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Perhaps we are wrong about everything.

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So, this theory is fairly probably wrong, but it is possibly true and certainly interesting. 

This forum is called the Seventeenth Shard because Brandon said so, according to the post  A welcome to 17th Shard, and the rules. As I was recently reading the first letter, I came across a line  that says


I am being chased. Your friends of the Seventeenth Shard I suspect. I believe they're still lost, following a false trail I left for them.

The author for this is probably Hoid, which leads me to believe perhaps some of the Hoid sightings in the book aren't actually Hoid. Again, I have no idea whether this has any grounding, but I enjoyed coming up with it.

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I thought that line in the book was referring to the three worldhoppers who came to Roshar looking for Hoid in one of the interludes. Those three people still didn't know exactly where Hoid was. 

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It's possible, but I don't think dopplegangers is how Hoid has fooled them. I think he tricked them in how he exited Shadesmar into Roshar. The Seventeenth Shard is looking for him around the Purelake, presumably because there is a Shardpool around there. But Hoid actually went through in the Horneater Peaks, when Rock witnessed him. So, more that they're looking in the wrong place, is how I've interpreted that line.

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It would be interesting if Brandon is misleading us, as the 17th Shard. I mean, we do spend a lot of time looking for Hoid, and even though we go in-depth into a lot of things, it would be interesting if we are following a 'false trail' somewhere.

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Oh, we've definitely been led down false trails by Brandon on multiple occasions... but in this case there's no particular reason to assume a fourth-wall breaking joke at our expense. Known Seventeenth Shard members are looking for Hoid in WoK (he's confirmed to have written the Letter by the way) and they're following a false trail that he left for them. No need to read anything more into it.

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We probably shouldn't read TOO much into it, cause he probably meant it just in the context of the book. However, I wouldn't put it passed Brandon to chuckle at himself while he puts that double-meaning-fourth-wall breaking comment into the dialogue. Not that it would mean anything significant, just that it would be a small poke at the audience. It wouldn't be the first time I feel like Hoid has broken the fourth wall.

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I think I have solved the mystery of the seventeenth shard...

The in-cosmere seventeenth shard is actually a bunch of Sanderfans that found their way into the cosmere novels and are searching the cosmere relentlessly for a chance to meet Hoid. Since Hoid is the ultimate troll, he is running away from them.

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7 hours ago, Weltall said:

The most obvious one would be when he describes himself to Kaladin:


That isn't a fourth wall breakage, that's actually a part of his back story and has recently been explained by Brandon. I'll try to find and edit in the quote if nobody beats me to it.

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50 minutes ago, Darkness said:

That isn't a fourth wall breakage, that's actually a part of his back story and has recently been explained by Brandon. I'll try to find and edit in the quote if nobody beats me to it.

If I may


Q: (...) like Hoid saying he got his life as words on a page.
A: It can be taken both ways, but it is actually literal. I'm not sure how much I can say about this, but... Let's say that it's referencing where he got his nickname/pseudonym.

Q: I thought he maybe stole a character from a book and (hid himself? indistinctive...)
A: It is something like that. People think it's like a big wink breaking the 4th wall, but at the time I was just looking back at his past and wanted something I could say that is esoteric and referenced his past.

From the Leipzig signing

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Just now, Darkness said:

That's where it was! Haha I read way too many signings and wobs in the last few days. Thanks :)

Yeah I basically incorporated all the signing transcripts I could find this year (as theoryland hasn't been updated since Dec16) into a single document for easy searching. That, theoryland and now hopefully @Pagerunner's genius reddit archive make searching for WoBs so much easier :)

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Every time I read this interlude I think Ishikk might know where Hoid is. After talking with the members of the 17th shard he thinks to himself something along the lines of "A fool's errand indeed." I always thought that this was a hint as to the fact that he knew Hoid was playing the part of Wit which is the closest thing this series has to an Imperial fool.

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20 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

I think I have solved the mystery of the seventeenth shard...

The in-cosmere seventeenth shard is actually a bunch of Sanderfans that found their way into the cosmere novels and are searching the cosmere relentlessly for a chance to meet Hoid. Since Hoid is the ultimate troll, he is running away from them.

You probably said that jokingly, but we know that at least one of the in-world 17th Sharders (Demoux) is based on a real world Sanderfan/friend of Sanderson's, so it's entirely possible that some of the others are too!

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11 hours ago, theuntaintedchild said:

Every time I read this interlude I think Ishikk might know where Hoid is. After talking with the members of the 17th shard he thinks to himself something along the lines of "A fool's errand indeed." I always thought that this was a hint as to the fact that he knew Hoid was playing the part of Wit which is the closest thing this series has to an Imperial fool.

I actually have that in my long list of questions when I see Brandon in June haha, picked it up on my last reread

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13 hours ago, Darkness said:

I actually have that in my long list of questions when I see Brandon in June haha, picked it up on my last reread

What's in June? The next event on Brandon's website is SLCC in September.

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7 minutes ago, Darkness said:

he's in Sydney in June

Do you know the details? I heard he's at supanova but I can't find a schedule to know when he's on or what further details. I'm not interested in the rest of the con, and I live in Canberra but maybe I can make it work

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edit in: All I could find was from twitter.
Katelyn Gigante 
  16 Feb 16

@BrandSanderson @nookBN When will you next be touring Australia?

Brandon Sanderson 


@Silasary @nookBN Summer 2017 Supanova! #nooktalks

1:27 PM - 16 Feb 2016

Edited by Darkness
tickets just started going on sale for supanova Sydney, but they havent released the timetables for it yet. Brandon should be there at some point though... i think the tickets are $26. If i cant find more details tomorrow, i'll try summoning Peter
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