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17S Words of Radiance review


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Lucky bastards =) Having read the book first =)


Good to know that the fan liked too, professional reviews are always suspect to me =)


Now the hyper are doubled =)


PS: WOW damnation after read your review I got goosebumps man, I NEVER had goosebumps reading a review. =)

Edited by Natans
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Okay, now I'm HYPED!!


I identified with the review, Chaos, way too much for my own liking.

I, myself, didn't like tWoK too much at my first read.


"Too slow!" I said, "no awesome climax at the end like Mistborn". "Half the book are people standing still and talking!"


But my reread was deep and I loved it.

I have inmind that Brandon gave us enough basis, background and theory in the first book, and that now all that's left is ACTION AND PROGRESS!!


Looking forward to it. Loved the review!

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Okay, now I'm HYPED!!


I identified with the review, Chaos, way too much for my own liking.

I, myself, didn't like tWoK too much at my first read.


"Too slow!" I said, "no awesome climax at the end like Mistborn". "Half the book are people standing still and talking!"


But my reread was deep and I loved it.

I have inmind that Brandon gave us enough basis, background and theory in the first book, and that now all that's left is ACTION AND PROGRESS!!


Looking forward to it. Loved the review!

I agree with you and Chaos on TWoK. 


This review got me much more hyped than the TOR review.

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This is the kind of review you don't want to read because it makes time move sooo much slower. 10 more days of waiting here on my side of the world.

We anticipate that it's going to be awesome, but actually reading the reaction of someone who has read it and confirms what we believe is a lot for my heart to take right now.

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I'm so, so hyped.


But... with all this talk of Shallan's "haunting" flashbacks, I'm almost wondering if I shouldn't go slow and take three days to read it. Current plans are to nap after work and then read it from 10 PM my time when it comes out to 8 AM of the next day. Having time to digest individual parts of the book might be the best way to do things.

Edited by Moogle
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Aw man you're killing me. I can't remember ever feeling this much anticipation waiting for a book to be released.  

I know, I'm a really big GRRM fan but I don't remember being this hyped up after a 6 year wait for aDWD. (granted there were a ton of podcasts out at the time obsessing for me so I could listen to those and it was like a release valve)

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Well that did nothing to help me. I was really excited before, but now I cannot even express how excited I am. Usually a book this length would take me about a month to read. From everything I've heard, I may make it through WoR in less than 2 weeks. I know that is downright slow for many of you, but that is ridiculous for me. I only wish I had the time to take away from my life to get it done in less time. I may actually have to reread it very soon after release too, also very rare for me, seeing as I have so little time. I cannot comprehend how someone can possibly read a 1088-page novel in 12 hours. In 12 hours I will be 300 or so pages in. How is it possible to absorb anything at your pace????


Woe is me, I guess.

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So Shardblades are really bad news for some reason, which explains the spren reaction...that could mean ...Odium could...ah!!


Storm it, I can't wait another week!

Also note the "intentional" part could be to troll you ;)

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You know, it's best not to get too hyped before reading something. Getting too hyped increases the possibility the book will disappoint you.


Are you saying WoR won't answer all of life's questions and turn lead into gold? I am disappointed now. ;)

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Out of five stars, this book is ten heartbeats, with a 2:1 stars to heartbeats ratio.

So it's 20 stars out of 5? That's insane!

Seriously cannot wait for this book. I spend every day trying to avoid the forums and focus on other things to make the days fly by, and 10 minutes later all I can think is "wonder if there's a new theory"

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You know, it's best not to get too hyped before reading something. Getting too hyped increases the possibility the book will disappoint you.


........ too late now =(


I blame Chaos, until his review i wasn't so ansious =)

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Chaos, give me your book or I will drive down there and take it.


I think Chaos should do a podcast in several parts and read us a bed time story.


How well would you sleep after hearing WoR, I wonder.

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Well I have to agree with you the book was quite awesome, having got my hands on one just recently around noon actually this book was remarkable and upon reaching the ending I am very very frustrated, mostly because I didn't want it to end, but alas that is taken from me.

this line is from WoK not WoR

"What is it we value" Wit wispered,"Inovation. Originality. Novelty. But most importantly... timelessness."

if you find this must be taken down feel free.

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