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103% Accurate List of Things that will happen in Stones Unhallowed


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Dalinar confesses that he doesn't remember his wife, only to find out that her name actually is "Shshshshshshsh".



Kaladin decides to say the Fourth Oath to get enough power to defeat Emperor Lirin. However, when he learns that it's, "I will not go after my friend's girl", he refuses to say it.



Lopen is part of the 11th Radiant Order, the Ganchos.



It`s revealed that Odium wants to destroy the Cosmere because he got friendzoned by Cultivation.



Lift gets a Shardfork.




I wanna see that being made into a movie.

Edited by Spark
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- Nalan is also in possession of a giant block of ice in which Spock has cryogenically frozen himself.


Also, don't forget the part when the piper in the night appears and the entire third section turns into a musical with attached sheet music, to be written by Howard Tayler.

My favourite song was when Kaladin reacts to Shallan being stuck in the carriage exclaiming, "don't put Baby in the corner", before singing "I've had the life before death" to the tune of "I've had the time of my life" in a duet with Shallan.

Edited by Cromptj
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Wasn't this the book where Lopen found Nightblood on the ground and traded it away for 3 donkeys and Odium quit his role as the bad guy to follow his dream being a interior decorator ?

I wonder how you guys will react when you find out that Adonalsium shattered because he ate his frozen yogurt too fast.

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Wasn't this the book where Lopen found Nightblood on the ground and traded it away for 3 donkeys and Odium quit his role as the bad guy to follow his dream being a interior decorator ? I wonder how you guys will react when you find out that Adonalsium shattered because he ate his frozen yogurt too fast.


And the shards are the shards of his umm... throne

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My wife and mother-in-law just asked "what are you laughing about over there?"

I told them that they could enjoy it too after I read both Stormlight books to them and then let them read the list, no takers... but I won't give up.

Kaladin refusing to say the 4th oath about had me in tears, kudos!

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So is this or is this not a confirmation that Stormlight has an intoxicating effect? Because if so, Kaladin is about to become the poster child for "Be safe: Don't drink and fly."

It's not that Stormlight has an official intoxicating effect. It's just that Lightflame is crazy. His entire purpose on this forum is to come on every now and then and post something insane from the recesses of his mind, whatever he is on.

I must say, though. With Lopen out glowing now and other squires, the Cobalt Guard may well need regulations to prevent alcohol-induced flying crashes.

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you forgot the part where cultivation faced odium about the voidbringers and started singing put those things back where they came from or so help me. after this odium breaks down in tears for the beauty of the song, thereafter he is reduced to talking in bad puns.


it turns out that the desolations were actually of smaug and that tanavast was not killed by odium but died of a stroke upon hearing szeths song.

Edited by Matrim Bloody Cauthon
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