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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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My friend is out of the country on vacation.

On the one hand, yay! He's getting to tool around a neat country and see all the things!

On the other hand, he has very limited time on the internet, is 13 hours off from me time zone wise, and I am sooo boooored. He is my Facechat buddy. We ping each other constantly with random musings and stupid jokes. It's lonely without him. :P

On the other other hand, I should be way more productive at work than normal for the next week-and-a-half. :ph34r:

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Well Saban announced next year's Power Rangers and it's definitely weird to me. It's called Beast Morphers and it's adapting... 2012's Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. It's weird since they skipped it in favor of doing Dino Charge so this is the first time they've ever gone back to an unadapted season.

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For a while, I have been making a point of studying the events of the holocaust, so that I might be informed of what actually occurred. Recently, I came across a certain text. That text goes by the name of The Holocaust Chronicle. It is the greatest source of reference material I have yet encountered. It contains over 1000 pictures, all captioned, of events that happened. Each page contains two or three of these pictures, while below runs a timeline of events.

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@Silverblade5 Last month I found out that a once respectable historian, who had published several respected books, is a holocaust denier. His name is David Irving. He has since been ostracized by his fellow historians, but I found the entire thing fascinating. My favorite WW 2 historian Richard J Evans was involved with a trial concerning him (also a fascinating story). I knew that holocaust deniers existed but always just assumed they were living in a militia compound with a population under 50 in the middle of Idaho. Now, to be absolutely clear I am not a holocaust denier, but just wanted to pass along, what I thought, was a interesting story.

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Took advantage of some sales today. GameStop was having their Pro Days Sale, but there was only one person working because someone assumed it wouldn't be busy. Anyway I grabbed Final Fantasy XV, Assassin's Creed Unity and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Went to B&N since I had some coupons and got Saga book 1 and The Walking Dead Compendium 1 & 2 since it was buy 2 get 3rd free on Image Comics. Was going to get White Sand 2 but this location didn't have one in stock.

At Nebraska Furniture Mart I found a cheap copy of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie and Power Rangers Dino SuperCharge.

Today was a good day.

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9 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

For school, I recently wrote an essay on what I considered to be things that influence the strength and health of cultures. If anyone wants to read, they can do so here. Feedback would be appreciated.



It is because of this reason, this one fundamental reason, that the U.S.A. is currently one of the greatest countries to ever exist.

*USA anthem playing in the background, crowds stand up with tears in their eyes* :P sorry, couldn't resist :P

Now, seriously to the point, and comments on your essay:


Over 17000 years later, those ideas would once again come to flourish, and the people espousing them wouldn’t be speaking Ancient Greek.

Are you sure about those 17 thousand years? That would place fall of Athens somewhere near 15 000 BC, I think the events you mention took place around 500 BC?


As a result of this attempted forced destruction, the Polish culture is now stronger than ever

It's hard to say, if our culture is now stronger than ever. I think it might have been stronger in the past. It is for sure solid and strong. We have a very strong sens of identity, not only due to what happened in WW2, but also during the following Soviet occupation (they too tried to get rid of polish things).

Poland as a country and nation has a very rich history of being oppressed. Before WW1 and WW2 there were Partitions of Poland which led to many years, when Poland wasn't present on the maps of Europe. Despite being divided between 3 occupying nations, our culture and national identity survived.


In contrast, the Nazis were defeated, their leaders were hanged, Germany was occupied, and that awful ideology died with them.

Unfortunately, the ideology didn't die. There still are some small groups (recently getting louder and bigger), even in Poland, that for example celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday. Same in other European countries, there are small groups of neo-nazis. Fortunately, they are always strongly opposed by the majority.


All in all I liked your essay. It was well thought and provided relevant examples from the history. Very nice! :)

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13 hours ago, Mestiv said:


It's hard to say, if our culture is now stronger than ever. I think it might have been stronger in the past. It is for sure solid and strong. We have a very strong sens of identity, not only due to what happened in WW2, but also during the following Soviet occupation (they too tried to get rid of polish things).


So I am not a expert on Polish culture, but from what I remember of European history the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuani was one of the states in European history. Do people still talk of those times or has most people forgotten Polands past prominence and influence? Look how much land it once controlled!

Edit: this was a new fun fact for me, but it was so influential in keeping Europe from being overrun by Muslims under the Ottoman Empire that it gained the title, "Antemurale Christianitatis  (bulwark of Christianity)"



Edited by Ammanas
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@Ammanas we still talk about those times and are very proud of them. Back then Poland protected Europe from Muslims and also provided huge amounts of food for other countries. 

We're also extremely proud of our hussars from that time (warning,  foul language behind this link) http://www.badassoftheweek.com/hussars.html

More civilized article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_hussars

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I've caught up to the Power Rangers as far as I can without trying to find the issues not yet collected (#17-#24) so I've got to wait for Volumes 5 & 6, Go Go Power Rangers Volumes 1 & 2 and Lost Chronicles (the 2016 and 2017 annuals) in order to see everything before the Shattered Grid 'Crisis Earth' event.

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Finally found The Invisible Man Legacy Collection! Just need to find The Wolf Man set to have all the OG Universal Monsters films. Also found Star Wars: Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume 1 for under $4.

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10 minutes ago, AngelEy3 said:

Absolute best thing I've seen online so far this year! 

Hehehehe, glad you enjoyed it so much! American Woodcocks make that funny PEENT noise as part of their springtime courtship display. It's quite amusing to hear that coming out of the woods at dusk.

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22 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Hehehehe, glad you enjoyed it so much! American Woodcocks make that funny PEENT noise as part of their springtime courtship display. It's quite amusing to hear that coming out of the woods at dusk.

I hear them ALL the time in the spring when I'm in the yard or have the windows open. To put the Peent to Shine was just brilliant! 

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1 minute ago, AngelEy3 said:

I hear them ALL the time in the spring when I'm in the yard or have the windows open. To put the Peent to Shine was just brilliant! 

Oh man, I'm jealous! It's been almost a year since I've heard or seen a woodcock, since they don't live in Utah.

Also, disclaimer: I did not create that video; I just found it on YouTube by searching "woodcock remix." :P

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