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Mid-Range Game 24: Baleful Eye


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Just read the write-up! I'm famous! Woot!

Up above the roof of the hospital, Falchion grimaced as it started to rain, and redirected the rain above his head to the inside of the hospital. Maybe it would help wash away some of the stink. But the precipitation wasn't helping his eyesight any, making it almost impossible to tell where his quarry was at.

Squinting, he thought he could make out the forms of two people dashing out one side of the building. He couldn't tell if it was them or not, but couldn't afford to be indecisive at this point. A portal opened up above the fleeing duo, and a large heavy form dropped out, a car he'd nabbed from the parking lot. His aim was off due to the tempest though, and it crashed to the ground just to their left. Neither one paused.

Trying to take more careful aim, Falchion's head moved to almost directly above the cyborg and epic, preparing for his next shot. This would probably just cripple them, and he could deal with them from there.

With almost no warning his vision erupted in light and the right side of his face burned like it had been pressed into a hot iron. Eyes open wide he screamed as he felt his face crack and shift. Without warning his right eyeball burst, the superheated insides unable to be contained.

Then it was gone and he was lying in the mud, the cold rain soothing on his rapidly cooling face. In the distance he could hear the sound of running footsteps.

It seemed almost impossible, but Falchion managed to push himself onto his knees before creating a portal back to his base, just before falling into it, completely unconscious. The portal winked out just after he passed through.


Well that wasn't planned at all. I figured, so he'd go closer to get better aim. It's a thunderstorm. His head's the highest thing around for miles. Yeeeeep. That's gonna happen. So congrats, @BrightnessRadiant and @Ecthelion III, it looks like you don't die today!

We'll see how he's feeling in a few weeks though.

Also not actually sure how eyeballs respond at insanely high temperatures, but figured this could be within reason. I did some research, but for some reason nobody has done exhaustive testing on the subject. Can't imagine why not.

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Yeah, I know lightning is rarely fatal and can be survived with pretty minimal injuries, but I wanted to make this a bit more severe. It might be a bit unrealistic, but I tried to keep it somewhat believable. If it's too much though, I can tone it down. It'll probably end up resulting in some kind of personality change as well.

Not to mention he can get a rocking eyepatch now.

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Well, Elith, it's really unlikely his eyeball would burst. His limbs might get shaky n stuff, his sense of touch might be slightly dampened, and he won't be able to walk properly for at least a couple of days, but an eyeball bursting? That's really unlikely, as I said before.

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10 minutes ago, Eternum said:

Well, Elith, it's really unlikely his eyeball would burst. His limbs might get shaky n stuff, his sense of touch might be slightly dampened, and he won't be able to walk properly for at least a couple of days, but an eyeball bursting? That's really unlikely, as I said before.


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9 minutes ago, King Cole said:

Seems like reckoners are bad right now, with the red font

Okay, so kill Reckoners? You and Flash want to them to get in touch with you though. So are you bad too? Or are you being super sneaky to get them to contact you so you know who to kill? My head feels like it's in a loopdy loop...

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1 minute ago, Lemonelon said:

Okay, so kill Reckoners? You and Flash want to them to get in touch with you though. So are you bad too? Or are you being super sneaky to get them to contact you so you know who to kill? My head feels like it's in a loopdy loop...

I'm a neutral with a separate win condition, and either faction could get in touch with me and try to sway me to their side

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2 minutes ago, King Cole said:

I'm a neutral with a separate win condition, and either faction could get in touch with me and try to sway me to their side

How do you know you are neutral? What colour are you? Are the colours important? What is a malcontent? That was in brown. What does brown mean? So for SO many questions xxx

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Just now, Lemonelon said:


How do you know you are neutral? What colour are you? Are the colours important? What is a malcontent? That was in brown. What does brown mean? So for SO many questions xxx

I was told I was neutral in the PM. 

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@Elithanathile naw don't change anything, it's fine. :P 

@Drake Marshall @Sami @Eternum @Ecthelion III (and anyone else who wants to rp)

Scotty ran alongside Robin, as fast as she could move. Rain!? Perfect! Maybe it would provide a bit of visual cover while they made their getaway. Slipping past a nearby figure, she hoped they'd go unnoticed. 

"Hey you!" The figure's voice called out behind them. "Where do you think you're going?" Sparks! They noticed. Scotty ignored the voice and kept running. Have to get to safety! There's no WAY I'm getting caught by Balelight's lackeys! 

Continuing to run at top speed, Scotty heard a loud crash to her left, followed a short time later by a loud flash of lightning and a noise, so ear splitting, that she knew the lightning must have struck nearby. Shouts came from behind her and Robin and she knew they were being followed. No use in hiding my powers if I'm already outed. 

"Robin!" She called over the sound of pouring rain and thunder. "You have to keep going! I'll hold them off! Please go!" She hurriedly planted a kiss on his cheek and took off at a run back the way they'd come, before he had a chance to argue.

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RIP Cole


Sol raised an eyebrow as he noticed someone running in his direction. One of the two fleeing had turned back, presumably to hold the attackers off. He had no qualms with either side of this conflict. He was just curious of the outcome. Whoever attacked him would just hurt themselves for no reason.

The two behind him were now closing in, sprinting through the rain.

Everyone's in such a hurry.  Why not stop and enjoy the weather?

He looked up at the dark clouds, lightning flashes and rain.

Yeah, ok. Nevermind.

Edited by Eternum
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14 hours ago, King Cole said:

Shockwave begins to sing, at first no one noticed, but soon a police man heard him. Soon he was on the ground rolling in pain. 

"Uncultured swine, doesn't even recognize good music" He thinks with annoyance.

Ya....on the ground. xD I'll try not to step on you :P.

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3 minutes ago, King Cole said:

The police man, I sing so beautifully people roll on the ground in pain

Sounded more like the police man hit you down cuz it was so awful. :lol: 

My mistake then....although you should probably take your instrument out of the rain lol.

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