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Shardpool on the Horneater Peaks

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Re-reading Words of Radiance and I'm completely surprised I missed this the first time (though, in honesty, I had no idea what a Shardpool was during my first read).

Rock is telling the story of the Horneater Oceans to Bridge 4 when they're out drinking.  He describes them as lakes in the mountains and is adamant that they aren't really water, but rather "water above but not underneath," and that it was created by their gods (i.e. the spren).  He said that one day he saw a god himself emerge from the water, and that it appeared as a man with an angular face and white hair.  Sigzil looks shocked to hear this and is quiet for the rest of the night (basically confirming it was Hoid).  Rock says that Hoid asks him what year it was on the Horneater calendar.

So, not only is a Shardpool located in the Horneater peaks, but it sounds like Rock was there to witness Hoid emerging from the Shardpool after travel, since he seems to need confirmation on what year it is.

It's moments like this that make me glad I'm re-reading the entire Cosmere before Oathbringer comes out!

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15 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Pay attention to what else Rock says about that god.


@Everstorm Entropy:

@Oversleep is likely either referring to Hoid's White (not Grey) hair or the fact that he cannot harm others. In addition, the fact that he needs to ask Rock what year is I believe the first non WoB direct reference to Hoid using Time dilation (We know via WoB that he goes into a sort of stasis and doesn't actually age through it, also that he can go forward but as far as we know, not backwards in time.) It is also a small glimpse into the fact that whatever method he uses likely isn't razor edge precise.

Edited by The Sovereign
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1 minute ago, The Sovereign said:

In addition, the fact that he needs to ask Rock what year is I believe the first non WoB direct reference to Hoid using Time dilation (We know via WoB that he goes into a sort of stasis and doesn't actually age through it, also that he can go forward but as far as we know, not backwards in time.) It is also a small glimpse into the fact that whatever method he uses likely isn't razor edge precise.

I wouldn't read too much into that; With a half a dozen planets Hoid visits it's completely possible he just didn't keep track of what year is it on Roshar - a task which is harder since Rosharan year does not corespond to standard cosmere year (which is Earth year, like on Scadrial).

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Yeah, we have WoB that Hoid has a very hard time hurting people and we eventually see some of this firsthand (like in the Middlefest interlude, then in Hoid's Secret History appearance) but it was noteworthy that this aspect of him seems to be well known, at least to the Horneaters. Makes you wonder what else they might know that we'd love to.

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On 7/27/2017 at 3:41 PM, Oversleep said:

Rosharan year does not correspond to standard cosmere year (which is Earth year, like on Scadrial).

Oh, has that been confirmed? The Standard Weight/Gravity are Earth equivalent, so it makes sense, but I wasn't aware it'd been confirmed.

Now to ponder whether Brandon uses the "Cosmere Standard" in his WoBs referring to timegaps between separate series...

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17 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

Oh, has that been confirmed? The Standard Weight/Gravity are Earth equivalent, so it makes sense, but I wasn't aware it'd been confirmed.

Brandon keeps refering to Scadrial as Earth analogue, so...

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10 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

Oh, has that been confirmed? The Standard Weight/Gravity are Earth equivalent, so it makes sense, but I wasn't aware it'd been confirmed.

Now to ponder whether Brandon uses the "Cosmere Standard" in his WoBs referring to timegaps between separate series...

Hmm from AU


. Be aware that lengths and times mentioned in essays and stories about the world usually use local measurements. A Rosharan year is longer than cosmere standard, and a Rosharan foot is larger than cosmere standard.

And from BS



Are the character’s ages given in Stormlight Archive Rosharan years, or Earth years?


They’re Rosharan years. So, people are actually, it’s a little bit off from our, our world, a Rosharan year is 500 days, but the hour, the days are a little shorter, anyway they end being like when, when S- when Kaladin’s age is mentioned, in our world, he’d be a few years older.


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It does seem that the pool on the horneater peaks may in fact be a perpendicularity like what was seen on Sel. This would seem to fit with what we learn from Rock and would perhaps explain why he insists that not just anyone can go there which also seems to work along the lines of what we have seen from perpendicularities like the pool on Sel or Patji's eye where access was hidden because of the "Sacred" nature of the place.

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I personally think that it is Cultivations shardpool. It does seem to act like a perpendicularly like others we have seen. Also, in the same passage the the pools are referee to as emerald pools. Since there is a WoB (I don't know where) that each shard has a color accociated with it that seems to indicate Cultivation

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