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To Action (Cool, yet unimportant)


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Okay, so you know how all the prologues in the front five will be a different character's POV on the night of Gavilar's death? Well, I noticed a small but neat thing.


The first prologue, with Szeth, is called, "To Kill".


The second prologue, with Jasnah, is called, "To Question".


So, with this being the start of a pattern, I'm thinking all of the front five prologues will be called "To X", with X being the action they take in the chapter.


Of course, the only one that seems obvious for a prologue title is "To Die" for Gavilar. However, I have a few ideas for the other characters there. I don't know how well they'd work, though.


Elhokar - To Converse


Dalinar - To Regret


Eshonai - To Fear


Liss - To Watch


Aesudan - To Waste


Navani - To Learn


Sadeas - To Curse


I don't know, but it sounds cool.

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Shallan: To Be Confused, Because I'm Not Even in Alethkar!

Rock: To Horneat

Lopen: To Glow

Moash: To Vengeance

Tarah: To Remain Unknown (frustratingly for the Shalladin shippers)

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Hoid- To Be Absent


Yeah, where was Hoid?  He has this time-space traveling power that allows him to appear at every important cosmere-related event, but doesn't show up at the infamous feast that set up the appearance of the everstorm (and the imminent destruction of Roshar).  What's up with that?

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Yeah, where was Hoid?  He has this time-space traveling power that allows him to appear at every important cosmere-related event, but doesn't show up at the infamous feast that set up the appearance of the everstorm (and the imminent destruction of Roshar).  What's up with that?

We don't know for sure that he wasn't present. We may see his presence revealed in a future book, just as we didn't know Nale or Liss were present before WoR.


Speaking of Nale:


To Judge

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Stick-To stick


You know what I want now?


I want that blasted stick to be the thing that finally gains all the powers of all the Shards and ascends to true godhood over the entire Cosmere.


And still just say "I am a stick."  Because, why not?

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The temple will be made of sticks, with hidden speakers slowly chanting, "I am a stick. I am a stick. I am a stick." A giant glass ball with a stick suspended within shall be our idol, and a small photo of Brandon Sanderson will be affixed to the bulletin board by the door.

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Yes, the interred would have a bush planted above their corpse. Small sticks would be broken off from that bush, and kept in a ceremonial stick-holder by loved ones in the shape of an unlit fire, demonstrating that that their deceased family are now One With The Stick, Not The Fire.

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Cremation would be absolutely disallowed. I am stick, not fire.


No, The stick will master fire.

It can be set among the fire, but WILL NOT become fire.

"I am a Stick."

It will be upon fire, and the fire will be upon it, but it will not burn.

Thus will you know it's message be true.


"I am a Stick."

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The stick might burn in a brave attempt to save it's followers, however the fire will die out and it will still remain a stick. Church of the Survivor Stick.



On a related note....this stick thing is honestly starting to creep me out. But if I snap it, I get shards. If I burn it, I *still* get a stick. There is no way out. Someone want to start an anti-stick mafia with me? Someone? Anyone? No?
Shall I just hope that is it content in it's stickness in the lonely Frostlands, and has no further plans for world domination? I mean, I can hope, right? Right? maybe?


I should probably just run for it.

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