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Oathbringer Typos (spoilers)


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Another small timeline/birthday thing...

  • Adolin was born in 1151.1 (+/- 3 months) based on "23 years ago" in ch.49
    • (I'm thinking it's 1150.9 based on his "sign of the nine" comment)
  • Evi joined Dalinar on his campaign in 1155.6 (+/- 3 months) based on "18.5 years ago" in ch.52
  • Gavilar asks Dalinar to return to the Rift in 1163.2 (+/- 3 months) based on "11 years ago" in ch.66
  • Dalinar assaults Rathalas in 1163.2 (+/- 3 months) based on "11 years ago" in ch.71/76/77

There must have been some travel time between those last two bullets, presumably taken care of in the error range of the rough dates given. In ch.66 Evi mentions that she has been on campaign with Dalinar for 7 years. Relative to ch.52 that would put this flashback 11.5 years ago. So let's say ch.52 is a bit less than 18.5 years ago and ch.66 is a bit more than 11 years ago. The error swallows the difference and Evi's "7 years" comment fits nicely. Great.

In ch.66 Dalinar says Adolin is "12--nearly 13". Adolin shouldn't turn 13 around 1164.1. We could assume there was error in the ch.49 date, and put it perhaps as early as 1150.8. And we could say 12.5 years old equals "nearly 13" to Dalinar, which together would put the ch.66 date as 1163.3. The assault on Rathalas could happen a month or two later and be within the error range. But the problem with this is that Evi's "7 years" comment implies she joined him around 1156.3, which is only 17.9 years ago rather than the 18.5 implied for ch.52. Maybe Evi is being generous, and it's been more like 7.5 years. But in this case I feel like we're straining (1) the timing of Adolin's birthday, (2) Dalinar's concept of "nearly" a year older, (3) the travel time for an army to reach Rathalas from the Jah Keved border, and (4) Evi's accuracy/patience.

Maybe all of those assumptions are right, but I wondered if maybe it should just say that Adolin is "11--nearly 12" or just plain "12". :)

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On 11/29/2017 at 1:46 PM, RShara said:

It seems odd, since she talks about the humidity being bad for books.  Plant life doesn't seem like it would matter in that context. So it seems odd that she'd be complaining about humidity, mention rampant plant growth, then switch back to humidity.


She likes living in a place with weak storms, and wishes that didn't mean she also has to put up with humidity.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Busker said:

She likes living in a place with weak storms, and wishes that didn't mean she also has to put up with humidity.

Yes, that's what I'm saying.  So what does verdant plant growth have to do with that (what she has to put up with).

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in this context RShara I believe the humidity may lead to molds and spores and such things, which is what the fecundity is about. see similar efforts at museums etc to keep pieces cool & dry to stop destruction through growth.

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On 11/16/2017 at 8:44 PM, kari-no-sugata said:

Chapter 102 (Celebrant):

Chapter 103 (Hypocrite):

Both of these should be "off" rather than "of" I would say.


Both from UK iBooks edition.

These have been fixed in my current version, but I found another such error in Chapter 103 (Hypocrite):


Nohadon leaped of the side of the balcony.

I'm pretty sure I've also seen yet another such error earlier in the book, but I don't remember where...


Kindle Edition

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8 hours ago, Joe ST said:

in this context RShara I believe the humidity may lead to molds and spores and such things, which is what the fecundity is about. see similar efforts at museums etc to keep pieces cool & dry to stop destruction through growth.

But why would she talk about humidity, then switch to plants, then to hoping for a solution to humidity?  It's not a logical flow.  Anyway, Peter already ruled, so it doesn't matter.  Dropping the subject now :)

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Possible error: bridge 4 barracks are located on the ground floor, but in interlude 14, Teft and company walk from the oathgate: "A winding path through corridors and a stairwell led them back toward their barracks."

I initially read that as going up the stairs to another level. They could just be passing the stairs to another connecting hallway, but I thought I would flag it. The next time we see Teft, after he has run away from his men (and potentially up any number of levels), he is able to walk out onto a balcony.

Edit: unless ch 35 uses "the tower's first floor" in the European sense of first floor above the ground level?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gollancz Epub from Kobo Store, NZ region


Edit edit: I asked Kobo if I had the latest edition and they re-added the book to my account...removed SOME of the problems

Chapter 12
"something seemed of about her responses."
- replace "of" with "off"

Chapter 26
"Dalinar swallowed an order to round up the beasts. Ryshadium? Yes . . . 
he could see the spren trailing..."
- Incorrect paragraph break before "he"

Chapter 31
- Should be "WHO ARE YOU TO MAKE..."
- Should be Honor (US spelling used in all other instances)

Interlude I-1 Puuli
Those would stop at this little port, on the crumbling eastern edge of Roshar, and
shelter from storms in their cove alongside the clifs.
- cliffs

Interlude I-1 Puuli
"He looked over the clifs, to the east"
- cliffs

Chapter 38
Are you ready for this story? There are parts you will not like.
- Stormfather's voice, this should be capitalised.

Chapter 38
Stormfather said, voice rumbling and low, distant. Introspective? As I SAID, MY
- Should be "AS I SAID..." with a capital S in "AS".

Chapter 54
"Then what do we do?" Khen asked, her voice growing small. "What do
we do?"
- incorrect paragraph break before "we do"

Interlude I-6
"Yes, the voice said. CHOOSE ANOTHER. THIS ONE IS MINE.
- The word "Yes" should be capitalised, it is the same speaker as "Choose another".

Chapter 92
"However, it isclear to me that some of their effects..."
- "is clear"

Chapter 93
"You've traveled in this place before?" "I'm from a far land, ..."
- Paragraph break required before "I'm..."

Chapter 97
"We’re each a bit of power made manifest. We honorspren mimic Honor himself. You
Cryptics mimic . . . weird stuff ?"
- there shouldn't be a space between "stuff" and the question mark.

Chapter 99
"Yes, you obviously imagined it. W hat a sick, sick mind you have, Kaladin."
- "What"

Chapter 102
"East!" he said. "T oward Freelight!"
- "Toward"

Chapter 102
Her breath caught as the Fused lifted a few inches of the ground, then glided toward
the registrar’s building.
- should be "off the ground"

Chapter 103
"But storms, Nohadon. I can’t see anyway out!"
- should be "any way"

Chapter 104
"I don’t know if I can a ford to pay men to do the work instead."
- "afford"

Chapter 104
"To her mind, the only scholarship of importance was stufy, dusty writings"
- "stuffy"

Chapter 115
"Aspry ocean wind blew in through the window,"
- "A spry"

Chapter 116
Your payment will be refused. We are locked by the word of the parent."Your parent? Who?"
- Paragraph break required before "Your parent..."

Chapter 116
Shallan’s time was short. She looked back up at the gatekeepers. "Please.
The other Oathgate...
- Incorrect paragraph break before "The other Oathgate..."

Chapter 119
"YOU CANNOT HAVE MY PA IN!" Dalinar bellowed, stepping toward Odium.
- "PAIN"

Chapter 120
Amaram fought with striking fury—a frenetic k ind of harmony
- "kind"

Chapter 121
"Storm you!" Lopen made a double obscene gesture toward the sky—
something he’d been waiting a long time to use properly for the first time.
- Incorrect paragraph break before "something he'd..."

Not typos, but strange.

In the Hessi's Mythica epigraphs (Chapters 89 - 113), they all say "From Hessi's Mythica, here"

The word "here" is a link to somewhere in the book's text.  I suspect it was supposed to say "From Hessi's Mythica, page 123", and instead their software has replaced "page 123" with a link to that page in Oathbringer.

The preface also talks about the wonderful picture of Jasnah on the cover art.  Except this edition has a totally different picture.

Edit: Oh, also randomly found that the Chapter 65 header picture isn't a link to the contents like all the rest seem to be!

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Holy crap.  It sounds like that ebook might be an early copy?  Or they did something really weird to theirs. The epub I got from Googleplay doesn't have the errors that I checked (the first 3, and the Mythica issue).

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That's also a Gollancz edition?  Hmm, maybe they neglected to update their Kobo edition when they did the others, or maybe they forgot the update in my region, but did other regions...I bought from the New Zealand Kobo Store.

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  • 3 weeks later...

US hardcover:

Chapter 37, p. 384, last paragraph: "Lunamor sad" should be "Lunamor said".

Chapter 37, p. 394, first paragraph: "It glowed fiercely": "It" is referring to "riches", which is plural, so it should be "they" instead. (Though that could lead to confusion as it could seem to refer to the bridgemen.)

Chapter 51, p. 511, paragraph 10: "Shallan left the room carrying—tucked into her safepouch—a formal royal request" but then in the next paragraph "She tucked Elhokar's request into her safepouch" – wasn't it already there?

Chapter 52, p. 513, last paragraph: "These borderlands were expansive, hilly, and the Vedens had better generals than the Herdazians." The last isn't something the borderlands are, so I think it should say "expansive and hilly" instead.

Chapter 52, p. 514. paragraph 9: "He leapt to his feet." I personally prefer "leapt" to "leaped", but the latter is consistently used elsewhere in the book, so it probably should be here, too.

Alethi Glyphs Page 1, p. 519: "Alethi glyphs were adopted from older scripts": "Adapted" seems like it would make more sense than "adopted" here.

Chapter 53, p. 521, paragraph 2: "The text sounded almost delighted when she'd explained": "Sounded" and "[had] explained" should agree in tense.

Chapter 69, p. 691 paragraph 9: "by lighteyed standard" should have "standards".

Chapter 72, p. 712, paragraph 11: "mulling about" should be "milling about" maybe?

Chapter 79, p. 777, paragraph 11: "Kaladin twisted, putting the corpse beneath him and the wall walk" should have "between" rather than "beneath"

Chapter 103, p. 967, paragraph 14: "Nohadon touched it with its own" should have "his" rather than "its".

Chapter 103, p. 968, paragraph 4: "one thing that without which there can be no journey" should be "one thing without which there can be no journey"

About the Author, p. 1243: "the Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series middle-grade readers" should be "for middle-grade readers".

Also, I noticed a lot of compound adjectives that were not hyphenated (e.g. p. 1225 "round faced" rather than "round-faced" as I would prefer it) – is this deliberate?

Edit: One more. In WoR and AU, "Slick" is capitalized, but in OB it isn't:

p. 1114 paragraph 9: "She kept her legs slick, but her hands not slick"

p. 1118 paragraph 3: "slicked the bottoms of her feet"

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In chapter 37 of the Way of Kings, 'Sides', Roshone has green eyes:


'Roshone fell still, skewer held limply in his hand, brilliant green eyes narrowed, lips pursed tight. In the dark, those eyes almost seemed to glow.'

In Oathbringer, chapter 6 'Four Lifetimes' (page 77 of the hardcover), Roshone has yellow eyes:


'That said, Roshone had the same imperious bearing, the same angry expression - his light yellow eyes seemed to blame everyone and everything in this insignificant town for his banishment.'

Is this an error, or was his eye colour changed between books?

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I am uncertain if this is an error or not. In chapter 62 of both the US Hardback and Kindle edition, pg 619, there is this quote. 



Right now, the small group had arranged a circle of wooden chairs under the heedless watch of tailor’s dummies wearing a variety of half-finished coats.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (p. 619). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 


Is it supposed to be heedless, or headless? Since tailor dummies don't usually have heads, to me it makes more sense for it to be "headless watch", because from the context, I don't know what the dummies would be heedless of. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone (I can't remember who, if it was you, please speak up!) mentioned in Discord that Venli thinks,


Listener gemhearts were not gaudy or ostentatious, like those of greatshells. Clouded white, almost the color of bone, they were beautiful, intimate things.

But Listener bones are red.  Is this intentional?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this qualifies as a typo, but when Dalinar brings Jasnah and Navani into the vision (Chapter 56, Google play ebook), Jasnah says 


Mix that with the language you spoke in - which my mother recorded last time - and I'm fairly certain.

But her mother is right there. It's really odd for Jasnah to talk about her in third person, making it feel like it's either a hamfisted expository reminder or Jasnah is being really passive-aggressive toward her mother.

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On 3/23/2018 at 5:38 AM, Tobbzn said:

But her mother is right there. It's really odd for Jasnah to talk about her in third person, making it feel like it's either a hamfisted expository reminder or Jasnah is being really passive-aggressive toward her mother.

I'm not the one to decide, but this didn't seem out of place to me. With Dalinar and Navani's wedding those family relationships got a bit more complicated. Add in that Jasnah tends to speak formally, and I don't think it's odd for her to say "my mother" to her uncle/step-dad even when Navani is present.

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Tor hardback page 191 (ch. 18)


"Well?" Veil asked, turning to the wall, where Pattern hung.

Maybe it's just me, but that second comma seems out of place.


Another thing that was maybe supposed to be intentional but I'm not sure...

Tor hardback page 281 (ch. 27)


"Do we . . . run?"

Feels like that "where" should be followed by a question mark.

Edited by Jofwu
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