Marines, his own loosely put together armor held, but it wouldn't for long. He was out of enhanced regeneration as well, the battle had to end quickly. He darted around the battlefield, firing bolt and lasfire at everything that was Chaos Marine. Killing more and more, when he ran out of ammunition, he threw the weapons at the enemies with ferocity that it knocked them back, without destroying their armor.

The rhythm returned, it was exhilirating, but not intoxicating, the furyspren also returned. He re-summoned his shardblade and begun hacking at the marines, his combined speed, strength, rage, and the blade destroying their armour even with the aluminum, and burning their eyes out. Deras jumped on top of the tank and begun stabbing the hatch with the blade, the aluminum buckling and shredding until it opened up. Deras used the sword to heave open the hatch and jumped in, killing the rest with blade and strength.

This time, Deras looked at the controls, the tank shaking from extended weapons fire, and he found the locomotion controls. Making the tank spin in place just not quickly, Deras jumped on top again, tearing the incorporated heavy bolter from the turret and started using that again. He fired at the rest of the Chaos Marines, some of them still firing at the slowly spinning tank. Then he begun running toward the next batch of targets. @Grey Knight


"We'll find more." Araha said, almost emotionless, she saw a few more infused spheres on the ground from Ran before, she took a few, carrying Damaya on her shoulder in a fireman's carry and started running farther down the hall. The Waystop had stopped shaking, it seemed they finished bombarding the place. Good. @Sorana

She turned to the other man as they ran. "The bombardment's stop, we just need to find a safer place now, and I am not leaving anyone here. We're not going to the perpendicularity." She told him, a hint of emotion almost crawling back to the surface, but she pushed it back down again. @wiritospren

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Did you see Daynes question to Araha? He forgot to tag you.

Coru hummed contendedly when he saw his human breathe in more stormlight. Most of the severe burns were closed by now and she felt steady to him. That was good. He needed her.

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