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Your favourite moments in WOR? (spoilers)


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My eyes dripping water why moment - Wit Shallan flashback (I can't resist some saying a sad person to hang on in so toucht way)


This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules moment- Szeth "new sword" taking about crossover


I told so moment - Jasnah epilogue


Better interection  - Kaladin x Shallan clasm 


HAHAHA moments - Lopen's (especially the last)

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Also did anyone else feel a bit like they were in Neverending Story near the end and start shouting at their book  'THE WORDS KALADIN!'


Absolutely this.


I went from pleading to the book to crying (manly tears, mind) and dancing around the room.  Such a great scene.


Also, the Nightblood reveal made me drop my book and go "Holy F".  That was such a big surprise.

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Kaladin side:


She looked gorgeous. Kaladin was willing to admit it, if only to himself. Brilliant red hair, ready smile. She said something clever; Kaladin could almost hear the words. He waited, hoping that she’d look toward him, meet his eyes across the short distance.

She didn’t. She rode on, and Kaladin felt like an utter fool. A part of him wanted to hate Adolin for holding her attention, but he found that he couldn’t. The truth was, he liked Adolin. And those two were good for one another. They fit.

Perhaps Kaladin could hate that.

He settled back down on a rock, bowing his head. The bridgemen crowded in around him. Hopefully they hadn’t seen Kaladin following Shallan with his eyes, straining to hear her voice.


Shallan side:


He grinned, Shardplate helm hanging from his saddle so as to not mess up his hair. She waited for him to add a quip to hers, but he didn’t.

That was all right. She liked Adolin as he was. He was kind, noble, and genuine. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t brilliant or . . . or whatever else Kaladin was. She couldn’t even define it. So there.

Passionate, with an intense, smoldering resolve. A leashed anger that he used, because he had dominated it. And a certain tempting arrogance. Not the haughty pride of a highlord. Instead, the secure, stable sense of determination that whispered that no matter who you were—or what you did—you could not hurt him. Could not change him.

He was. Like the wind and rocks were.


So something is going on here, I think romance will happen here. 

as I wrote in another thread, Adolin now is the only in his close family who isn't a KR. add kaladin and shallan to the mix and his recent murder and you get recipe of doom.

If adolin will not get bonded I see him ask Kaladin for the honorblade. and you all know what will happen if Adolin will get his hands on the blade. not good things, not at all.

And I don't think Dalinar will want WindRunner powers from the blade(at first at least), he is a  bondsmith after all.

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I really don't want to see the story go that direction... Adolin going Whiny because he's not a radiant would just be annoying. And I hope the Kal Adolin Love triangle never gets touched. Ever. Kal can find a nice girl that isn't Shallan.


I think it'd work better at this point if he ended things between Shallan and Adolin, more than not putting Shallan/Kaladin ever together. After seeing their characters interact in the chasms, they complement one another way too well. I'd prefer no love triangle, they almost always turn out poorly, but I think Shallan and Kaladin make a much better pairing than the superficial one between Adolin and her.

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A scene that stuck out to me was Shallan and Adolin talking on the terrace while waiting for the highstorm. Adolin admitting to messing in his Shardplate had me in stitches.

The final duel between Szeth and Kaladin above the clouds was simply stunning to read. Boulders and storming PLATEAUS flying up at them while these two flew among them was something I never dreamed to read.

The Lift interlude was pure awesomeness.

Adolin fighting Eshonai. The mini-flashbacks to Adolin bonding with Sureblood were heartbreaking.

I really enjoyed Rysn's interlude, too. Anything about greatshells, I find fascinating. Between gemhearts and the way the santhid rescued Shallan, there has to be something important about them. And what's up with the larkin?

Nightblood making an appearence was entirely unexpected, and I loved it.

All of these secret societies popping up like cremlings. Ghostbloods. Sons of Honor. The Diagram. I want to know more!

There were so many scenes that had me shaking or tearing up or both. Impossible to name them all. Absolutely loved reading this book.

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Absolutely this.


I went from pleading to the book to crying (manly tears, mind) and dancing around the room.  Such a great scene.


Also, the Nightblood reveal made me drop my book and go "Holy F".  That was such a big surprise.


This was my exact reaction lol. Oh what a great bounty of manly tears to be had that day.


But seriously, I had no idea how much I missed Syl until that moment. Syl defying Stormfather for Kaladin made the book for me.

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One of my favorite moments in the book was while Shallan and Kaladin were in the chasms, where they are having the conversation about how "spoiled" Shallan had been. When he looks into her eyes and sees that she has seen the same sort of horrors as he has and is just as broken, yet she smiles through the pain. This moment to me is a major turning point for Kaladin, he realizes that just because his life has been hard doesn't mean that he has to be a complete chull to everyone.

I also absolutely loved multiple scenes that have already been mentioned :)

I realized Kaladin must be some kind of genius to figure all that out just by looking into her eyes.

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The final duel between Szeth and Kaladin above the clouds was simply stunning to read. Boulders and storming PLATEAUS flying up at them while these two flew among them was something I never dreamed to read.


The duel was pretty much something straight out of a Wuxia flick.  Admittedly, films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Hero, typically have their combatants spend more time bouncing off of small tree branches and water instead of staying up in the sky for long periods of time.  But that definitely seems to have been the inspiration.

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Yeah, that would make for a VERY cinematic scene. Dueling with shapeshifting weapons while falling sideways along the front edge of a hypercane, instahealing with glowy magic.

Also, I find it interesting that Kal seems to be able to absorb Light directly from the stormwall...

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Shallan demanding Kal's boots was hilarious!


Kaladin and Adolin's moments: on the training ground when Adolin was so certain Shallan went there only for him and how Kal mocked him; the 'playing on of the ten fools' and 'welcome to the party' arena scene.


Hoid and Jasnah in the epilogue


Lopen regrowing his arm back


Kal realizing Elhokar was Dalinar's Tien

Edited by Aleksiel
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When Kaladin finally realised what he had done wrong and spoke another ideal, (seriously? Is anyone else going to say an ideal before Kaladin reaches the last one?) I did a happy dance and cheared louder than when England scored in the football. Unfortunately, it was 4am.

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When Kaladin finally realised what he had done wrong and spoke another ideal, (seriously? Is anyone else going to say an ideal before Kaladin reaches the last one?) I did a happy dance and cheared louder than when England scored in the football. Unfortunately, it was 4am.


Dalinar said the second Ideal of the Bondsmiths! And Pattern has told Shallan that the Lightweavers don't have ideals after the first, they have to confront truths. We will have to wait and see how far dear, sweet Renarin has gotten with his oaths.

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Szeth's reaction when he realized Kaladin was a Windrunner, and learning a bit about why he was named Truthless.  


Adolin's "I knew it" moment when Kaladin shows up and saves Dalinar.  


All of Shallan and Kaladin's interactions. 


Young Shallan meeting Hoid. 


Finding out what happened to Gaz.

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One of the best parts: 

The Lopen sucked in Light.

It happened in an eyeblink, and then there he sat, Stormlight streaming from his skin.

“Ha!” he shouted, leaping to his feet. “Ha! Hey, Chilinko, come back here. I need to stick you to the wall!”

The Light winked out. The Lopen stopped, frowning, and held his hand up in front of him. Gone so fast? What had happened? He hesitated. That tingling . . .

He felt at his shoulder, the one where he’d lost his arm so long ago. There, his fingers prodded a new nub of flesh that had begun sprouting from his scar.

“Oh, storms yes! Everybody, give the Lopen your spheres! I have glowing that needs to be done.”

I went Fu** YEA!, now Lopen can marry the king's daughter(if he had one).

Edited by shinintendo
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Shallan's winning over of the deserters to her side was pretty awesome  :D


The flying fight between Szeth and Kaladin though was just WOW! I was engrossed, I mean I couldn't sleep!

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