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Quick Fix Game 28: Minimalist Elimination


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QF28: Minimalist Elimination

Silence is golden.

  1. This game is a roleless QF game. Each Turn will last 24 hours. It will begin at 21:00 GMT on Wednesday next week.
  2. Each Turn, the player with the most votes (or a player randomly chosen between tied players) will be lynched and an Eliminator (chosen in sequence) will be asked to kill a player.
  3. There will be a number of people selected as Eliminators, and everyone else will be Villagers. The Eliminators will know who their allies are, but unlike normal games, they cannot communicate in secret.
  4. The game ends when the Eliminators equal or outnumber the Villagers (Eliminator win), or the Eliminators are all dead (Village win).

But that's not too interesting - What's the twist? Well, there are two twists, you'll be glad to know. One large, and one small.

The small rule change is as follows: Instead of the GM posting the votes for the lynch each Turn, a spreadsheet will be provided with far more information. The first tab will be a summary of how the votes ended each Turn, which is basically your lynch summary that you get in normal games. The other tabs will be a list of every vote that player made each Turn, and whether or not they were retracted. Therefore, all the previous turn's information will be available for everyone at all times at a glance.

The large rule change is that players may only post one of two things in the thread - 'Voting for [Player]' or 'Removing vote from [Player]'. Not even RP or bluetext is allowed. You also may not vote for a player and then remove that vote from the same player within the same post.

Therefore, this game is designed to have analysis easily accessible, and to require less time commitment from everyone. It will also test your ability to manipulate people and figure out peoples' alignments solely with votes, and not with words. 

The game will begin at 21:00 GMT on Wednesday next week


Player List

  1. phattemer
  2. Roadwalker
  3. Steeldancer
  4. Lemonelon
  5. A Joe in the Bush
  6. Crimsn-Wolf
  7. Kynedath
  8. Sart
  9. Straw
  10. asterion137
  11. Alvron
  12. Darkness_
  13. The Young Bard
  14. BrightnessRadiant
  15. Araris Valerian
  16. Droughtbringer
  17. StrikerEZ
  18. Madagascar
  19. livinglegend
  20. Orlok Tsubodai
  21. Jondesu
  22. Haelbarde
  23. Devotary of Spontaneity

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12 hours ago, Wyrmhero said:

The large rule change is that players may only post one of two things in the thread - 'Voting for [Player]' or 'Removing vote from [Player]'. Not even RP or bluetext is allowed

In this sense this will be similar to Doc and Alexis' game a while back?

I was always sad at dying real early that game.

Most of the reads and interactions and crap and such and such will probably come from PMs then...

...this game will be interesting. You know why? cos Imma just PM myself!

Oh yeah, Phallus McFallacy is joining.

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10 hours ago, Kynedath said:

I assume PM's are out of the question?

Correct, there are no PMs either. Players cannot interact with each other except by their votes - And any attempt to circumvent that will be considered attempting to break the rules of the game.

It amuses me that you guys are naming yourselves, when the whole point of this is that there is to be no RP and no writeups ;)

As for whether or not it's similar to Doc and Alexis' game, I don't know, you'll have to tell me which one that was.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmhero said:

As for whether or not it's similar to Doc and Alexis' game, I don't know, you'll have to tell me which one that was.

Doc and Alexis' game was QF21, IIRC. I have no idea how it's similar to this, though.

Mainly out of curiosity to see how this will go, I'll sign up to this.

Are the mafia permitted to confer in a doc? I'm guessing by the fact that each mafia will take turns deciding who to kill that the answer is no.

In the spreadsheet of the results, do you plan on including whether the player was the first/second/n'th person to make that vote, and the order in which votes were made? May I request that you do, if you weren't planning on it? Also, potentially coloring votes green or red when the alignment of the player being voted on is revealed?

A quick note on the expected distribution while I still have the opportunity to talk - The first few days will be random, and we can expect a high level of inactivity from this game once the exoticness (is that a word?) of the game wears off. As such, the size of the Eliminator team will be small, giving us longer to find them, but the disadvantage is that it will be a less obvious bloc of people operating with only a smaller group.

There's more I want to say, but that's all I feel I can say without going against the spirit of the game, if not the letter. Suffice to say, this should be interesting.

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2 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Doc and Alexis' game was QF21, IIRC. I have no idea how it's similar to this, though.

Are the mafia permitted to confer in a doc? I'm guessing by the fact that each mafia will take turns deciding who to kill that the answer is no.

In the spreadsheet of the results, do you plan on including whether the player was the first/second/n'th person to make that vote, and the order in which votes were made? May I request that you do, if you weren't planning on it? Also, potentially coloring votes green or red when the alignment of the player being voted on is revealed?

I suppose due to the restrictions on thread-posting, though it's kind of the opposite.

The mafia do not have a doc, but they will know who the other people on their team are. I can add the order that the votes were made. I'll post next to peoples' posts (X), where X is the numbered vote on them (even if X-1 has been retracted, for example). I also have no problem with colouring the votes on a player to reflect what alignment the player was when that player dies.

Also, while I am posting, a word to those people who want to take part in the Ookla festivities later this month - Last year, I got very frustrated with people doing this, as I had no warning and suddenly had a load of people posting under different names and sometimes different images. It doesn't help any of the players to change your name, and it certainly doesn't help the GM either, who needs to pay the most attention to who has done what. However, having said that it annoyed me, I also don't want to outlaw it as people don't usually do it to annoy and just want to join in with a religious festival fun forum activity. As such, I'm going to implement a rule to make this manageable:

If you plan on changing your name at any point later in the game, I will require you to preface every single post you make with your actual username, even before your name changes. I will give you one chance to correct all your posts, but after that, if you make another post and one of your posts does not contain your name, I will kill you off

Also remember that this game is about restricting the information players can give to each other. Only your votes should speak for you. As such, if you change your name (or title) in a way that I deem to be an attempt to give out information, I will kill you off. Strictly speaking, this is just the logical extension of my previous comment, but I thought it was worth pointing out.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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