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Abbreviation Compendium

Lord Joped

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I would like to have a list of all abbreviations used on 17th Shard, to help newer sharders comprehend what's going on.

The way this will work is that  recommended abbreviations will be found in the replies, and I will edit the OP often.


  • TFE - The Final Empire
  • WoA - The Well of Ascension
  • HoA - Hero of Ages
  • AoL - Alloy of Law
  • SoS - Shadows of Self
  • BoM - Bands of Mourning
  • MAG - Mistborn Adventure Game. A pen-and-paper roleplaying game set in the world of Mistborn.
  • MBEX - Mistborn Era X (Era 1 is Vin and Elend, Era 2 is Wax and Wayne, Era 3 is a 1980s setting, Era 4 is Sci Fi)
  • MBSH - Mistborn Secret History. A Mistborn novella.


  • TLR - The Lord Ruler
  • A(metal) - Allomantic Metal
  • F(metal) - Feruchemical Metal

Stormlight Archive-

  • WoK- Way of Kings
  • WoR- Words of Radiance
  • ED- Edgedancer (novella)
  • OB- Oathbringer


  • KR- Knight Radiant/Knights Radiant
  • SB- Shardblade (uncommon)
  • SP- Shardplate (uncommon)
  • Mr. T- Taravangian (cuz people can't spell)


  • NB- Nightblood (uncommon)

General Cosmere Misc.

  • SSFH: Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. A cosmere novella.
  • SotD: Sixth of the Dusk. A cosmere novella.
  • Mr. A, Uncle Andy- Adonalsium (people still can't spell)


  • SR- Spiritual Realm
  • CR- Cognitive Realm
  • PR- Physical Realm


  • WoT: Wheel of Time

General 17th Shard

  • WoB- Words of Brandon- non-book canon sources, usually Q&A or signing quotes
  • 17S- 17th Shard (duh)
  • OP- Original Post(er)
  • RAFO- Read and find out, Revealed at future oppurtunity
Edited by Lord Joped
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This is a great idea. However, you should probably just put everything into one giant alphabetical list; if they don't know what it is, then they won't know where to look for it.

Some things that might be useful:

  • KR: Knight Radiant
  • MAG: Mistborn Adventure Game. A pen-and-paper roleplaying game set in the world of Mistborn.
  • MBEX: Mistborn Era X (Era 1 is Vin and Elend, Era 2 is Wax and Wayne, Era 3 is a 1980s setting, Era 4 is Sci Fi)
  • MBSH: Mistborn Secret History. A Mistborn novella.
  • OB: Oathbringer
  • SSFH: Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. A cosmere novella.
  • SotD: Sixth of the Dusk. A cosmere novella.
  • WoT: Wheel of Time

I suspect most abbreviations will be defined in context; mostly, it will just be books that will come out of the blue.

You might get some pushback on your Allomancy and Feruchemy abbreviations. I know lots of people feel strongly about that (I, personally, go with A.Metal and F.Metal), but there is no clear consensus (and some people say there shouldn't be any sort of abbreviation like that).

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I can't come up with any abbreviations off the top of my head right now, though I'll come here and post them if I remember any later.

As for the Allomancy/Feruchemy thing, I've usually seen it used that you put the allomantic metal first then the feruchemical metal second. At least, that's how I've been doing it, along with some others I've seen. I do agree that there is almost no consensus on a "correct" way to refer to Twinborn combos (some using A-metal/F-metal, my method, your method, Pagerunner's method, and probably several other metals), though it would be nice if there was a sort of communally agreed upon method of discussing these combos.

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Considering that there will be a couple different abbreviations for the same term, you might want to keep that there. Specially with the metals. An example: MBSH could also be M:SH or MB:SH. And I second the suggestion that the abbreviations be ordered in alphabetical order.


BTW, if any Admins see this, it might be worth making this a sticky thread eventually. And maybe not just in this Cosmere Theories section.

Edited by Lord Maelstrom
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3 hours ago, Lord Joped said:

I think what I will do is have two lists, one by topic, one by alphabetical.

Make one. I won't sticky both topics if I decide to sticky such a thing. There's a limited number of sticked things I like to have. 

Edited by Chaos
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On 6/23/2017 at 1:10 PM, Lord Joped said:

MBEX - Mistborn Era X (Era 1 is Vin and Elend, Era 2 is Wax and Wayne, Era 3 is a 1980s setting, Era 4 is Sci Fi)

I've always seen MB Era 2, MB Era 4, etc.. And I like it a lot better than MBE2 because it's easier to understand. Also because in some conversations, we just use "Era 4" or "Era 2" and everybody knows what we are talking about.

On 6/23/2017 at 1:10 PM, Lord Joped said:
  • A(metal) - Allomantic Metal
  • F(metal) - Feruchemical Metal

I have used "H-Iron" a few times for a Hemalurgic Spike, but this is one of the rarest abbreviations out there because there are so few times when it's valid to use. I'm fairly certain that the only usage of this term has been by me, but you may as well have a comprehensive list.

Ok, now to bring up some other common terms we've used...

  • Front 5/Back 5  -  The spacing of the Stormlight Archive books, marking the in-world timegap and the gap in Brandon's release of the series
  • Circle of Blades  -  Where the Heralds left their Honorblades in the WoK Prelude (think I coined this one, actually)

I know this isn't really an abbreviation, but any opinions on having the difference between "unkeyed" and "unsealed" on here?

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6 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

I know this isn't really an abbreviation, but any opinions on having the difference between "unkeyed" and "unsealed" on here?

That would be great. I still get confused on which is which, because the terms are just to similar and usually end up involving the medallions. The discussion of metalminds that only speak about identity free (unkeyed?) metalminds is rare enough that that I know I see those terms and assume the discussion is about medallions. 

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On ‎6‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 3:04 PM, The One Who Connects said:

I know this isn't really an abbreviation, but any opinions on having the difference between "unkeyed" and "unsealed" on here?

I don't believe the terms have been consistently used by Brandon in WoBs (he called the complicated Southerner tech "unkeyed" once), so I don't think they're good phrases to be using at all. (And not just because I think an "unsealed" metalmind is just an "unkeyed" nicrosilmind and associated other "unkeyed" metalminds.)

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Just want to toss in there that for Stormlight specifically, there was some talk iby a few of the admins (Chaos and Mestiv I think? - I cant find the tread right now), of standardizing the Stormlight names to SA1, SA2, SA3 etc, because with 10 books we may end up with duplicated initials, and we are in the case of Oathbringer, making a OB initial out of what the author writes as a single noun.   I think the discussion was only for main sequence, books so novellas and such would not be "2.5" or some such.

The current method does have the unfortunate side effect of make a Novella about Awesomeness have the abbreviation for erectile dysfunction.


No idea if abbreviations are a group conscious/think decision or managed by admins, or just kind of what makes habit stays...  Just trying to share a related discussion.

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