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I'll assume that there's some infused spheres around so that Araha can practice surgebinding

When they arrived, Araha took in the grounds' details, they weren't as open as the grasslands back home where she grew up and trained, but that made sense since this was in the mountains and was specifically made to be training grounds, but this was by no means small. This place also had numerous resources for various usage of Investiture, some infused spheres, different metals, some smaller, likely meant to be ingested, and some cloth, some regular, others cut vaguely like a man likely for Awakening. There were also some things she didn't know what were for, some round pieces of glass, they looked like lenses, and some chalk. She remembered some information on those in passing, but she wasn't really sure how they worked yet.

As for what she wanted to train...

"Ideally, I'd wanna try out this new surgebinding, Adhesion and Gravitation, what I can do, and such. What about you?" She asked Damaya, her face lit up with the idea she just got, "ooh and do you know how to fight? I could actually try teaching you the basics if you want!" She'd never tried teaching before, so she didn't even know how good she'd be, but it was worth a try.

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"Yzabet, and someone else,..."
she went silent and then siply continued as if she hadn't mentioned anything concerning her home.
"showed me some tricks with a staff, although I am not really good with it. If I'm lucky I can hold it in the right place to intercept a blow. But most of the times I'm not that lucky."

She stepped to the side, realizing that proposing to train wasn't the best idea. Why couldn't she think about her words instead of blurting them out?
"Try it out. I'll watch."

She smiled encouraging at Araha, while thinking for a way to get around the use of her own powers.

Coru left her skirt and, keeping close to the shadows, he skipped over to Araha. He settled close to her on the ground, so that Damaya couldn't see him.
"It's me Corundum."
he said quietly.
"If you can, convince her to use her powers. She never has before, except for the few times Yzabet was around. And she is looking for a way to avoid it even now."

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long post!

Araha was slightly disappointed that her offer was declined, but that was alright, maybe some other time. "Alright, sure." Araha nodded, moving over to where the spheres were when she heard a voice as she picked up one of the spheres, it was a vibration more than anything, like words being formed from a buzzing sound. She didn't have to wonder long as the voice introduced himself as Corundum. She looked down, and indeed saw the geometric pattern on the ground near her, though with the way he was speaking, he might've wanted discretion, so she gave it to him and pretended he wasn't around, instead picking up another sphere and looking at it.

She nodded slightly, just enough for Corundum to see. She'll try, she understood that Damaya may have her reasons to keep to herself, but someone had to help her with that at some point, and who better than her friend? Did she really think of Damaya as a friend now? Objectively, they were acquaintances with how long they knew each other, but emotionally, Araha wanted to think they were friends or at least more than acquaintances, less than friends.

Ran turned into the form of leaves flowing in the wind and she flitted onto the side, seeing no more need to be a hair clip since there was no more reason for Araha to look cute while training. Araha noticed, but didn't think much of it.

So, she needed to make Damaya use her powers, hm? Maybe not that far, even just making her curious about her own powers would be maybe enough. She knew that Damaya was just like her, a potential surgebinder since she bonded a spren, but since she didn't know much about the unique sprens, she didn't know which surges she had, and she didn't mention. Well, either way, a good way to make someone curious would be to put on a show, though it might now be much of a show since she was still new to surgebinding.

She breathed the light of the spheres in, not a lot, just enough to make her start glowing faintly. The power hit her like a bucket of water being dumped on her while she was sleeping, except the water was pure good feelings. She steadied her breathing and looked at her hands, faint wisps trailing from them, confirming that she now had stormlight. There were a few tall wooden poles around, and she wanted to have a warm up, she ran straight at one, then stopped and kickflipped off the pole, the landed expertly.

That was good, now what about actually using her surges? She knew surges could be cast on oneself as well, time to try it out.

She willed herself to fall upward, and the surge complied, lashing her up once. She jumped and noticed that it was much higher and she fell much slower, so that meant that two lashes would completely let her float? This bodes well.

She cancelled the lashing, falling to the ground and landing once again, she wanted to try out Adhesion first before showing off. She grabbed one of the smaller steel things from the table and infused it with stormlight, then walked over to the wooden pole and stuck it there, it gripped, small blue spren dancing about it, she didn't know what those were, but she'd study that later, she pulled to see if it would come off and it didn't. She climbed on top of it and it still gripped firm. She jumped down and took in more stormlight from the spheres.

It was finally time to show off.

Araha dashed toward the pillar again, this time after kicking off, she lashed herself upward twice, so the flip allowed her to spin repeatedly in the air instead of touching down, she almost got nauseous, but she centered herself. She then lashed her legs toward the pillar, then cancelled it just as quickly, abruptly stopping her spinning, giving her slight whiplash, she still needed to learn more about this. She was still floating in the air, then as she realized that she was actually floating, and not just hanging in the air, she laughed, enjoying herself too much.

Then an idea hit her: She stood in a stance, and started performing a basic ChayShan kata in mid-air. It wasn't as easy as she thought since her feet couldn't really grip onto anything, so her movements were stationary, even though she moved her feet, but hopefully that looked interesting enough that Damaya would at least be curious. She let the lashings run out and she landed. She still had some stormlight inside of her, since she knew about the withdrawal of taking in too much and expending them too quickly.

She looked at Damaya's reaction, excited to see what it would be.

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Coru hopped back onto his human's skirt and wrapped himself around the lower part of it. She hadn't even noticed, that he was gone. He watched the other human breathe in some stormlight and then start to use her surges. She used it without much efficiency, a lot was lost to light and sometimes she used more than would have been neccessary. But for someone who had spoken her first oath only recently her control over the surges was good. And she laughed, she seemed so happy, that he wished he could shake his human, until she herself a chance to experience a part of that carelessness, of that joy.

Damaya stared at Araha. The woman danced through the air, Stormlight trailing her like a beautiful dress. It was a display unlike anything she had ever seen, beautiful and free. Araha reminded her of a bird soaring in the sky. She stepped forward, tried to see more. Completetly captured by the display, by the sheer beautiful power of Araha's movements. When Araha landed and looked over expectantly, she couldn't help herself and clapped her hands together.
"That was fantastic. Especially at the end. Was that what you meant with fighting? Can you show me how to do that?"

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"hey I found it" though dayne as he came out of the waystop into the training área, he fell as he has been walking in there for hours. He go to the steel pieces there were for allomantic training and put some of it on its belt, he then took 2 steel earings and put them on his ears, and finally took some cristal daggers, he then walked to were Damaya was and started to save some velocity on his earings. "Well, that's pretty awesome "

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Araha grinned when Damaya clapped for her 'show' as she walked toward her. Then she asked her if she could show her how to do what she just did and Araha's eagerness only grew. "Of course!" She held Damaya's hands in excitement, then let them go. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she chuckled, "I'm just excited." She walked back to the center of the training grounds. What should she teach Damaya? The basic kata? Some stances? She then thought of something, jogging over to the table with the spheres, she picked up one that was infused and walked back to her close-acquaintance, she made sure to stand back far enough so that when she held it out, hopefully Damaya wouldn't flinch.

She held the sphere up, "Do you want to try it with stormlight?" She asked, then quickly added: "now, I know, I know y'don't want to, but really, it's not all bad." She tapped into one of Master Soren's teachings: Tools, not weapons, something to use to accomplish a goal, and that goal will not always be to cause harm. "Try to see stormlight as a tool not a weapon, the same way your hands are. Hands are interesting since they can be used to mend or to break, the same can be said for all tools. It's the wielder that chooses how to use the tools provided them!" Araha said, a small smile on her face, training with Master Soren were good times. Araha looked up, instinctively knowing where Ran was, she was in her woman form, and giving Araha a thumbs up, to which Araha replied with a grin.

"I can understand if you don't want to though," Araha nodded, "Master Soren taught me the basics even before I knew how to breathe stormlight in, so I don't see why I can't do the same here." She concluded with a smile.

A newcomer exited out to the training grounds, and Ran quickly shrunk into the form of leaves when she saw him, then slowly grew back to her woman form, seeing as this was the man who helped carry Araha to her room. Araha saw him, and he seemed unthreatening enough that it didn't raise any flags in her mind. She nodded at him. "Helloooo," though his presence might be a problem for Damaya, it was likely she definitely wouldn't take the stormlight now, but that was okay.

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Damaya smiled and looked at the sphere in Arahas hand.
"I meant the movements, not the stormlight."
she tried to clarify, although she feared to disappoint Araha and carefully took the sphere. It was warm and glowed silently. She stared at it, tried to convince herself to take sharp breath, to inhale the stormlight. To feel it's storm, it's wildness inside of her. It was as easy as taking a step forward, or sitting down on a stool. And yet, she still stared at the sphere, stared at its glow, at the promise inside of it.
Breathe it in.
Her hand started to shake and breathing became more difficult, as if her whole body wanted her to stop, to leave it. And yet Araha words were still in her head, a tool, stormlight was a tool and nothing more. A tool, and she only had to take it and do something good with it. But she had never tried to soulcast and there was only one illusion she had been able to craft until today.
"I can't."
she whispered and watched the sphere fall to the ground, when her fingers couldn't hold it anymore.
"I know how to do it, how to breathe it in. I'll show you, I promise. Later, when nobody else is watching. Please, don't be offended, I really appreciate what you say and the time you take for me."
her voice got even more quiet, almost not hearable.
"Please, just give me until we're alone."
She shot Araha a pleading look and then quickly picked up the sphere and placed it back to the others.

"You offered to show me what you can do?"
she looked over at Dayne, her voice carefully somewhere between excitment and joy. She was interessted in the steelpushing he mentioned. It wasn't his fault, that he had walked into a rather personal situation. @wiritospren

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"sure thing!" Said dayne without reallysing what he had done" let me just.." he took a steel vial from his belt and swalloging the content then took 3 metal coins from his bag and let them fall on the floor forming a triangle" I think is a Lot like what your friend was doing but better " he then began burning his steel and see the 3 coins he had left on the floor make a blue line to him, he don't jumped and push making him float un the Sky" see! Everybody should be able to try this" he said and began to laugh feeling the wind on his face. He then remebered that when he came Damaya was carrying some spheres and came to a conclusión"hey! Are you one of those radiants too? "

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Araha's expression turned from excitement to concern, she really didn't mean to distress Damaya this much, "I'm... I'm sorry too," she wasn't sure what to say. She wanted to give her a hug, but she wasn't sure they were close enough for that yet. She reached up to pat Damaya's shoulder, then hesitated, she really didn't want to distress her more, still this was the only way she knew how to comfort so she went ahead and patted Damaya's shoulder. "Even later, you don't need to show me. Just take your time, alright?"

At Damaya's addressing to the man, she turned too. She hadn't seen allomancy yet, and was curious to see how it would work and look.


The steelpushing was indeed impressive, but not as impressive as my own show, she though smugly. At the question, directed to Damaya, Araha immediately tensed up and stood forward, "uh, it was me, I'm the radiant, I guess." She blurted out, and it was technically true, or well, actually true.

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Damya observed how Dayne allso flew through the air, spinning and turning. It was different than the way Araha had moved, but still gracefull and he was flying. There was only joy on his face, and laughter sounded in the air. She smiled at his display and at him when he landed. It took her a while to register what he had asked and why Araha suddenly stood in front of her. Protecting her. Nobody had ever protected her before. They had all stood there and watched, waited him to finish to rush in, carry her out and clean the floor.
"Thank you."
she said quietly to the other woman and then stepped forward, until she was next to her. She wouldn't lie about that part, she never had. She had covered Coru, hadn't mentioned him. But she had never lied about him.
"I am a Knight Radiant. I spoke the first oath."
Surprised she heard her own voice. It sounded stonger and much more confident, than she really felt about the whole topic.
"So steelpushing lets you fly? And what do you need the metal for?"
she quickly asked, hoping that he wouldn't ask her to show something of her own powers.

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Araha turned to her side, eyes wide in surprise at Damaya's confidence. She was surprised, but also happy with how confident Damaya sounded. She caught on that Damaya wanted to change the topic, and Araha assisted her. "Oh, I know this!" She said, "steelpushing is one of those Metallic Arts I told y'about earlier, it pretty much allows you to push on any metals with an invisible force, so a bit like a reverse of Gravitation, I guess. Allomancers ingest metal so they can use their Investiture, like how I use stormlight."

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"exactly that!"said dayne looking at araha, he had Indeed heard what Damaya said, but for the way she said it, he decided to let it pass, he would find more about it later"  and it can do much more than flying" he took a coin from his pouch and push it making ir fly fast passing next to Damaya face" there's a Lot you can do with steel" he then use some of the velocity he had stored on his earings and rushed to infront of Araha " still is Freedom, much better than stormlight I'm sure"

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Happy about Arahas initiative Damaya picked up a coin and held it up high.

"So you could really moved this coin? And only the coin? And controll where it goes?"

she asked Dayne.


"Why do you compared freedom and stormlight?"

She asked after he stopped in front of Araha.


Ninjad :ph34r:


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"well, I mean, it's not that your stormlight Powers are bad but.." he takes a step back" but really I don't think anything is compared to steel magic" he then just smiled araha "and no, I thanks I would rather find a girl that won't send me flying out to space" it wasn't that they weren't pretty, but he wasn't looking for a girlfriend" so... Do you know how to fight?" He said looking to Damaya 

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Tena patted Achirian’s arm reassuringly and led him outside. She saw one of the young girls doing some Lashings and smiled wistfully. “Remember when you could do that?” she asked of the silent Achirian, who only stood without expression on his face. Tena sighed and left him staring at a tree from Sel, striding out into what she assumed was a training yard. 

She dropped a coin and downed a vial of Horneater lager with some steel flakes mixed in. Pushing against the coin, she soared over several trees and Awakened her pants to strengthen her. She landed on both feet, bending down and then launching herself up, Awakened pants assisting as she jumped straight up into the air and said, “Your breath to mine,” to her pants. Her spren, Iffina, formed into a 10 foot Shardstaff that she stuck into the ground under her like she had all those years ago at the Newcago Court. Grinning to herself, Tena shortened her Staff until she jumped off and the Shardstaff puffed away, turning into twin battle axes in her hands. She waved these at the girls and young man who stood there before her. 

Shifting into a fighting stance, Tena sprang at the surprised youngsters and, taking advantage of the fact that they all got out of her way, she flicked her wrist and sent four coins the ground in front of her, Pushing a coin out of the pouch at her ankle. She then Pushed against these two anchors and sent herself whirling high into the air, tapping her Steelminds and cancelling the Steelpush against the four coins, landing on the roof of the Waystop neatly. 

Another coin dropped, and Tena flung herself out into the air. Steelpushing brought her to the ground, where she frictionlessly ice-skated her way back to the other people, battle axes still in hand. “Anybody up for training?” she asked.

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It has come to my attention that Clay is a popular name. So, to avoid confusing @The Forgetful Archivist and @Snipexe any further, I've decided to undergo some surprise character development.

Clay had wandered outside, following the people, idly listening to them chat. His horse, Kicker, trotted along beside him. "People are funny," Clay noted to his companion. "Their memories are so short. It's like being in a jar of things. Things with other things." He scratched his head. "I know I had a good analogy prepared, but I can't seem to recall how it ended. That's inconvenient. Let's play the Game, that will clear my head."

Clay sat down on a nearby rock. Nearby, Tena flew through the air. Clay closed his eyes, reached into his bag, and pulled out a random object. "It's hard, but not metal. Wood? No, it's pottery. I can feel the glaze. It's roundish. This end is thinner than the other, but there's no handle. Hmmm. Feel like... I GOT IT! It's that cursed pot. The one with the black markings!" He opened his eyes to confirm his guess. "Right again. I'm on a roll this week."

He inspected the pot for cracks, rubbing his hands along its surface. "It reminds me of that jar we got in Elendel. The one with the spikes? At least that one was properly marked. You could tell it was dangerous. With this one, you'd never know. Better fix that." Clay pulled a marker from his pocket. As he did so, he accidentally dropped the pot. It fell to the ground and shattered at his feet! A black cloud of smoke erupted from it, making him disappear from view. 

Then the screaming began. 

A vision of a world of fire. All consuming fire. 

Then a star being pulled into a hole of darkness.

And a million drops of blo- Clay's body hit the ground. Dirt kissed his face. Pain flared where his horse had kicked him. His vision swam as he gasped for breath. 

Twisted limbs grafted once more.

Darkness tried to claim him. He spat in its face.

The walking stones upon the floor.

His heart raced to match the beat of approaching drums.

The storm that knocks the open door.

A torrent of water, rushing through his veins. 

The two-part harmony of lore.

A voice. His voice, but colder. AND LOUDER. Shouting in his ears. Writing the message on his brain. Burning it behind his eyes. Repeating the same mantra, again and again. Twisted limbs, walking stones. Storms and doors and lore.

Then silence. 

Utter silence

Clay opened his eyes. He found Kicker was above him, nudging him softly. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes. "I never want to do that again. Make a note of that. Then copy the note a thousand times and mail it to me every day for the rest of my life. And get me a tattoo of it, in case I ever forget to check my mail." Kicker rolled his eyes at him.

Clay grabbed the marker that was lying on the ground beside him. He scrawled a message on his chest. He then continued talking to his horse as he cleaned up the shards of pottery. "It's weird, Kicker. I've been struck by a sudden realization. A memory I'd forgotten ages ago. It just came to me, right now."

He smiled. "I've remembered my name. My real name. From now on, Kicker, you may call me Klasten."

To avoid having to reintroduce himself a dozen times, my character wrote 'CALL ME KLASTEN' in Sharpie across his breastplate. 

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Tena turned her head to the man who had just shattered some pottery on the ground, then saw him fall over. She took a surprised step backward, then flung her arms over her head, honestly anticipating poison darts or something. She put her arms back down, realizing that she was being silly, then slowly walked toward the man. Then she heard the man talking to his weird horse, having gotten himself righted. 

"It's weird, Kicker. I've been struck by a sudden realization. A memory I'd forgotten ages ago. It just came to me, right now." He smiled, then continued, "I've remembered my name. My real name. From now on, Kicker, you may call me Klasten." 

Tena froze, then dropped a coin by reflex and Steelpushed herself two hundred or so feet into the air in surprise, her equivalent of jumping when someone sneaks up on you. Falling, she growled and Steelpushed against the coin. Oddly, the trajectory of her versus the coin made her land a few feet from who she could only assume was Mace. 

Or Mace's brother, or father, or maybe even son or nephew. She growled again and clenched her fists in consternation. She then calmed herself, knowing that nearby metal had quivered a few inches away from her, and said to 'Klasten,' "First name, matey?" 


I did notice that you put the nerd war in your sig, clever guy.  Also, I'm assuming that this cat is Mace (or Mace's brother) but in a different, spiked, body. Also, Tena missed Mace a bit*, and she was practically insane at the time of Mace's death, so that's why her reaction was under-exaggerated.

*I'm known for my under-exaggerated-ness. 


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This sounds really lame, since it is my own post, but can I get a summary? How much time has past, has anyone else arrived, and did anything happen that might effect the relations between characters? Is there anything I should be worried about? Thanks!


Okay, Clay is now Klasten, as in Mace Klasten. Yay. I still am too tired to read through five pages.


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Ioc placed a bomb inside, but it was taken care of, a couple new people showed up and a few are training in the nearby forest. Mr Amber will soon join them as he is knowledgeable about all forms of investiture and can help train people. Lots of character conversations and character development.


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I have no clue how my character is related to Mace. I'm making this up as I go. I think I'll use this opportunity to have him go to Mace's grave, if I can find the time to read through the sidequest thread.

"First name, matey?" asked Tena.

Klasten responded instinctively. "Wrong! Matey Klasten would be a stupid name." He paused to think. "Actually, it might be Matey. It could also be Mark, or Melon, or Marmadooki. I can't seem to remember it at the moment. Isn't that strange?"

He blinked, and in that brief moment of darkness, a vision came to him. An inscription, carved on the finest stone. Then he opened his eyes, and the image was gone.

"There's something I need to do," he said. "I need to go. It's important, but I'm not sure why." He gestured for Kicker to come to him. "I keep getting the sense that I should... I should remember. But I'm not." He trailed off as he adjusted his horse's saddle. He probably shouldn't be riding in this state, but a something deep inside of him was compelling him to go, like an itch that needed scratching.

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"Maybe your name started with an M," Tena suggested. "But it probably wasn't Marmadooki, honestly." She gave him a searching look and noted that he was fidgety. "Do you want to go Mace Klasten's grave? Or where he died?" Tena asked these hopefully, and thought that the grave might be empty. Maybe. Hopefully, though the pieces of Mace she'd seen sixteen years ago weren't much to put on a kandra. 


I'm giving you ideas. 

WAIT WAIT WAIT, this Klasten could be a mistwraith that was spiked with Mace's memories and given his skeleton. 


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Mejin had dropped Pry off a decent walk from the Waystop, claiming “it builds character.” By the time it came into view, she was feeling tired. When she finally arrived, she was completely drained. 

Pry sat down on a rock outside of the building. She glanced around. There didn’t seem to be any immediate threats - unless the man with ‘call me Klasten’ written on his armor counted. No one seemed to notice her. 

The midday sun began to beat down on her, so Pry lowered her body temperature and let heat drain into her brass earrings. Then she pulled out her file from her bag and began to sharpen her nails to pass the time. She’d come Acute time like always, much earlier than necessary.

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