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Tension on the Horizon

Lord Meeker


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"Lopen, we can't have everyone be multiple types of investiture, there will be massive interference between systems and people wont be able to do anyone thing effectively. Its better to get people to master what they have instead of trying to get them to be varied."

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KAABOOOM!!!!!!!! A very loud explosion sounded in Tevarah's head. We did it!!!!!!! He proclaimed, we finaly have shardplate. Tessi hows our bond?    Umm good I think Tessi replied I feel very powerful actually. Taking the form of a full grown woman still glowing slightly red, she walked over to Tevarah reached her hand out and touched his arm. Tev!!! she exclaimed, I can actually touch you. This is very weird, Tevarah stated, something must have gone.... Umm can you go through the account again when Odium corrupted you.            So I was bonded with you at the point of my transformation, but somehow since our bond wasn't strong back then Odium was able to slip inside and get me, I fought him off the best I could, but he left residue. Which is why, Tevarah interrupted, that I can kill lie and steel without ever breaking our bond. Yup pretty much Tessi said with a nonchalant voice. Ok so we just did something though, I mean Tessi a storming explosion sounded in my head! Well I dont think you can complain because you have shard plate. I guess that's true but what about you can you shift? She tried successfully changing back and forth from different weapons. Well umm I guess we will have to just see what happens, Tevarah said, just let me know if something changes. Ok Tessi replied, I can do that.


Sorry if this is to long but I thought it relevant to my story (because I wanted shardplate) and I dont know what the fourth ideal is for wind runners but whatever.


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'Apologies. Let me just use this to change that.' Lopen takes out a modified flux capacitor, speeds up to 16 miles an hour, and goes back to before the Investiture comment. Thankfully one of the modifications on the flux capacitor (before it broke after the time travel) was erasing past selves. 'Mac will train those who do not use the Metallic arts in their field.'

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Rhazien turned back towards Yzabet, eyes ablaze with anger.

"Pride? That what this is about. Leaving because I wanted to be in control and have power?" He whispered. "No. That is not why. I left TUBA because of what I saw. What I saw coming. There is a power out there, Yzabet. If we- I don't stop it, there will be no Alleyverse left. The force, can not be named now for it will bring me unwanted attention. It is attracted to the end negativity of the Worldspike. If I don't change it, it will seize the power within and annihilate everyone. It is a force more powerful equivalent to the wrath of Odium! Gathering investitures in my only hope to stop this destructive force! I tried to tell you, and the rest of TUBA, but you were all too infatuated with bringing down the Dark Alley! Nobody could set aside their differences long enough to listen to me!"

His whisper had turned into yells. He glared at Yzabet, anger, fury, and malevolence flowing through his as though stormlight was flowing through him. He checked to see if he was indeed glowing. Then he remembered he didn't have any stormlight on him. He would need to gather the Selish investures and quickly, time was running out.

"I will be forced to conquer the Alleyverse if the Dark Alley, the Canton of Combat, The Underground Bakery Association, The Ghostbloods, both groups mind you, and the Liebrary refuse to cooperate for the necessary and common good for the people! I can't let what I have built, accomplished and loved be destroyed." His voice fell back to a whisper at the end.

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Yzabet stood still, recovering from the outburst, then spoke slowly.

"I..... I'm not sure that you need to do this. It's not as big as you think it is." Or maybe it was. That's not why you are here, Yzabet. Yzabet shifted her posture to something more confident. "No, you won't do any of that. You're a good person, and you don't need to do this." Storms, I don't know how to respond to this. Any of this. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. What do I need to say? What does he need to hear?

"You're coming with me before you do something drastic and stupid. I'm not letting you do this. You aren't well. You're coming now." She hadn't meant to put so much force behind it. Rhazien was scaring her. She was used to the fluctuating, wild temper, but this felt different. She needed to take him somewhere safe, for both of them.

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Septimus had grown tired of waiting. If the monks were going to ignore him, then he would ignore them in turn. He formed handholds in the wall and climbed over it, finding a spacious courtyard with statues of Jaddeth. Rhazien stood there. Changed. Another stood in front of him. Septimus yelled at him. 

" Storms man! You've gone too far! You've betrayed your oaths and accepted Dakhor?!"

Edited by Blazenella
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Lopen felt something their family was known for: knowing where they are needed. 'Guys you've progressed a lot over the past few hours, but we need to go. I'm transporting all of us to the Jaddeth statue courtyard of the Dakhor monastery. Tap on these Aon Tias when I return.' Lopen teleported to Elantris, grabbed Voidus rock with his new body and returned. 'Let's go guys.' Lopen grabbed Voidus, and as they all simultaneously tapped the Aon Tia they were transported, and came upon Rhaizen,  Septimus, and another person. 'I love the smell of Dor in the morning.'

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"Rust and Ruin," KoTiel thought, shocked. "He didn't expect Lopen to drop them right on top of Razhien." Luckily he was already wearing the body of the priest. He distanced himself from the rest of the group, finding a small doorway and moving towards it, hoping to avoid getting caught up in a fight. If he was to be any help, he needed to blend in, and avoid getting caught. "Rust, I told him I can't fight," he muttered.

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There were, all of the sudden, people. LOTS of people. This wasn't good.

"Rhazien, we're going right now." Yzabet insisted, grabbing his arm through the crowd and dragging him towards her. With her right hand she drew her sword from her belt - not Jael, but a normal bastard (hand-and-a-half) sword.

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Tevarah was done, done waiting he was just too sick of it and and just can't do it!!! Tessi we gotta go there's something happened I can feel it. But Rhazien said to, No stop Tevarah shouted I'm done. He ran up the stairs and burst out the door and ran right into a man wearing messenger clothes. Oof!!!! The messenger fell but with stormlight Tevarah stayed up, he saw a flash of metal in the air he reached out and caught it, then he was no longer in the same place.

Tevarah looked around apprehensive what just happened Tevarah wondered, he summoned Tessi as a short sword and looked around he saw the leavings of a army, but no one was here he saw weapons and a table with a bunch of metal chips like the one he grabbed. Look there he said to Tessi dismissing her, ooh we could go back home she exclaimed. Umm lets try. Tevarah grabbed the metal.

People lots of people, wow!! Tevarah thought, this is not home!!!


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I got the thing figured out, so what would be a good way to show up? My character was just fighting people her Spren (Honorspren) didn't like at the end of calm before the storm. That works, right? I think so.


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That was sudden, Aaric thought. He ducked around a corner to take some time to plan out his strategy. Unfortunately, he ran right into a monk who started, then began glowing. 

Storms, why does so much Investiture make people light up like broams? he wondered as he reached out with his right hand, Verdant Aether extending to grab the monk, Tern coalescing into a Shardblade in his left. That was one of the disadvantages of the Aether (along with its unpredictability) - it was attached to his sword arm and he was still working on left-handed wielding. 

When the first tendril of Aether touched the monk's skin, it dissolved. Unexpected, but Aaric quickly switched his blade to his right hand and swung at the monk, catching his left leg on the downswing. The monk collapsed on his now useless leg letting Aaric finish him off. He continued quickly down the corridor, the eyes of the monk still smoking behind him.

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Septimus strode forward. Calm. Collected. But a tempest within. He recognized Yzabet as another radiant. 

" Why do stand by him? A man who betrayed not only moral ideals, but his own!" Septimus continued forward, people appearing behind him. So be it. " Rhazien says there is a storm coming, one that only he can stop. He says he wants us united. We have. Against him." Septimus " Don't try and stop me." He dashed past Yzabet, tapping Steel. He formed rock around his shoulder and slammed into Rhazien. He heard his Dakhor bones protest, but they didn't break. Septimus threw his hand forward, sweat lining his face as he concentrated. He managed it only with Zinc. A ribbon of white hot glowing sand streaked forward towards Rhazien, the fury of the Dor trapped inside of it.

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‘Storming Autonomy,’ Lopen cursed, a thousand ribbons of sand rising out of the various compartments in his suit, ‘Corrupting people into stupidity.’ As Lopen said this the ribbons lunged forward, at first lightly pushing Yzabet out of harm’s way, and then creating a cocoon around Rhazien, sand entering every orofice and being pulled back out through organs and skin. As a Dakhor monk launched himself at Lopen Lord Chimpington cast an Aon Sheo at him, killing the acolyte who had not been given Aonic invulnerability. As all the action was taking place Jaddeth’s statue opened its eyes. The thunderclast had arrived, and it was ready to fight.

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Ninja'd, but whatever.

Jael formed into a shield. She blocked the sand as Yzabet stood over Rhazien. This just got dangerous, far more dangerous that she thought that it would. Increasing Abrasion on the outside of her feet and decreasing it on the inside, Yzabet dragged Rhazien as she skated across the courtyard. She didn't know what she was doing anymore, but this was it, apparently. 


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Vatheson plucked Rhazien from Yzabet's grasp. He looked at the Yzabet with an amused look on his face. He focused on Rhazien. He handing a bag to Rhazien, presented him his sword Ragrell and other weapons. Rhazien caught the bag. The bag clinked, rocks against metal and glass. Investiture. He opened it, revealing his metalminds and spheres, and Vials of metal. He quickly downed one of the five vials and placed his metalminds on his right arm. He breathed in his stormlight as was curious to find him glowing two different colors, blue and violet. Stormlight and Voidlight. He placed his weapons in their normal spots.

"Atha better now than never," Rhazien said to the air.

Atha obliged forming a black shardblade, it looked different with red wavy lines on the blade, his armor was the same way.

"We have company," He nodded to the door where Septimus and the others burst from in hot pursuit.

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Quickly moving through the hallways, KoTiel came across a group of monks. "Why are you going this way," the monk at the head said, eying KoTiel suspiciously. "We have to secure the other areas of the monastery," KoTiel said. "They just teleported in, who is to say that they only appeared in the courtyard. We have to split up, send people to other areas, to make sure the entire building is secure." He walked away from the monks, and saw them splitting up as he rounded the corner.

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1 minute ago, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

You’ve forced my hand, Lopen thought. ‘Order 87’ Lopen screamed, casting a shield over everyone in his team. The thunderclast nodded, and the statue froze. Instead, the monastery sunk into the ground, Rhaizen’s frozen hand rising out of the stone, his fingers barely quivering.


???????? What happened to people being too OP? Should I make Yzabet more OP to make up for you guys being OP?


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Have you read the end of the previous thread? Mac also showed up in this one with around 60 spikes, although I don't think he has taken them into battle.

Edit: What I mean is that this could have gone worse, although I agree with Blazenella that those actions are over the top.


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