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Mraize is the Chosen One

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Completely crazy theory, but hear me out: Mraize is some kind of Chosen One for the Ghostbloods. Why do I think this? Well, first off, Mraize is obviously being groomed for something. Iyatil is Mraizes babsk, and yet he is the one in command (seemingly). My idea is that she is allowing Mraize to command because she wishes to train him, and groom him for leadership later on. We also have the WoB that says that Mraize has been visiting a couple of planets, supervised by Iyatil:



Is Mraize a worldhopper?


Yes, he's been to a few planets, highly supervised by his babsk.

Why would Mraize need close supervising? He seems to be a badass warrior, and owns a lot of trophies. And why would he need leadership training? Well, because he is important. Very important. And why would he be this important? It has to be some sort of extraordinary reason. You can find a clever politician, a skilled fighter or a scarred dude in a lot of places. It has to be something more than that, and thus I propose that Mraize is unique in some way that has led the Ghostbloods to assume that he is some sort of Chosen One/important guy we need to train.

I'll add in two more things to support this insane idea: one, it would be a very Brandon-like thing to give the antagonists a Chosen One, with some kind of corrupted hero's journey. And two, Mraize and his hunting obsession. Classic heroes often has a quest of some sort. Frodo wishes to destroy the Ring, King Arthur was supposed to find the Grail, Luke would best the Empire and bring balance to the Force. Can Mraizes hunting be some sort of twist on the hero-quest?

There you go folks. I've gifted you a theory. Rip it apart!

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I like this theory. The Ghostbloods could be a huge organized parody of epic fantasy cliches. They have an evil chosen one with an evil mentor, following evil prophecies along an evil hero's journey. Mraize's scars could be deconstruction of Harry Potter's scar.

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Awesome theory! Crazy idea popped into my head when I read this... what if... Dalinar isn't the only one prepping to beat the Champion of Odium? Perhaps these other groups are also grooming... and we'll get to see a 'who will beat the champion' game when everyone finally understands it all. And of course, Sanderson will surprise us with whoever finally beats it/him/her. Maybe Mraize is worldhopping in search of ways to gain an edge...

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20 minutes ago, The Survivor said:

Awesome theory! Crazy idea popped into my head when I read this... what if... Dalinar isn't the only one prepping to beat the Champion of Odium? Perhaps these other groups are also grooming... and we'll get to see a 'who will beat the champion' game when everyone finally understands it all. And of course, Sanderson will surprise us with whoever finally beats it/him/her. Maybe Mraize is worldhopping in search of ways to gain an edge...

What if the Ghostbloods - nastiest and most conniving of the secret societies - is grooming their Chosen One to be Odium's Champion?

Perhaps Odium is taking a page out of Bavadin's playbook and using the Ghostbloods to set Mraize up to be the next Trell?

Edited by KidWayne
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Or Mraize isn't as clever as he appears to be. We haven't seen him without supervision. Also, being a badass warrior doesn't equal good on his own. Look at Wayne: badass warrior, needs Wax around to keep him pointed in the right direction.

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  • 2 months later...

For some reason, I had always thought that the Ghostbloods were somehow related to Autonomy. Mraize has sand from Taldain and an Aviar from First of the Sun; I think both of these planets are controlled by Autonomy, and we know that Autonomy does not allow travel to/from Taldain - and this ban is apparently effective enough to prevent Khriss from returning. Iyatil, Mraize's babsk, seems to be a southern scadrian from silverlight - so the concerns of the Ghostbloods are clearly larger than simply Roshar.

None of this proves anything, but to me it suggests a connection to Autonomy, who we have seen from Mistborn era 2 is very likely willing to interfere with other worlds - possibly to keep them from advancing and becoming a threat to her own. I imagine Autonomy is thrilled about the current conflict on Roshar, and would very much like it to continue. How could Mraize have gotten sand from Taldain and an Aviar without being part of Autonomy's organization? (its true that Hoid apparently can visit Autonomy's worlds, but... well, Hoid)

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2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Nepotism means...? 

It's favoritism towards family/friends.

noun: nepotism
  1. the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
    synonyms: favoritism, preferential treatment, the old boy network, looking after one's own, bias, partiality, partisanship
    "hiring my daughter was not nepotism—it was just good business"

No idea what gave them this idea, but it's interesting nonetheless. Care to elaborate @Jeffo?

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I think that Mraize is definitely a major member of the Ghostbloods. He's the only contact that Shallan has met, other than Iyatil and the other people in the place where she first talked with him. He also has a collection of a lot of different Cosmere items, so many that I think Mraize has been around far and wide across the Cosmere, more than should be expected. Perhaps he hasn't actually gotten those items, but they were given to him by higher-ups that are trying to teach him stuff.

Mraize could very well be the Deevy(ous) Chosen One--though not evil. The Ghostbloods are still ambiguous on whether they're evil.

I mean, they tried to kill Jasnah, but other than that, I don't know what they've done.

On 1/11/2018 at 0:31 PM, art336 said:

I....think I love you.

Why thank you!

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On 1/12/2018 at 6:49 AM, Calyx said:

None of this proves anything, but to me it suggests a connection to Autonomy, who we have seen from Mistborn era 2 is very likely willing to interfere with other worlds - possibly to keep them from advancing and becoming a threat to her own.

What evidence do we have for this specifically? I'm kind of drawing a bank and its been a while since I've read up on Mistborn speculation.

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5 hours ago, Teegs said:

What evidence do we have for this specifically? I'm kind of drawing a bank and its been a while since I've read up on Mistborn speculation.

I do not think there is evidence just a theory that it is Autonomy that we see interfering with Scadrial in the Era 2 books. I think its a good possibility and like it over Odium as the culprit. I think the hints dropped in AU by Khriss's notes help as well to the theory it is Autonomy. I like the idea @Calyx proposes that she is trying to hinder their advancement before they become a threat. We know they will eventually become a space traveling race and maybe her goal is to prevent this. Hopefully we will know more about her motivations soon. 

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  • 4 weeks later...



West Wall Psalm of Wonders, Paragraph 8
But who is the wanderer, the wild piece, the one who makes no sense? I glimpse at his implications, and the world opens to me. I shy back. Impossible. Is it? (Note by Adrotagia: Could this refer to Mraize?)

This is from the chapter headings in WoR. I don't know what it means, as I'm too tired to function properly, but it sounds somewhat related. The parenthetical part was not added by me; it was in the original text

Edited by Jungah
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I think that the Ghostblood's purpose is to deal with bigger fish than Odium. They have a collection of cosmere objects and seem to be one of the most diverse (in terms of different planets) groups. That screams that they are dealing with bigger things than a evil shard threatening one planets. It might be that a bigger bad is coming and they want to be ready. Mraize may just be their Rosharian agent/handler for people on that world or the guy they want to take over as handler for Roshar.

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