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Long Game 3: Blackwater Village

Peng the Just

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The Day started Yesterday, at 11:40 in the Morning, lasts for 36 hours, plus the Extension. we have 15 hours. Hopefully we can come to a Conclusion by then.


In Defense of Mac, I contacted him early on, and he hasn't steered me wrong. any Information I've gotten from him has been proven Genuine, I don't think he's Spiked. And if he is, I'll Haunt him for the Rest of This Game. Unless he dies before me of Course.

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Wark went looking for Mabi.


"Mabi, if it is me and you today, and even you are spiked, I want to thank you for your kindness, it has been more than I deserve.  I want to tell you all the rest of my story, as my time may be short."


Four and a half years ago


"You KNEW that the smelter was going to blow?" Maggie screamed "And whats more, you set it up? What were you thinking Wark?"


Wark cringed away form the anger taking it in, feeding off it, letting it fuel his depression.  How could he tell her that Maeve had put him up to it that everytime he was around Maeve his emotions weren't his own, that he didn't care at the time.  He did now he hated mistings adn mistborn almost as much as he hated himself.


"You don't think though do you, always wrapped up in your own plans and schemes, your next drink, never thinking of me and the kids.  AND NOW YOU"VE KILLED MY BOYS!!!"


Wark let Maggie hit nad hit and hit and hit, he wished that she had a knife, she could see it in his eyes.


"You don't deserved death" she sneered.  If I have to live with the consequnces of your actions, you do too."


Six hours later


Maeve creeped up behind Wark


"Guess who" she purred.


"Gerra way frum meh ya freak.  Me boys'a dead cause'a yeh" Wark screamed.


"But Wark, I thought you loved me?"


"Oi neva loved ya, though ya made me think it, an' stop tryin'ta do it now.  Oi'm through with ya and yer lies"


"I used you yes Wark, but you wanted me to use you.  I couldn't make you do anything you didn't want to do. That you are resisting my advances now is proof of that.  I am sorry about your boys, but your actions and your loss have helped the rebellion.  Take this"


She handed Wark two small peices of black metal. 


"It should more than compensate for your loss"


Maeve dropped a coin on the ground and took off.  Once she was goen and Wark had stoped shaking, he picked the coin up and went home. 


I'll leave tonight he thought to himself. 


12 hours later.


Baldrick cought up to Wark where he had passed out and curled up next to his master.


Three years ago.


Wark didn't mind the daily beatings at the plantation, the physical pain distracted him from the emotional one.  The bruises and broken bones hurt but healed, his soul did not.  When the pain wasn't enoguh, he drank, which was more and more often.  Cyrus came and liberated the plantation.  Wark followed because he couldn't lie down and die, he was too mcuh of a coward for that.


"Most of you have known me since then though this is likely the first time you have seen me sober.  Do as you will, I am simple man, a drunk and a coward.  I might never be able to forgive myself for my actions, but I forgive you, spiked and non-spiked alike for yours".

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Alvron, that's cool but Aons are from Sel not Nalthis.

So, Joe, I'm suspicious because there's no reason to be suspicious of me? That doesn't make much sense to me. You can check with Gamut though, I've been in contact with him for a while and have proved myself to him multiple times. I'm not going to reveal anything more, until it is needed.

I'm changing my vote from Mabi to Vizzini.

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Votes so Far

Mabi(1) - Mac

Wark(2) - Vizzini, Dane

Mac(2) - Selvar, Meta

Clan(1) - Alon

Vizzini(1) - Maw

I'll officialy Retract my vote for Maw. I was just voting for you because no one ever had, so you'd never had a reason to defend yourself.

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Gamut, a lot of people are claiming you as a reference.  Can you please indicate who you have been in contact with whether said people have been useful/honest.  Roles need not be mentioned.


Full disclosure, Gamut PM'd me, I told him my role, and have been neither help nor hindrance, he can vouch for that. <_< 


See what I did there. :) 


I am voting for Vizzini.  Tit for tat etc.etc.

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Just to straighten up what Vizinni said, I wouldn't necessarily call what me and him been talking about 'plotting'. I've really only asked him for his Role, and how to use it once or twice, being as vague as possible as to why I'm having him do that.

So, if that's 'plotting since the beginning of the game', then yeah, I guess me and Vizinni have been scheming things up. Same with Xaneth before he died, we only shared a few PMs, mostly about his Role and how to use it.

To be clear: There are only a few, select people that I will actually "vouch" for, and that's because they have been Seeked and Verified. But obviously I am not going to disclose their names to the Public, to keep them safe from the Spiked.

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Yeah that doesn't clear you Vizzini. Even if you don't have any strong ideas it really helps for you to post your suspicions and join in the vote. The simple truth is that if you don't help the discussion a good amount and join in the voting then you are doing very little to help us and we lose little if you die. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to vote for you or not just yet but if you do live through this you may want to consider if you want to be more active in the votes.


I'll vote before sleeping, once I've thought a little more. I'm not going to have a go at Vizzini and then not vote myself, don't worry :P


Edit: OK. The evidence against Vizzini isn't quite strong enough to get me to vote for him, quite. Sorry Mac, but you come in as being the most suspicious here. It would also help, now that we have got a good discussion value out of today, to move away from a multi-way tie.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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I understand. It's a wasted vote other than what we find out based on the vote, but being a regular villager has it's curses (no way to be seeked and verified, I could just be a smoked spiked).

My only argument about voting Mabi is that I have been calling for the vote on nearly every post I make. As far as Bandwagoning Asp... I was the 4th to vote out of 12 people... So, if you call that being the bandwagoner then I don't know what you would say about the other 8 after me...

I am going to switch my vote from Mabi to Meta.

If I am to die, I want to get my suspicions out real quick.

Meta: Joe and I were invite into a group with Arst, Meta, and Asp. Asp left and Meta argued that this made him not spiked because who would leave a group. Also, he is by and far the most experienced out of all of us, and with his suspicion lists is somewhat playing us like a fiddle. Everyone is following his suspicions almost to a T.

Mabi: She has dodged the chopping block for a 3rd time now. If there is anything I've learned from watching the previous games, this is a red flag. Just keep and eye on her.

*EDIT & NOTE* I could vote Vizzini or Wark and make it a 2 way tie but there is no point. Someone is going to die and it's probably going to be a villager. If I die at least we aren't risking losing a allomancer. I do feel bad for you guys now though, who is going to do all of your heavy lifting?

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We really don´t have any hard evidence against anyone at his point, so most of us (me included) are just hoping to hit gold (well whatever metal their spikes are made of, I guess) with our best guess. Lets see what we learn today, cause I doubt that we hit another lucky spike, though it may be the divine compromise for Über-Tin.

To be honest I´m also interested if Meta is proven to be clean.


Alvron, no offense taken. If we want in continuity I guess we just say that the captain of the guard has ultimate authority on his men because Dane is only our fake-noble. Might work this in in a future roleplay post but I´m short on time today, so it has to wait.

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Night 5


It seemed as though everyone wanted to make up with the lack of voting the day before by arguing over who to kill all day long. Mac sat in his house, listening to everyone argue in the streets. He heard his name a couple times and understood that this day would probably be his last. He held the stone medallion he had purchased from forage. After hearing Meta denounce Forage's goods, and the death of forage himself, Mac realized that the medalion didn't have any magical properties, but he couldn't bring himself to throw it away. It was really the only thing of any value he'd ever owned.


   The door crashed in and the villagers came for him. As a hand reached for him, Mac instincively grabbed for the wrist to protect himself. There was a snap and a scream. Mac looked up, realizing he had accidently snapped Meta's arm bones. The arm hung at a horribly unnatural angle.


"I'm sorry!" Mac said "I keep forgeting how stong I am"


No one seemed to be listening to him. The villagers murmured among themselves. Mac heard the words "monster," "voilent' and "killer" multiple times. Everyone leaped for him at once and dragged him off to hang him. The medallion fell from Mac's hand as they dragged him through the street. He struggled, trying to pick it back up, but he was dragged passed it by the villagers and hung.


Mac was a regular villager


the votes:

mac(4)-clan, meta, selvar

wark(0)-vizzini, dane

vizzini(2)- maw, wark


clan(1)- alon

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When Raubber finally reaches the tavern, he sees everyone arguing on who might be a spiked. Sighing, he walks past them, into the tavern, and heads towards the bar. Seeing it empty, he grabs a bottle of something, that was still half full, and downs a quarter of what was left. He then proceeds back out to the graveyards, taking the bottle with him.

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Looking at the write-up it looks like Vinizzi and Dane are Emotional Allomancers?  Unless there is more than one person that is a Soother since we already kinda killed the Connector.


Also the Seeker can seek me, but you won't be able to tell the difference than between me being either an actual villager or a Smoked character, unless you guys are confident that you know all of the Smokers and that they aren't Smoking me.  I'm not saying that I'm Spiked, rather that the Seeker might find it more beneficial to Seek someone else.


Going forward my plan is that Mabi will not vote, unless situations prove dire for my character, or my character role.  I'm hoping that in saying this it makes it so that neither side has incentive to kill me, since I will still be active and reading these posts and posting from time to time.  It could be that my logic is flawed that this makes you lot want to kill me anyways.


Mabi was still emotionally confused.  Somehow after still having three votes against her at the beginning of the speech afterwards she found that all the votes had changed to other targets.  She felt relief that it was not her time to be lynched, although she did feel survivor's guilt that Mac, such a strong and standup young stud had died in her stead.


She slowly eased back more into the bench that she was sitting in, thinking about the events of the past couple days.


First Cyrus had died.  Despite her and the other villager's efforts he had fled safety and had been ambushed.  Then the someone else had killed Dryrii (The Coinshot) that same night to the detriment of the villagers.


During the following day had been the first time that Mabi had been voted for.  By her count it should have been either herself or Erendi that would have been lynched.  Something had happened then where the crowed led by Meta that had hung Erendi instead of her.  To their surprise upon looking at his dead body they had found a huge metal spike impaled through his chest, something that Meta and several others referred to as the Spiked.  It seems that the Spiked were the traitors responsible for Cyrus' death.


That night Mabi had spent living life to the fullest.  As serendipity had it nothing of importance had happened. (Someone was Lurched and saved by that lurch.  Raubber took damage, but did not die making him either a Thug or a very very fortunate Bloodmaker.)


The next day the villagers were ecstatic that no one had died, and Mabi herself had been in good spirits.  She missed that young caravan work hand, and hoped that he'd come back soon.  Still the events of the following day had led to the death of Asp yet another Spiked with the powers of a Mistborn. She recalled that one of the three people that had voted for her on the first day. For reference those three were Asp, Xaneth, and Clan.


She had been injured in Asp's death throes and had passed out for a while. Waking up the following morning to find that both Bartson and Forage had been killed.  She'd been told that both of them had powers.  She mourned the loss of the two men, who had provided her shelter from time to time over the years.


Perhaps in pain at losing two men, or something else.  Mabi had voted against Xaneth, reasoning that as Asp had voted against her perhaps the others that had voted against her were also guilty.  When Xaneth had been killed and someone someone announced to them that he was a Connector, she was grief stricken.  She resolved not to cast a vote against another person again, save to save her own life.


That night there was another killing, and Arst's body was found with a spike in it.  Three of the Spiked were dead.


This last and more emotionally trying day Mabi watched as votes and suspicions were cast, several of them falling on her.  But ultimately they had killed the young stud Mac who proved to be innocent.


She snapped out of her reverie, and got out the bench, trying to get indoors for the coming night.  Bartson's was empty, and she felt that she need some time alone to sort out her emotions.

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Vizzini was fine with Mabi, in many ways he liked her. He just did not know her position. For someone who prided himself on his intelligence and zinc, this was unacceptable. He wanted, no craved, information. With Xaneth dead, he needed a new ally.


Yes, I am one of the rioters. And am feeling remarkably stupid for revealing such...

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Vizzini, is that a subtle way of saying that you are a Rioter?

Mabi, I was under the impression that Smoked people show up as Smoked or no result, not regular villagers. Can any previous Seekers confirm or deny? If it is how I imagined then Seeking would prove roles if someone showed up as a villager.

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Well, that's good to know, but not necessarily safe.

I found the vague answer to my question.

The Smoker is undetectable and he can extend this power to one other person each night. If scanned by a Seeker, the smoker or the person encompassed within his coppercloud will show up as nothing.

Nothing as in nothing or as in no special powers. I think it's worded a little vaguely.

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The Votes After the Night:                    The Votes Before the Night:

mac(4)-clan, meta, selvar                     Mac(3) - Selvar, Meta, Clan

wark(0)-vizzini, dane                             Wark(2) - Vizzini, Dane

vizzini(2)- maw, wark                             Vizzini(2) - Maw, Wark

meta(0)-mac                                         Meta(1) - Mac

clan(1)- alon                                         Clan(1) - Alon


I soothed Mac, who Voted Meta. Either Vizzini or Dane Rioted Clan into voting Wark,  and the Other was soothed by a second soother. This is the Only thing that makes sense. Meta or Selvar is another connector, because they're vote counted twice.


EDIT: Organized list Better

EDIT: No one was Rioted.

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Meta looked down at his broken arm and time seemed to slow down. 


"This mustn't register on an emotional level," he thought to himself. "First, take deep breaths to help keep the body from going into shock. Next, find something to wrap the arm in. Find a sling so the arm can hang relaxed, taking the pressure off of the muscles. Finally, calmly locate the town doctor and have him reset the bone and apply a cast."


Meta could see himself mentally preparing each step. He looked dignified and suave as he tackled each task with the grace and intelligence of one that knew what he was about. 


Then time caught back up with him and it was time to put his plan into motion. He took a deep breath and...


"OWWWW!!!!!" He screamed as he ran around the room, flailing his broken arm around wildly, which coincidentally made it hurt even worse. "AHHHHH!!! OW! OW! OW!!!!"


He actually did manage to grab some cloth, purely by accident, but instead of wrapping it around his arm and making a sling, he stuffed it in his mouth and bit down as hard as he could. Even muffled, he still kept screaming, tears leaking down his face. 


Finally, he ran for the door. He tried to open the door with his broken arm and only managed to bang it against the door, releasing another wave of agony. His knees gave out and thumped to the floor.


When he did manage to get the door open, he crawled in the direction he thought it was to Selvar's residence.... 


He was going the wrong way. 

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As They All left Macs House, with Joe and Raubber Carrying the body of Mac, They Passed by what appeared to be another body, but it was Just A Gagged, unconscious Meta.


Gamma Sighed, and Picked up Meta, stacking him on top of Mac, then helped Joe and Raubber Carry them both to the Graveyard, which Conveniently for this RP, was right next to Selvar's House.


As Gamma hurried Meta inside, for what ever medical aid Alcohol and an absent Doctor could provide, Raubber and Joe started Preparations. Raubber Dug the Pit, as Joe made more Wooden Stakes and Molten Aluminum. Then they Buried Mac with All the Dignity they Could.


"Stars and Stones. I told you guys Mac was innocent. He's been with Cyrus nearly as Long as i had. You only killed him because he wasn't a misting or very Active in hunting the Spiked. But Come on, we should at least wait for Gamma's Informant to give us a good accusation first. Gamma, I know that if you gave us the List of People who are Safe, the Spiked would Target them, but can you tell us the names of all the People who haven't been seeked and haven't told you their role? That would at least give us somewhere to start."


"Also, We've all been taking Drinks from The Lurcher without Paying. If we don't Pay, Alon won't be able to ship more Drink in. So (EDIT) if you have one, then(|EDIT) Pay your Tabs People!"


EDIT: Maw, Good Job, I also do not Consume Alcohol, being Thoroughly addicted to Ice cream and Soda.

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