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All the Things That Start with S


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Brandon seems to really enjoy giving things names that start with the letter "s".  Planets, People, Books, and Things.  So I thought it'd be fun to make a thread that lists All The Things that start with S.  Some of the ones I remember are

Sel, Scadrial, seons, skaize, spren, Stormlight, Shalash, Stormfather, Silence Divine, Shadows for Silence, Shadows Beneath, Shadows of Self, Secret History, Stormlight Archive, Suri, Susebron, Shard, Splinter(ing), Sliver, Shattering, (Cognitive) Shadows, Shades, Shadesmar.  Oh, and of course, SANDERSON.

What are some of the ones everyone can remember?

(Note, this isn't a criticism.  Brandon puts a lot of work into linguistics and names.  It's just a funny thing that I noticed.)

Edited by RShara
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Skyward, skymark , starsight .

Santhid , surgebinding, shardpool , shardplate, shardblade , sylpherena ,sylblade, stormfather ,shock Spren , starspren, Shan elariel ,Sazed, Steel ministry , steel Inquisitor, Sazedium, southern dominance , southern isles ,seran, Sadees the sunmaker, Steelheart, spensa, Silence mordane ,Spike ,Sela tales ,Steen , sesamalex dar, Steamwater ocean , southern depths , Shallow crypts , shulin , Sea of souls , the scar constellation , salavashi trench , sea of oracle's , smoulderbrand channel , salumon the third tower , Sebariel , Simol, Smokeform, Stormform, Song of secrets, Scholarform,Singers, Shamespren, Subsumers, sparkers, sentries, soulbearer, skimmer, spinner ,  Shash, sky eel, Straff, Steinel , Sea of Yomen 

Edited by PrinceGenocide
A little polishing
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7 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:


Skyward, skymark , starsight .

Santhid , surgebinding, shardpool , shardplate, shardblade , sylpherena ,sylblade, stormfather ,shock Spren , starspren, Shan elariel ,Sazed, Steel ministry , steel Inquisitor, Sazedium, southern dominance , southern isles ,seran, Sadees the sunmaker, Steelheart, spensa, Silence mordane ,Spike ,Sela tales ,Steen , sesamalex dar, Steamwater ocean , southern depths , Shallow crypts , shulin , Sea of souls , the scar constellation , salavashi trench , sea of oracle's , smoulderbrand channel , salumon the third tower , Sebariel , Simol, Smokeform, Stormform, Song of secrets, Scholarform,Singers, Shamespren, Subsumers, sparkers, sentries, soulbearer, skimmer, spinner ,  Shash, sky eel, Straff, Steinel , Sea of Yomen 

A lot of those were already mentioned, but gah yeah. That's...a lot. LOLing at Brandon :D

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12 hours ago, Honorless said:

Silnasen, Stormwardens, Shshshshsh, Strifelover, Singers,...

Shshshsh made me lol unexpected,  thanks for that. :lol:

I will add Rock's family: Song, Star, and little Song.

Edited by Zelly
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6 minutes ago, Brightness Warrior said:

I'm not certain if that counts, because that's really just the transcribed expression of the sound of rushing wind, which is just a placeholder/representation of Evy's name.

Totally counts.

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