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Knights Radiant Order Quiz


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On 5/9/2017 at 8:52 PM, Tal said:

After spending WAY too much time researching the various orders and being consistently dissatisfied with other quizzes online, I created a Knights Radiant Order sorter (I hate that that rhymes) based upon personality, psychology, and ideology. I'd love to know what orders you all fall into with this quiz, whether or not you think it's accurate, or if you think I should change something. For my sake and the sake of others, I need to have a good personality identification not based upon stupid questions like "Which character is your favorite".

Knights Radiant Order Quiz

^Links updated, now works

I took the test the day after I created it (so I couldn't remember much of the specific tagging I did), answering as honestly as possible, and got the order I identify with, so I'm really hoping it's accurate.

I would recommend that you put the traits relative to the orders out of order. On the third step, for example, you have Honor first, followed by Justice, for Windrunners and Skybreakers respectively.

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I got Elsecaller after retaking it a long time after the first few times...I'm quite surprised. Personally, I think the Edgedancers' Ideals are the best of the ones we know and I'd love to be one, if I could, but I know that by the way I live I'd probably end up a Lightweaver. Though, I guess my philosophy reflects the Elsecallers pretty well, except for the fact that I don't think that there is an absolute truth. There are some things which are facts (sky is blue, water is wet, earth is round, etc.), but a lot of what truth is individualized. We often believe certain things to be true while others can believe completely opposite things to be true. If people could realize that, the world be a lot better place.

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I've done this a few times and while I lean towards Elsecaller, I also have gotten a few Willshaper results. So I guess that makes me an Elseshaper? or a Willcaller? I dunno, but combining transformation and cohesion feels like it would be an awesome pairing.

I've also been putting some of my friends (none of which have read the books) through the test and I've seen some interesting results. A fair few Windrunners and a couple of Skybreakers, including one friend who went really hard towards the Skybreaker options on the quiz.


Edit: Actually getting a ridiculous amount of Windrunners. Not really sure what is causing it, if there is a cause in the quiz, but apparently most of my friends are big on protecting and morality.

Even the ones I thought I had lined up pretty well for other orders.

Edited by Slimy_Slider
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

On the old ones I got Willshaper and Skybreaker. Now, it turns out I'm a Windrunner... Then again, it is due to specific changes I have intentionally made in my life, and it really matches my Hufflepuffiness. I like it. I would also recommend putting the questions in a random order (maybe tell it to create a new random order each time? IDK how that software works though...) Seems legit though, great job!

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  • 11 months later...

Windrunner. :)

These are the sort of personality tests that I like - where the answers don't scream out what result you will get at the end. I hate the type of quiz that ask you questions like, "In a difficult situation, would you 1) fly at the enemy 2) try to manipulate your way out of it by weaving a web of lies 3) insult the enemy that he is in the wrong and must submit to the law", so this was a refreshing change from such quizzes.

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For those that wonder if Brandon will ever make something like this here’s an answer.


Are you ever gonna make an official quiz that sorts people into Knights-- Knights Radiant? 

Brandon Sanderson

You know, I'm less likely to do a quiz and more likely to do a list of-- kind of attributes and traits and requirements. I feel that some people are more likely to be able to sort themselves than a quiz sorting them. Granted, it does depend on the spren also, so there are two parties in this. And so, you don't have absolute influence over which order you might end up in. But it is possible to be viable as a candidate for multiple orders and it also is going to depend on the spren.

Idaho Falls signing (Dec. 29, 2018)
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The Elsecallers are the seventh order of the Knights Radiant and are characterized by their reliance upon logic and trust. Many elsecallers believe in an absolute truth, though that truth may not reflect the way someone else perceives it. Life is almost like a game to this order, and they frequently find themselves having difficulty connecting with people. However, once they have forged a bond with someone, that bond is for life. Like Jasnah Kholin, you are probably determined to answer life's mysteries--just know that sometimes, your answer, even if based on fact, can be biased and might not reflect the absolute truth you want.

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