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[OB] Interlude 3!


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While I liked the idea of Eshonai becoming a Radiant I think we might see it now with her sister and her possible redemption arc instead, might end up as Kaladin of Listeners. Also it's interesting to see that Listeners treat higher Spren as servants, I guess they never had partnership with them like Radiants have.

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Wait...so the spren that the Parshendi bonded for stormform, is to ?Ulim/Ulem? as Windspren are to Honourspren? Did I hear that right?

And wow, talk about a sucker punch, I wasn't expecting that :blink::(

So the Parshendi ancestors....any bets on them being possibly either Cognitive Shadows or secretly hiding? It doesn't make sense for the Unmade to be them, as the ancestors are apparently the best strategists in history whereas the Unmade have very little sapience

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I want to say that the spren sticking around Eshonai's corpse means she's not really dead, but I don't know if that's just my personal love of Eshonai speaking. Maybe the eyes seemed dead to Venli because they were no longer glowing red? I don't want to get my hopes up, but that spren isn't sticking around her for nothing. 

And what do you mean listener ancestors are in charge?? Did they become Cognitive Shadows?

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2 minutes ago, Ciridae said:

I want to say that the spren sticking around Eshonai's corpse means she's not really dead, but I don't know if that's just my personal love of Eshonai speaking. Maybe the eyes seemed dead to Venli because they were no longer glowing red? I don't want to get my hopes up, but that spren isn't sticking around her for nothing. 

And what do you mean listener ancestors are in charge?? Did they become Cognitive Shadows?

What Ulem/im talks about near the end, when it's sarcastically berating Venli for her lack of knowledge and her assumption that she thinks she's going to be Queen. It mentions the Parshendi ancestors are the ones in charge so the only feasible way that any of Parshendi ancestors could still be around is if they managed to stick around after they died (i.e. becoming a Cognitive Shadow is one way).

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10 minutes ago, Ciridae said:

I want to say that the spren sticking around Eshonai's corpse means she's not really dead, but I don't know if that's just my personal love of Eshonai speaking. Maybe the eyes seemed dead to Venli because they were no longer glowing red? I don't want to get my hopes up, but that spren isn't sticking around her for nothing. 

And what do you mean listener ancestors are in charge?? Did they become Cognitive Shadows?

I agree.  Why would the cometspren stick around if she were dead?  Could Eshonai be dead enough for her stormspren to abandon her, but the cometspren revive her somehow?  The parshendi have proven unskilled at medicine before.  Maybe the cometspren is going to get human help for Eshonai.  

Maybe some of the Listeners become Unmade retained tactical skill while others remained or became more mindful.  Planning and organization seem compatible with Odium's portfolio, so it makes sense to me that some of the unmade would have skills in those areas.

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So the taboo with touching dead Listeners comes because humans used to hack the corpses in pieces for the gemhearts in the songs - can't say I haven't expected something like that.

And Ulim calls himself the Spren of Redemption. He escaped - Whom?

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Maybe Eshonai is only mostly dead, like Wesley in the Princess Bride. We just need a miracle Max (possibly Renarin) to answer the summons of her little golden ball spren, this also removes the pesky, controlling storm spren.

There was another example of a person with access to the trasportation surge, likewise miraculously surviving a very fatal seeming event. Possible explanation, Jasnah used the transportation surge to move her heart into shadesmar before the blow was struck, and Eshonai Shadesmarred her lungs until the highstorm was over...


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Actually, that's a good point. We don't know what happens to a body when a person goes partially into the cognitive realm. Is it possible she sucked in the Stormlight from her own plate? And hopped into the cognitive realm more? 

Also, if she's dead, then I'm mad at Adolin. Why'd you have to go kick our only potential Parshendi Radiant over a cliff?????????

Edited by Steeldancer
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3 minutes ago, axcellence said:

I saw it differently.  Eshonai’s dead.

But the radiant spren has now chosen Venli.

I bet Venli will be seeing a lot of that other spren.

So the spren follows the sword?  I haven't seen any hints that livespren feel particular attachments to particular deadspren, but it seems possible.  Venli doesn't seem like a candidate for Radiance, at least not the same order as Eshonai.

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4 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Rlain is our parshendi aquire. Not a Knight. He hasn't shown the distinct characteristics to attract a Radiant Spren. As of yet

True, but we can't be sure that the comet spren is a major or minor Order spren (flimsy I know) only that it is important to an Order. Although I could see Rlain being a Windrunner; a rather quiet and brooding one but he seems like he would suit falling in style.

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35 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

Maybe Eshonai is only mostly dead, like Wesley in the Princess Bride. We just need a miracle Max (possibly Renarin) to answer the summons of her little golden ball spren, this also removes the pesky, controlling storm spren.

There was another example of a person with access to the trasportation surge, likewise miraculously surviving a very fatal seeming event. Possible explanation, Jasnah used the transportation surge to move her heart into shadesmar before the blow was struck, and Eshonai Shadesmarred her lungs until the highstorm was over...


Jasnah was legitimately stabbed through heart, but it is not lethal for Surgebinder as long as he has stormlight. And no offence, but what you say sounds so ridiculous xD I just can't stand it, you guys make one dumb theory after another completely missing the most basic explanation. Occam's razor anybody?

Once again - no offence, i know what waiting for 3 year for a next book can do to a person <3


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