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Prelude to Words of Radiance: Cosmere Marathon


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Be warned: this challenge is not for the faint of heart.


Seventeenth Sharders, welcome to my humble abode of challenge and book loving. I find that this is the eve of the last week before we are blessed with the release of Words of Radiance. Indeed, I must say that the warm fire of Brandonium burns comfortably in my stomach, Heightening my anticipation. However, this challenge, as I said, is not for the faint of heart; it goes beyond Skimming, involving fully Reoding the complete works of Brandon Sanderson's cosmere, in order to reAwaken our knowledge of his universe. I want to Lash out at the people who have already read it, and my impatience will make me snap.


Fear not, for I have a plan.


Every day, I intend on reading at least one of his books (Alloy of Law and Emperor's Soul are put on the same day). Then, on Tuesday, I will finish by devouring Words of Radiance. Here is my schedule, for those of you who are brave enough to join me:


Tuesday: Mistborn, the Final Empire.

Wednesday: Mistborn, the Well of Ascension

Thursday: Mistborn, the Hero of Ages

Friday: Alloy of Law, Emperor's Soul

Saturday: Elantris

Sunday: Warbreaker

And finally: Monday: The Way of Kings.


As I go through this Olympian endeavor, I will post my thoughts about the challenge and the books themselves. I encourage you all: Join me!


Happy Reading, Sharders.

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I started the reread of WoK about a week ago thinking 2 weeks would be a good time frame for the book. Of course once I got in to it, I just flew through it in about 3 days of reading after work. Now I have to wait until next Tuesday. I recently reread all his books a couple of months ago, so no need to do that again. At least I found a decent book to keep me occupied until next Tuesday: The Lies of Locke Lamara. A good book, but I don't feel the need to read it all in 1-2 days like I will do with WoR.


Have fun on the reread: that is an insane reading schedule.

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Mad respect if you can pull it off, bartbug and SirVarrock. 

Those books are great, but I think I would be burned out toward the end. I'm taking a different approach and reading a book that is very different from WoR. Reread WoK a couple weeks ago. Trying to go into it fresh and ready to go.  

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I just reread The Emperor's Soul! Such a pleasant use of 2 hours. That ending is surprisingly subtle from Sanderson. Normally his endings are beautiful exciting climaxes with plot threads coming together, but that last scene really hinged on showing a moment of character development for Gaotona. It was muted and more emotional/thoughtful than Brandon's other works. I really liked it.


Mistborn and TWOK are next, since I reread Warbreaker in the past month and Elantris is not something I feel like ever reading again and I hope the plans for a sequel go away.

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I'm 3/4 through my re-read of TWoK and have re-read Infinity Blade: Awakening, read Infinity Blade: Redemption and read Mitosis: A Reckoners Story during these past 2-1/2 weeks. My goal is to simply finish my re-read of TWoK by Tuesday, upon which day I'll purchase my hardcover copy of WoR and begin reading it. If only I was independently wealthy and didn't have to work! shrug.gif Yeah, right! emoticon.gif

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