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Hoid knew Heralds over 4500 years before WOK


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Hoid knew the Heralds either from prior Desolations or prior to the Oathpact.  From WOK:


“What is it we value?” Wit whispered. “Innovation. Originality. Novelty. But most importantly … timeliness. I fear you may be too late, my confused, unfortunate friend.”

When Taln appears, Wit refers to him as "my confused, unfortunate friend"  This is not part of a conversation any longer at this point, but more along the lines of something muttered to himself, so it is not an act for others.  His wording lacks its usual satire and charm.  

This implies that he either spent a lot of time during one of the prior Desolations on Roshar in Talns company, or that he knew him prior to the Oathpact.  Possibly as far back as Yolen.

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I think you're reading into this too much. Surely Hoid knows who he is and the significance of his appearance, but it's not beyond reason to assume he called Taln "my confused unfortunate friend" because he empathizes with Taln's situation and not because they actually know each other. That was what I immediately assumed when I first read the passage. It's possible that Hoid does indeed know him, considering how long Hoid's been alive and how little we understand him, I just don't think that phrase implies anything. 

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Hoid also refers to Kelsier as 'friend' in Secret History, just before he (cognitively) beats him bloody. And while he recognizes Kelsier, the reverse is most certainly not true at this point in time. And he calls Kaladin 'my young friend' the first time they meet in Way of Kings. Calling people he doesn't intimately know 'friend' is well within Hoid's character so we shouldn't read too much into what he says to Taln.

Edited by Weltall
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I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn't read too much into it. However, it is likely that Hoid has met the Heralds before. He is interested in the events on Roshar, and I guess that he was there during at least some of the Desolations. Saying that he knows the Heralds would be a stretch though.


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I must agree with all that has been stated above. Hoid has been shone to sympathize and empathize it would not be a stretch to say that that might be what is happening here. As for knowing the heralds he has always tried to keep a low profile if he was so intimately involved with the Herald's then Odium might know that he was there and his ability to keep a low profile would disappear. He may well have been present at one or more of the desolations due to his age, but I do not think that he was friend of the herald's. As was also stated earlier the wording is most probably just in line with his character as he has used it before to refer to people who had never before met him.

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I agree.

At the same time, however, at the end of WoR he tells Jasnah, "'Oh,' Wit said, 'I don't mean the Almighty. Tanavast was a fine enough fellow-bought me drinks once-but he was not God.'"

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Perhaps the fact that he moves so quickly and frequently from place to place allows him to fly under Odium's radar. His focus is so big picture that Hoid's ability to avoid the spot light makes him virtually invisible.

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Hoid can suppress methods of finding investiture


Q: Why is Hoid’s color aura from his Breaths not noticed by anyone on Roshar? Are the characters just not used to noticing that sort of thing, or does he not have one?
A: There are a mixture of reasons. Not the least is Hoid's control over investiture. 
Q: Would someone with breath be able to notice his aura on Roshar? E.g. Vasher?
A: Various methods of detecting investiture would still work, depending on how good a job Hoid is doing of suppressing his.

Without him shining out as a highly invested individual Odium would have no way to find him I'd say. 

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