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2016-11-30 [Arcanum Unbounded] Borderlands - San Francisco, CA


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I'm going to be there and I'm so nervous and excited at the same time since it's my first signing. All the books I have read till now are kindle ebooks, but I'm planning to buy one at the store to get a signed copy.
Can anyone suggest some questions to ask? I have read all the cosmere books and I think the answer to most of my questions will be RAFO, so wanted to know how to ask 'reasonable questions'

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2 hours ago, Herald said:

Can anyone suggest some questions to ask? I have read all the cosmere books and I think the answer to most of my questions will be RAFO, so wanted to know how to ask 'reasonable questions'

If you want, you can post the questions you're thinking of asking here and we can give feedback. There's also a big list of questions if you're looking for new ones (and the topic itself is a good place for discussing questions) you might like to check out.

And if you do ask a question and it gets RAFO'd, don't feel bad. It happens to all of us sometimes; in fact the first signing I went to, that's exactly what happened to me. :D

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Here's another question based on something from Arcanum Unbounded:

Khriss talks of the three great domains on Sel. Is there a third empire and a third continent we haven't seen yet?

Edited by Ookla the Insipid
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22 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

Almost 100% for certain


14 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

Almost 100% for certain


Well, if you insist. :P

Here's another one: Is "Drominad" the name of the star/sun in the Drominad System?

I had been wondering why Mashe was the only sun that was given a name in AU. I wish we had more star names in the star chart.

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I have originally thought of these questions. I'll definitely try to ask the empires on Sel if I have time. I'm not sure how many questions I could ask though

1. Is Bavadin refered to as he/she or is it unknown and Khriss assumed the gender? (Hope I get something other than RAFO)
2. Is there more significance to the 10 other planets around the Rosharian start system and them being gaseous? (pretty sure the answer is yes but it would be good to confirm)
3. Do Ym, Stump belong to Edgedancer? Will we see Stump again in the future (in case the first part is RAFO-ed)
4. Have we seen/Are there hints to Hemalurgy in the published novels till now other than Mistborn series? Since Hemalugry can steal any form of investiture.
5. Is Vax present (lurking) in any of the star systems explained in Arcanum Unbounded? (I think there will be more star systems that would be discovered in the future and Vax might be part of them)
6. Have we seen any end-negative systems besides Hemalurgy? Or any other magic system that applies to all forms of investiture?
7. What would have happened if Kelsier hasn't taken Preservation or later Sazed hasn't taken Ruin and Preservation powers? Would the earth have been destroyed due to so much raw power much before the actual destruction due to Ruin's actions?

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On 11/30/2016 at 4:39 PM, Herald said:

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I have originally thought of these questions. I'll definitely try to ask the empires on Sel if I have time. I'm not sure how many questions I could ask though

1. Is Bavadin refered to as he/she or is it unknown and Khriss assumed the gender? (Hope I get something other than RAFO)

Number 1 has been answered over on Reddit: Bavadin is primarily female, but she has many female and male manifestations and sub deities that she has created. What is unclear is whether or not these sub-deities are real manifestations or just religions she generated as ideas. 

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5 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Number 1 has been answered over on Reddit: Bavadin is primarily female, but she has many female and male manifestations and sub deities that she has created. What is unclear is whether or not these sub-deities are real manifestations or just religions she generated as ideas. 

Can you provide the Reddit link? Hoping that there might be more discussion there which would shed more light on this.  One thing I understood from Sanderson novels is that most religions are close to the truth. So even if they are ideas generated, there might be some grain of truth somewhere in them

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2 hours ago, Herald said:

2. Is there more significance to the 10 other planets around the Rosharian start system and them being gaseous? (pretty sure the answer is yes but it would be good to confirm)

6. Have we seen any end-negative systems besides Hemalurgy? Or any other magic system that applies to all forms of investiture?
7. What would have happened if Kelsier hasn't taken Preservation or later Sazed hasn't taken Ruin and Preservation powers? Would the earth have been destroyed due to so much raw power much before the actual destruction due to Ruin's actions?

I like 7, and the end-negative part of 6 is good (it seems pretty well confirmed to me that the universal applicability bit is unique)

As phrased, 2 doesn't seem likely to get a useful answer, but it has potential. We know that Roshar's moons have unnatural orbits; this strikes me as further evidence of astronomical manipulation in the system. I'm not sure which aspect you are interested it, but my question would be: "The outer 10 gas giants in the Rosharan system suggest a tie to the number ten that predates the arrival of the current Shards. Is the prominent numerology we see around the Cosmere an inherent property of the planets, rather than the Shards who invest them?" Follow up: "Would Ashyn/Braize share the 10-centric numerology of Roshar?"

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5 hours ago, Herald said:

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I have originally thought of these questions. I'll definitely try to ask the empires on Sel if I have time. I'm not sure how many questions I could ask though

1. Is Bavadin refered to as he/she or is it unknown and Khriss assumed the gender? (Hope I get something other than RAFO)
2. Is there more significance to the 10 other planets around the Rosharian start system and them being gaseous? (pretty sure the answer is yes but it would be good to confirm)
3. Do Ym, Stump belong to Edgedancer? Will we see Stump again in the future (in case the first part is RAFO-ed)
4. Have we seen/Are there hints to Hemalurgy in the published novels till now other than Mistborn series? Since Hemalugry can steal any form of investiture.
5. Is Vax present (lurking) in any of the star systems explained in Arcanum Unbounded? (I think there will be more star systems that would be discovered in the future and Vax might be part of them)
6. Have we seen any end-negative systems besides Hemalurgy? Or any other magic system that applies to all forms of investiture?
7. What would have happened if Kelsier hasn't taken Preservation or later Sazed hasn't taken Ruin and Preservation powers? Would the earth have been destroyed due to so much raw power much before the actual destruction due to Ruin's actions?

Empires on Sel: 


The direct quote from AU confirming that there are three: "CENTRAL to this system is the planet of Sel—home to multiple empires that, uniquely, have remained somewhat ignorant of one another. It is a willful kind of ignorance, with each of the three great domains pretending that the others are mere blips on the map, barely worth notice." Notice that when she says three great domains she is still referring to the empires. It's totally confirmed.

4. Brandon has said that we have seen Hemallurgy in other books, but that it is very unobvious and hasn't really been hinted at.

7. The times we have seen a shards power left without a Vessel before it didn't destroy the planet, so I would assume Scadrial wouldn't have been destroyed.

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Insipid said:

Here's another one: Is "Drominad" the name of the star/sun in the Drominad System?

I would straight-up ask why the Drominad is "nicknamed" (Khriss' word) so.

7 hours ago, Herald said:

6. Have we seen any end-negative systems besides Hemalurgy? Or any other magic system that applies to all forms of investiture?

I asked this last year, but I doubt the answer has changed:



Are there any other end-negative magic systems out there other than hemalurgy?




Have we seen either the system or the world one of them is in?


Literal RAFO

Maybe I can offer you an alternative question? For example:

There seems to be some relationship between dominant aspects of a Shardworld's Physical realm and the primary building block of its Cognitive realm (e.g. the Cognitive Realm around Scadrial looks misty, the one corresponding to Roshar is full of spheres). 

  1. Is it possible to reliably deduce what a Shardworld's Cognitive realm will look like if we knew a lot about its Physical?
  2. Why spheres on Roshar? Something related to the highstorms makes more sense in my mind.
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Just coming home from the event! He was awesome! I asked two questions (I wanted more, but had no time). I asked Szeth is a Skybreaker, and why was Hoid drinking perfume that time he met Wax. They were BOTH RAFOed! I got my first card though, which was nice.

Hey, is they guy with the two awesome clear-bladed daggers on here?

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On the way back home. He was patient and answered all my questions though half of them were RAFOed and I finally got a RAFO card. Will update everything in two hours. Meanwhile an interesting thing - Asked for a dedication from a resident of Yolen. Got "May two worlds become one to you" He stressed that it's worlds not realms!!!

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2 minutes ago, Herald said:

On the way back to home. He was patient and answered all my questions though half of them were RAFOed and I finally got a RAFO card. Will update everything in two hours. Meanwhile an interesting thing - Asked for a dedication from a resident of Yolen. Got "May two worlds become one to you" He stressed that it's worlds not realms!!!

Reminds me of what Hoid said in Warbreaker (Chapter Thirty Two):


It was a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died.


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3 hours ago, Ookla the figberts said:

Just coming home from the event! He was awesome! I asked two questions (I wanted more, but had no time). I asked Szeth is a Skybreaker, and why was Hoid drinking perfume that time he met Wax. They were BOTH RAFOed! I got my first card though, which was nice.

Hey, is they guy with the two awesome clear-bladed daggers on here?

I heard you ask those (I was waaaaay in the back past the cafe) and I love that you thought to ask about the perfume. And he said that's one he does plan on answering at some point. The mystery deepens...

1 hour ago, Herald said:

Asked for a dedication from a resident of Yolen. Got "May two worlds become one to you" He stressed that it's worlds not realms!!!

Oooh, nice. I love learning anything about Yolen.


For my own reactions:

Brandon is amazing. By the time I got to signing and asking questions, he'd been doing it for the best part of three hours (already past the time he said he expected to be there, during the Q&A) with probably sixty people after me and he was going like he could keep doing it until dawn. And he didn't even flinch when I brought out a stack of books. He said some people early on brought twenty, so I guess that relatively speaking, I wasn't too demanding. And apparently someone at a recent David Weber signing at Borderlands brought multiple carts worth of books, which just boggles the mind.  So, my questions:

- I asked if someone who had a lot of Breath would have it weaken collectively, in the same way that the single Breaths of children are more vibrant than others and move one slightly closer to a Heightening, then weaken as they grow older (and contribute slightly less towards a Heightening). He said that it wouldn't be noticeable once you accumulate enough Breath and, for example, Hoid wouldn't find himself suddenly losing perfect pitch as a function of time.

- I asked if Nazh's knife didn't glow to Kelsier's eyes because the metal wasn't from Scadrial generally or whether it was a metal with some particular property. I didn't even get to finish the second half of that before he got that smile and I knew what was coming next. Sure enough, I collected a shiny RAFO card. Incidentally, is that a recent thing? Because the last signing I went to was a bit over a year ago and he didn't have those then.

- On the less serious side, I asked what Hoid's favorite flavor of instant noodles is. At first I think he misheard me asking what his own favorite is ('spicy Korean ramen' apparently, though I don't remember the exact specifics) so I clarified. He said that Hoid is looking forward to instant noodles but they aren't Yolenese and he knows about them via the same method that he knows where he needs to be in the Cosmere.

- That gave me the opportunity to ask one last question, about feruchemical chromium and whether storing fortune would cause you to risk experiencing really improbable things, like the entropy curse in The Dresden Files. He said he wasn't going to answer questions about fortune, that the MAG shouldn't be taken as gospel on this point (I don't remember how it works there and didn't mention it, he brought it up on his own) and that he's planning something different than we might be thinking, for how that mechanic will function.

I left a couple other questions on the table, so the sixty or so people behind me could have their turn. Lots and lots of very dedicated (and patient) fans there.

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