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Long Game 4: Colours of War


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This is the second time that People Have just voted for whoever Voted first. Yesterday Bart nearly went to the Gallows because he voted first. The Only Suspicions against me are that I'm too focused on Killing Hallandrens, But as I've said, Losing Breath is better than losing the Merc! We Don't even have to Kill Chid if you don't want, We can force a deadlock, but Please don't kill me!



"Aili, If I do go to the Gallows, don't let anyone who voted for me eat at the Red Salmon for a Cylce."


If you guys can use Children and Puppies to prove your Innocence, I can Blackmail people with Delicious Food.

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"Thank you, Jeo. I think I'll need help making sure their stares don't kill me."

I am changing my vote from Bartholomew to Dyrri. Don't take this as just a bandwagon vote. I thought about it and realized that I don't think Pahn Kahl would be willing to give three Breath up to Aodan since he is known to be Idrian and not PK. Dyrri, while not necessarily evil, his thinking hat method of choosing is probably not helping us and is a strange way to vote, which if not backed with any reason, can't help us.

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Elo's hand hurt.  His brain hurt.  Accusation were coming thick and fast, Jeo and Chide were coping the brunt of the hate (OK maybe hate is a touch melodramtic, I but I am an Artiste, and a slave to my muse :) )


Neither canidate seemed particularly lynchable in Elo's eyes.  Jeo still hadn't got a decent supply of booze in though Sifa had sworn she would sort it out.  Chide was MIA.  Sure Rowan had "claimed" to have seen Chide curled up in a ball after he had been to the hostpital and saved all the orphans from hunger and boredom with kittens and rabbits (or was that Cog?)).  Didn't matter to Elo, both of them were goody too shoes hippys more concerned saving orphans and begger children than soting out the problems the village had.  Which were in order of importance to Elo were:


good music,

decent microbrewery competition,

Crime (sorting out the appaling murder rate). 


Music he had sorted, he could outplay the Idrian god Austere, or any of the Halladren Partheon on any instument, day or night, whether in Georgia or D'Relin.


Decent microbrewery, he would turn his hand too, once he rebuilt his house. Maybe he shoudl remodel his basement while he was at it?

Crime, well, dress it up as you want to, but alongside the nightly deaths, the villagers seemed intent on commiting a murder a day.  Elo was as bloodthirsty as the next (wo)man in the village, proabably more so, but recent events involving near death experiences had mellowed Elo slightly. 


Elo couldn't lie to himself. 


"Chide I will call for your head and continue to call for it until you speak up, to someone other than Rowan about something other than a snake".

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That's overstating things a little, Joe. You've acted very erratically, and more than a little suspiciously, but the position against voting for you isn't as strong as I'd expect if you were Pahn Kahl. This, in itself, proves nothing.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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"I Can't stand it, I Don't want to die, But How can I possibly Justify Killing someone else to Protect my self? Chid, I Doubt your Evil, so I won't vote for you, But Dyrri, You're voting for people based on what Harry's Hat tells You? The thing tried to put a Hero in Slytherin for Dobby's Sake! How smart can it be?"

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Alan hadn't wanted to join these people's mad games, but the action was getting out of hand. Accusations flying everywhere, the stench of blood all around. And he could see Joe in front of him collapsing into madness. Ranting about Slytherins and insane things that didn't exist. He had a family. A wife, two children, a dog. He had a messy library fool of books to sort. A lord back home. All awaiting for him. He had to stop this war, no matter what it took, or they'd die. He had to join the fight.


He walked up to Jeo, who ranted madly, and slapped him in the face.


"Jeo. The streets run red with blood and this is what you do? I am shocked with you. You sound like one of them, stirring up a fight, throwing out everything to seal your death. Our lives matter not, when a war is at stake. What do you have to say for yourself?"


Your conduct feels a bit off to me, with your past and your high desperation. Could you do a good roleplay to indicate your innocence? If you are guilty, I would hope your guiltiness would shine through.


Edit blue


edit probably shouldn't type at 5.46 am. fixed guiltiness stuff.

Edited by Nepene
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Your conduct feels a bit off to me, with your past and your high desperation. Could you do a good roleplay to indicate your innocence? If you are guilty, I would hope your innocence would shine through.


Jeo Reeled back from Alan's Slap. he listened in Horror at what Alan was saying. Him? Stirring people up? He had devoted His Lief to this Town, he hadleft Idris to Live here to Foster good relations with the Hallandren. He was trying to save his own Life now! Of Course he was Desprate. 7 people wanted him Dead! Jeo picked himself up off the ground and looked Alan in the Eye. "You have a good Slap Sir. I'll not Argue with you, You're doing what you Think is best for the town, Well So am I. And how were my 'Rantings' Insane? I Just want to Survive, and with the blessings of the Survivor, I Will Sir!" With that, Jeo strode back into his Restaunt. He had done what he could, and the dinner Crowd was in, and there was food that needed cooking.

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"Ali, you make a good point.  I personally wouldn't want someone to vote on people's death's based off of a talking hat.  The very idea is crazy!  Dyrri, would you care to explain your actions?"

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Yeah, that doesn't look hugely convincing to me. I'd have thought someone who was actively dedicated to Idrians or Hallandrens winning would be able to make some more coherent argument as to how they were working for the good of their side because they'd be emotionally invested in their actions and would already have some cohesive narrative in their head (as I do for my actions). It reads rather more like someone who isn't really supportive of the town and is just going through the motions of pretending. My vote stands.


He shouted after him as he left.


"Our lives mean nothing, against the bloodshed that could come after. I do my best by offering my all. What do you offer? Prayers to some non existence being? Austre is the only god. I don't know what survivor you mean, but your pagan gods have no place here!"


Turning heel, full of rage, he stormed off.

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Wow, I didn't notice that each cycle's name has the name of a surge in it. Tension, transformation, division, cohesion. That's cool!


:) I have been wondering how many people were aware of this, and how long it would be before someone actually called me out on it in thread.


I'm still a tineye at heart ; )

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Summon let most of the noise in the room wash over him, partly because he couldn't bare to hear the accused plead, but mainly because he was lost in his own thoughts. The decision had already been made hours before but following through was proving difficult.

He hadn't really discussed things with Bartholemew but the man's actions earlier in the day had worked right into plans Summon had already been working on. They really needed to make sure Aodan was protected and Summon now had the ability to give him that protection. Knowing what to do and having the courage to act were two different things however.

Very few people likely realized that the simple messenger they sat next to had been a powerful awakener. True, he'd lived many lives, some more prominent than others but he'd enjoyed the lack of any real responsibility this one had offered. That is, until the events of the last few days. Not once in all those lives had he contemplated giving up his breath. The thought of doing it now was terrifying. What's more, he was actually thinking about giving his breath to an Idrian. An Idrian!

Aodan had walked out a short time earlier in a fit of frustration at the continuing circus and for a few minutes Summon toyed with the idea of putting it off until later that night. He quickly fought back that temptation though. He had other things to accomplish that evening and Aodan needed the protection as soon as possible.

When Aodan returned to the Red Salmon a short time later, Summon caught hold of his attention and gave a slight nod. Summon could see both excitement and trepidation in the man's eyes. He was an Idrian and a monk after all. Accepting even one breath would be bad enough but the amount he was about to hold was blasphemy. Regardless, Summon knew Aodan was a good man and would do what was necessary to keep people safe.

"You ready?" Summon called out to him, a slight tremor noticeable in his voice.

"Only if it is what you truly wish." Aodan replied as he glanced around at the quiet that had spread across the room. "You know I would not ask this of you."

"it needs to be done and holding onto them as long as I have was already dangerous enough. You need them more than I do."

"Very well."

Summon gloried in the life that flowed through him for one last moment then walked over and clasped hands with Aodan.

"My life to yours, my Breath become yours."

Summon watched as his precious breath flowed into the monk and he felt the change immediately. Just two days ago, he could have named each person in the room with his eyes closed. Now, he could barely tell one hushed whisper from another. Everything in the room was suddenly less vibrant and the various awakeners were as ordinary to his eyes as a drab. A part of him immediately regretted the decision and wanted to beg Aodan to give it all back.

Summon could see the utter bliss written on the monk's face and completely understood. He'd known that same feeling only a few days ago but was doing his best not to begrudge him. Thankfully, Aodan quickly hid his joy once he noticed how distraught Summon was at the loss.

"I will try to be worthy of it"

"Just stay alive and find these colorblind cowards." Summon stepped in closer so his words wouldn't be overheard. "And I expect you will return what's mine once this is all over."

For now, though, he needed some time alone to come to terms with his new station in life. He gazed around the room and wondered which faces wouldn't be there tomorrow. How had everything gone so wrong? There was nothing else he could do today so he walked out of the restaurant to face a colorless sunset and another long night.

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"Chide's stupid snake?" Jeo said. "Yeah, I was watching it, but I asked Dyrri to feed it for me. It turns out he never did. Apparently he was just stuffing the food into some colorless hat he had with him."

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Gammer threw down her embroidery and crossed her arms in a pout. She couldn't keep up with all of the accusations flying back and forth!

Fools!, she thought, bickering amongst themselves like surly children, changing their minds like fresh linens. She was still not sure what to make of the proceedings for the lynching. She noticed the priest had voiced suspicion of Dyrii, but Gammer wasn't quite convinced. She wasn't going to condemn a man to death without him defending himself -- even if he was last heard rambling on about magical hats. Who was Gammer to scoff at such talk whilst living in a paradise of Awakened inanimate objects and revived bodies lumbering about. If somebody wanted to give the Command to their hat to 'Sort', let them.

But Jeo, however. Gammer had listened to his rantings all day long, and felt something about him was off. She sighed, knowing the price that had to be paid for find out if her hunch was right or not.

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Yeah, that doesn't look hugely convincing to me. I'd have thought someone who was actively dedicated to Idrians or Hallandrens winning would be able to make some more coherent argument as to how they were working for the good of their side because they'd be emotionally invested in their actions and would already have some cohesive narrative in their head (as I do for my actions). It reads rather more like someone who isn't really supportive of the town and is just going through the motions of pretending. My vote stands.


He shouted after him as he left.


"Our lives mean nothing, against the bloodshed that could come after. I do my best by offering my all. What do you offer? Prayers to some non existence being? Austre is the only god. I don't know what survivor you mean, but your pagan gods have no place here!"


Turning heel, full of rage, he stormed off.


Full points for commitment to your cause, but I feel I should point out that you're on the wrong side of the border to be claiming Pagan gods.


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Full points for commitment to your cause, but I feel I should point out that you're on the wrong side of the border to be claiming Pagan gods.



As an Idrian, I am fully allowed to criticize other Idrians who have taken to worshiping powerful biochromatic beings, like this so called Survivor. False gods who pale before the might of true gods, like Austre.


Edit. Not that there are any gods other than Austre of course. But if they were, they would not be called the Survivor.

Edited by Nepene
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Well done guys. Immediately after someone says 'no bandwagon votes', you managed overnight to bandwagon Dyrii for no reason other than Aonar voting for him. I know we don't have truly damning evidence for anyone yet, but I'd hope you want some evidence. Just because the only known good guy votes for him doesn't make him evil.


Same for you guys who jumped on my vote for Chide. People seem to like jumping on my votes for inactives without a reason (well, other than 'he's inactive so no loss'). I'd find it suspicious if it weren't for the fact that the Pahn Kahl would probably prefer to lynch someone active.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Wyrmhero: People will vote for whom it makes sense to vote. There's no point if everyone votes for different people. If someone votes for one person and someone else agrees with their logic, they might as well vote for that person in order to help move things forward.

That said (sorry, once again no time for RP), I retract my vote for Chide and now place my vote for Dyrri.

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