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Long Game 3: Blackwater Village

Peng the Just

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The setting: Tired of being oppressed by the nobility, Cryus, a Mistborn skaa, led escapes from several major plantations. You were among the escapees. He gathered the skaa, and together you founded a self-sufficient remote village in the eastern dominance. You named it Blackwater after the nearby river that is always a dark greyish black color because of the ash.  After fourteen peaceful years, suddenly people are being killed under mysterious circumstances. Cyrus has called a town meeting in his hovel to discuss the murders. If you want to play, make a post with at least your in-game name and a village role, such as cobbler or farmer.
The roles:
 THUG: They can survive a single attack. If they are killed during a night or day cycle, they survive and this will be revealed in the write up. If they are attacked again, they die… finally.
TINEYE: They are messengers and are capable of writing messages to the town while remaining anonymous. Each night, they can send a message to the Game Master. He will then post it within the write up at the end of the night. As long as the Tineye is alive, players can send Private Messages back and forth. Once he dies, he can no longer deliver messages, so no more PMs.
SMOKER: The Smoker is undetectable and he can extend this power to one other person each night. If scanned by a Seeker, the smoker or the person encompassed within his coppercloud will show up as nothing. Alternatively, the Smoker can turn his coppercloud off. This would allow them to be scanned. In addition to being undetectable by the Seeker, the Smoker and his target are unaffected by emotional Allomancy. As long as the Smoker is using their coppercloud, the Soother and Rioter cannot change their votes.
SEEKER: The Seeker can sense when someone is burning metals. In fact, he/she has gotten so good that they can tell whether someone is spiked or not, or even if they are a feruchemist! Once per night, the Seeker can target someone to learn their abilities and alignment.
COINSHOT: The Coinshot does what they do best. They push metals around; specifically into other people’s bodies. Once per night, the Coinshot can target a person for death. Unless otherwise disrupted, that person dies.
LURCHER: Where the Coinshot pushes, the Lurcher pulls. Once per night the Lurcher can target someone and that person will be saved from death. Lurchers can target themselves.
SOOTHER: Their ability to dampen emotions puts them and the Rioter in a very special position. During any time during the day round (up until the round ends), they can negate one person’s vote. The change will be anonymous, but since I will be posting voting results at the end of each day, those that are observant should be able to tell whose votes were changed.
RIOTER: The Rioter works in a similar fashion as the Soother, except once during the day round they can change one person’s vote. Using this power does nullify their own vote, though. They are still capable of voting, but their vote will not be counted. The change itself will be anonymous, but since I will be posting voting results at the end of each day, those that are observant should be able to tell whose votes were changed.
MISTBORN: They have the abilities of all of the above, but will only be able to use one per cycle. At the beginning of every night, the mistborn gets to pick which allomantic ability they get until the next night. The mistborn cannot choose that same ability until they have used all the other abilities at least once.
CONNECTOR (DURALUMIN FERRING): A connector can store their influence. During the day cycle, they can choose to make their vote not count. If they do, they can later tap it to make their vote count extra. The connector can store any amount of influence, but can only tap it once per day cycle. In other words, they cannot make their vote count more than double.
BLOODMAKER (GOLD FERRING): A bloodmaker stores health. During each night cycle, they can store health. This makes them extremely fragile during storage, and they have a one in ten chance of dying of something boring, like a cold or falling off a stump, but later they can tap their goldmind to survive attacks. Tapping a goldmind will last through the night and next day cycle, but will only allow the bloodmaker to survive one attack. The charge in the metalmind is lost whether or not the bloodmaker is attacked.
REGULAR VILLAGERS: You have no special powers, but you still get a vote every day. Who knows? Perhaps you were meant to be the one to save the town! Not all stories are about the strongest people in a group.
SPIKED: Beyond possibly having one of the above roles, you can hear Ruin talking to you. He’s told you who else in the town is spiked and together you’re to make sure everyone dies. In return, you will be spared. Your goal is to kill one person per night until you outnumber the villagers. Special note: no matter if the Tineye is alive or dead, people who are Spiked can communicate to each other in the spiked google doc.
1) these game roles are very similar to the roles for game 1, in the wake of the koloss, but there are some major changes. They are in bold.
2) This game probably won’t start fully until after Devil’s Den ends, but a lot of people seem to be eager to sign up, so here you go.
3) I apologize in advance that the write ups won't be as good as meta's
4) There are no 'safe' roles in this game. The spiked could have any role.
 List of Villagers:

  • Gamut - Ex-pirate. Jack-of-all-trades
  • Clan - Grumpy old farmer deceased spiked tineye
  • Joe - Town Metallurgist
  • Maw - Middle-aged farmer
  • Meta - Wannabe Detective
  • Bartson - Tavern owner deceased mistborn
  • Alon - Traveling Tradesman deceased regular villager
  • Wark - Scarred *Hopeless Drunk
  • Selvar - Town *THE Doctor
  • Asp - Town Peddler deceased spiked mistborn
  • Lents - Town Tinker
  • Dane - Fake Noble
  • Raubber - Town Undertaker
  • Erendi - Liar with a mysterious past deceased spiked
  • Xaneth - Shady Wanderer *Professional Spy deceased connector
  • Mac - Town Giant deceased villager
  • Dyrii - Master Thatcher deceased seeker
  • Arst - Town Warrior deceased spiked seeker
  • Forage - Master Merchant (maybe Worldhopper) deceased smoker
  • Vizinni - A Foreign Lord
  • Mabi - Town Seamstress
  • Chidden - Young Hero

thanks for the list, gammut

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I'm in, hopefully I'll survive the first night this time :P


Clan is a grumpy old man, he helps out in the fields when he feels up to it. He was old enough when they left the plantations and is self professedly too old to learn any new job.


His hearing isn't very good any more and he has a tendency to mutter to himself, but doesn't realize that his muttering is easily audible. To represent this I will be adding text in white to each post to represent his grumpy mutterings. (Nothing that I type should be taken seriously, it is just Clan being a grumpy old fart ;) )


What doya think you're lookin' at? The game aint started yet.

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Joe is in, He was on of the First to Follow Cyrus to Freedom, and now serves as the Town Metalurgist. He is very Honarable and will not Reveal who is buying what Metals, so Stop Asking!!! In addition to his metals, he sells Metal Bracelets and cool Goggles that make it look like you have Spikes in your eyes. He also Loves making Powerpoints about What he knows, because Lists and Tables are Inferior...

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Yes! More secret messages! :)

I'm in again.

Maw is a farmer in his early thirties who grows plenty of crops. He is pretty well-to-do being one of the very few farmers in Blackwater. He's quite arrogant and dislikes the poor and beggars. He is a bit resentful towards the older members of the town as they don't have to do any work and still get fed. (This is all his opinion. If he seems very stuck up and/or rude to a character, that is just RP and not actual game stuff.)

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I should refrain, as I will be gone during the middle of the game, I'll be visiting friends during the week of Spring Break, but I can't help myself. Besides, I'll still have my phone and I'm sure I'll be able to get to a computer every now and then, just don't expect too much from me during that week!



Meta fancies himself the next Sherlock Holmes of the village, but really he just stumbles around and yells "Element-tary!" at people. Half the reason the village hasn't thrown him out yet is because his erratic actions provide a bit of comic relief. The other half is that he does tend to get lucky with his random guesses every now and then. 

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Yes! More secret messages! :)

I'm in again.

Maw is a farmer who grows plenty of crops. He is pretty well-to-do being one of the very few farmers in Blackwater. He's quite arrogant and dislikes the poor and beggars. He is a bit resentful towards the older members of the town as they don't have to do any work and still get fed. (This is all his opinion. If he seems very stuck up and/or rude to a character, that is just RP and not actual game stuff.)

I...foresee Maw and Clan not getting along well.


That upstart should learn some respect for his elders!

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Bartson is the rival tavern owner, keeping a friendly competition with his presumed neighbor, Dyring. 

I'd love to play, but once again, if space is an issue, I'm fine with letting someone else go this round.

(Hey Meta, what would I have to do to be the next GM? I'm a little jealous of Ping ;)).

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Meet Gamut, his name means the complete range or scope of something, and the name couldn't be more perfect. Gamut has spent his whole life running all sorts of odd jobs. His set of skills is quite impressive, and is very knowledgeable on a lot of subjects.

He likes to tell people the more exciting times of his life was when he was part of a crew that hijacked and robbed the various merchant ships that used to travel the various canals of the Final Empire. After losing a few too many friends he settled down and retired to a backwoods village in the far reaches of the Eastern Dominance, Blackwater Village.

He had spent the last few years believing he was safe, and his old enemies were left way behind. But after the course of recent events in the village, he wasn't so sure anymore.

Edit: As other people have said, if space becomes an issue for the game size, feel free to cut me to make room. I've already got one (almost two) games under my belt. Definitely let some other people in on the action first.

Edit: TL;DR - I am an ex-pirate named Gamut who has a very wide range of skills.

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Bartson is the rival tavern owner, keeping a friendly competition with his presumed neighbor, Dyring. 

I'd love to play, but once again, if space is an issue, I'm fine with letting someone else go this round.

(Hey Meta, what would I have to do to be the next GM? I'm a little jealous of Ping ;)).

Just let me know and I'll add you to the list. This goes for everyone, so if you want a shot, feel free to let me know either via PM or during the Sign Ups/Aftermath of a game. 


Edit: Added your name to the list, Bartbug. You can find the GM list in the General Rules thread: here.


Side note: Since I will not be GMing this game, but I'm effectively, kind of, sort of a Mod for this sub-forum and we're using a lot of the other colors for things like OOC, lynching and so on, I'll be using this golden-ish color when I'm speaking from my position as such. 

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I...foresee Maw and Clan not getting along well.


That upstart should learn some respect for his elders!

That was a main purpose of my choosing that prejudice. I think it'd be fun to have a relationship like Dyring and Hero have had in these past games. I hope you don't take it personally, gramps. Some of us have to work for our food.

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Delivering goods to and from Blackwater, Alon leads a small team of wagon drivers and guards.



Due to me still being alive in the second game and with WoR coming out soon I have no problem being bumped out if room is needed for someone else.

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Are we going to wait for the Previous Game to Finish Before Starting this One?



Also, how do you use spoilers and Colors?

[spoiler*]this is a spoiler[/spoiler*]

[color*=#0000ff}] this is blue[/color*]

[color*=#ff0000}] this is red[/color*]

[color*=#00ff00] this is green[/color*]

remove the stars and you get

this is a spoiler

this is blue

this is red

this is green

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Wark is a one eyed farm hand with burns across this face, chest and left arm.. He lost his eye and his sons in a botched tap in a tin smelter where he was foreman. Rather than face his wife and his daughters, he fled east and worked the fields until Cyrus lead him further east to Blackwater. The tin that took out his eye remains in the socket fused to the bone, a grim reminder of his past. He shuns responsibilty and drinks heavily.

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I would love to join, but alas, I must decline. Life is too busy, and I am already occupied with narrating two Mistborn Adventure Games over at steelministry.com. Besides, even *I* don't want to have to try to match the legacy I left behind with my Tin Messages in game 2!  :rolleyes:


Best wishes to JasonPenguin and all the players though!

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Asp is the town peddler, that is whenever he is in town. Some say that he is crazy. He's constantly heard muttering about "past lives" one in which he says he was a member in a gang of criminals. He says that in one past life he took on an Inquisitor, all by himself, with nothing but a wooden fork, a clay pot and a quill. he says that in another he beat-up a Koloss, or rather half-a dozen Koloss, in a drunken bar-fight. He says that he's half Kandra on his mother's side, and half noble, quarter Koloss, and an eighth Terrsiman on the other. He also says that he's able to burn lead, and is constantly seen ingesting the stuff... that about explains everything...


(Peng, if you want to free up some spots in this game, in case more people join, don't hesitate to kick me from the game. I suppose that you'd want to keep this game to less than twenty players.)

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Lents the tinker. If you have it, he'll fix it, for a price. He'll take whatever junk he can get and work them in his tinker's shop. If you visit, sometimes it feels like those metal statues...watch, somehow.

Lents tends to wear his prized possession, a jeweler's lens, quite carelessly. Miraculously, it hasn't broken.

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wow. a lot of people signed up really fast.  :)  as a side note, the village could use a fake noble that they use whenever they have to buy supplies from outside the village if anyone wants that role

Then I shall "sacrifice" myself and take on that role. Dane The fake noble of the village that works out the contracts for the goods that Alon´s caravan transports. His resemblance to his noble father greatly helps him in this undertaking.


As another player of the last two games I shall also over to step back in benefit of others that did not have a chance yet.

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Oooh, my initial reaction is that I want to play, but I'm already so bad keeping up with the current one. It doesn't help that my current character is actually really boring to role-play. Just put me on the list of potential boots if it gets too crowded.


Erendi is a tall and rather distracted young man. He apparently has trouble remembering where he is from, because nearly every time you ask him, his story changes slightly. He is also oddly well educated for a simple herdsman. Even a drugged mistwraith could see that he is hiding something.

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     Xaneth surveyed the city below. He'd never seen it during the day, just on the nights he had reported to Cyrus about the surrounding area. Xaneth hadn't seen any Steel Ministry members for almost a month, since the last one whose body would wash up downstream in a few days. He checked his various small obsidian blades hid all over his body, making sure they were all in place. He also checked the various poisons he carried with him. Good, he thought, ready to enter town. Now to determine strategy... Bold didn't suit him. He hid in his long cloak and strode down to the local inn. Lurcher's Inn, the sign read. He booked a room, and then went downstairs. He listened quietly, trying to determine who would be potential allies. His master Dust had taught him that, before Dust had left for "important business in Luthadel". Hmph, just looking for an excuse to leave his apprentice destitute. But Xaneth had survived, and now he was much better off than the 'worldbringer' he could have been.

    This Erendi character, something seemed off. Xaneth sat down at his table. "So, are you from here? I'm new to the town, looking for employment." Xaneth waited for Erendi's response, fully aware it would be different from the two stories he'd heard told before. This one has secrets I could use, he thought.


18th Shard is in. Peng, would you mind making me a Spiked? I love manipulating people. ;) 


Oh by the way, how are you going to kill Cyrus? Cyrus will die suddenly in the intro day, I'm assuming. Probably dramatically. :lol: 

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