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Excerpt from Words of Radiance: Chapters Ten, Twelve, Fourteen and Interlude 1

Michael Portz

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To get a rough idea of how long her spheres held the stormlight we need to get a rough idea of how often highstorms occur. Do we have an answer for that?


I don't believe that they've experienced 2 highstorms in only 4 days, that just doesn't seem likely to me. 


They happen pretty frequently, probably one or two a week maybe? (three every two weeks?)  On the day Shallan arrives in Kharbranth they expect a highstorm the following day (or next few days) and Tarangian's granddaughter was trapped in a collapse during a "recent" highstorm.  It can't have been too long that they were trapped I would think.

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Something I noticed on my latest re-read, when Dalinar has the vision of Nohadon, it starts out with him looking at the room he's in: "The ceiling was far above, carved from the rock in geometric patterns that looked faintly familiar. Circles connected by lines, spreading outward from one another…"
At the time I was wondering if it was meant to be a map of the Shattered Plains, if the circles were plateaus and the lines were permanent bridges they put up way back when.  I'd pretty much forgotten about it until seeing the Eshonai chapter again, though.



Like others mentioned I believe that might be the KR hourglass symbol. But the city in that vision is Kholinar. From the book "Dalinar gasped. Dead filled the streets of the city outside, a city that Dalinar vaguely recognized. Kholinar, he thought. My homeland."



EDIT: for grammatical mistake :(.

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Regarding Adolin and the thrill, I read this very differently from (apparently) most people. I don't think this is the first time he felt the thrill, either during battle or a dual. I read it as this was the first time he felt this way when the thrill left him. Rather than being worried or thinking it ominous, I am actually encouraged: this sounds pretty similar to the sickness Dalinar has been feeling, which I see as a move away from Odium, rather than towards him. Fear not, lovers of Adolin! :-)

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I completely overlooked that gem flashing thing there. Now I have to go back and read the chapter where Dalinar gives up his blade to Sadeas and see what happened there. Thanks for pointing this out.


There is no mention of a flash when Sadeas took up Oathbringer.

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If Brandon goes down that route and has spren turn into the blades I will throw up in my mouth.  It's just far too cliche for me and I cannot take it seriously.


I will cling to the theory that shardblades are a shard of the KR's soul until WoB states otherwise.


But think about it. Jasnah said that her spren has mentioned that the humans betrayed the spren in some way. What if that was the betrayal:  locking a spren within a shardblade to make it work? We know that Navani traps spren inside of the fabrials she creates. It could be why Syl hates the shardblades so much--they are spren trapped against their will and represent the human betrayal.


I wonder what this means for Adolin.  He does seem a bit scary, but at the same time he is following in his father's footsteps of treating it like a war.  The quote about how every lighteyes was a raw recuit makes the scene more like some first day of bootcamp where the drill sargent lays down the law on the first recruit dumb enough to act out.  


He did not go out and dance and perform a graceful show of skill, but used brute force to smash his opponent and win.  The question is, is Adolin going to lose himself in shows of power like this, or can he hold himself back and use it for bringing the other lighteyes into line.  


I love this. He did it without thinking, and I think it's going to be a tough battle for him, but Adolin is definitely starting to mirror Dalinar's actions/reactions from the first book. I just hope that he continues to mirror the good and doesn't instead diverge down a different path.

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Unfortunately, we fixated upon Sadeas’s plotting so much that we did not take note of the changed pattern of our enemies, the murderers of my husband, the true danger. I would like to know what WIND brought about their sudden, inexplicable transformation.

—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

My first thought was Yelig-nar, Blightwind. Just think the choice of words is a bit unusual, like a subtle hint.

Plus Eshonai was convinced the rediscovery of storm form would bring back their gods. Maybe the Unmade?

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Is it possible (ever so slightly) that Sadeas doesn't know about the bond breaking requirement? And that Dalinar intentionally has an ace up his sleeve, maybe to pull the ole switcheroo?! Totally out of character for him, I know, but hey, we can dream, right?


If so, he probably shouldn't rely on it.  Adolin thinks that removing and crushing the ruby from the Shardblade "wouldn't be needed, but it was a nice symbol."  Since he thought that right after Salinor broke the bond, I suspect that destroying the gem on the hilt is another way to break the bond.  Dalinar not breaking it himself may have just been him being prudent since he still needed to get out of Sadeas's warcamp.

Edited by TomR
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Is it possible (ever so slightly) that Sadeas doesn't know about the bond breaking requirement? And that Dalinar intentionally has an ace up his sleeve, maybe to pull the ole switcheroo?! Totally out of character for him, I know, but hey, we can dream, right?


Dalinar wouldn't do this.

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There is no mention of a flash when Sadeas took up Oathbringer.


Ohk, thanks!! I was gonna look it up later this evening :).


Is it possible (ever so slightly) that Sadeas doesn't know about the bond breaking requirement? And that Dalinar intentionally has an ace up his sleeve, maybe to pull the ole switcheroo?! Totally out of character for him, I know, but hey, we can dream, right?


That would be in a interesting scenario but I kinda doubt since Sadeas would have been obsessing over getting a blade also has seen enough duels I guess. Also I agree with Argent that Dalinar would not do that.


Regarding Adolin and the thrill, I read this very differently from (apparently) most people. I don't think this is the first time he felt the thrill, either during battle or a dual. I read it as this was the first time he felt this way when the thrill left him. Rather than being worried or thinking it ominous, I am actually encouraged: this sounds pretty similar to the sickness Dalinar has been feeling, which I see as a move away from Odium, rather than towards him. Fear not, lovers of Adolin! :-)


Yeah, that is exactly how I interpreted that. I guess we have to wait until the book for confirmation.

Edited by kkchaitu
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There is no mention of a flash when Sadeas took up Oathbringer.

I just went back and reread that chapter to see if Dalinar did anything unusual that might have been him breaking the bond (no, he didn't) and HOLY S--- THAT IS THE MOST AMAZING SPECTACULAR EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER OF A CHAPTER EVER!!!11OMFG AHHH!

Sorry, but I had forgotten just how much awesomeness and badassery happens in that one. Wow.

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But think about it. Jasnah said that her spren has mentioned that the humans betrayed the spren in some way. What if that was the betrayal:  locking a spren within a shardblade to make it work? We know that Navani traps spren inside of the fabrials she creates. It could be why Syl hates the shardblades so much--they are spren trapped against their will and represent the human betrayal.


If that were the case why would spren bond with humans?  KR were around a long time, and Kalak mentions that honorblades are beyond even shardblades in the prelude.

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I just went back and reread that chapter to see if Dalinar did anything unusual that might have been him breaking the bond (no, he didn't) and HOLY S--- THAT IS THE MOST AMAZING SPECTACULAR EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER OF A CHAPTER EVER!!!11OMFG AHHH!

Sorry, but I had forgotten just how much awesomeness and badassery happens in that one. Wow.


Yeah, that is my favorite scene in the book.


I think Sadeas is bonded with the blade because he can summon it and send it away at will. I think when the blade is loaned you can't send it away or summon it.


Also if Dalinar tried to take it back I think Sadeas would demand his "property" returned too.

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I've gotta say I don't like Amaram much, but I have hope for him yet.  From the morse code paragraph Brandon posted Amaram knows about the voidbringers and is acting to prepare for them.  In addition, he's important enough that a secretive group sent an assassin after him with a full set of shards.  As readers, Amaram's decision to take the Shards for himself is inexcusable.  That being said.... if we were to put ourselves in his own shoes, leading an army, assassins in Shards attacking him, likely some secret knowledge as well, it would be very difficult not to make the same choice.


I'm hoping Kaladin's honor wins out over vengeance and Amaram becomes an important part of the story.  At the same time though, I'd love to see Kaladin stick him to the ceiling or take him for a flight superman-style and drop him a ways  :ph34r:


I hadn't thought of this, but this would be pretty awesome. Frustrating, but awesome. Also, if I may ask, which morse code paragraph?



I'm new to this place so sorry if I missed this somewhere else, but when Adolin took Salinor's blade Salinor had to touch the gem to release his bondon the blade.



I don't want to get too off topic, but I just want to point out that this is very similar to how some fabrials work.



She tapped the three gemstones—she’d placed her smokestone into the third setting. Some other fabrials, like spanreeds, worked when you tapped the stones.





“It’s true,” he said. “I’ve heard it from several ardents. There’s so much shadow and ritual surrounding Soulcasters. They’re kept mysterious, aren’t used where people can see. But the truth is, there’s not much to them. You just put one on, press your hand against something, and tap a gemstone with your finger. It works that simply.”


So really, the idea of tapping/touching a gem to make a connection with a shardblade seems to fit. 


If that were the case why would spren bond with humans?  KR were around a long time, and Kalak mentions that honorblades are beyond even shardblades in the prelude.


Well, regular shardblades don't grant surgebinding abilities (although honorblades might). So I see plenty of reason to bond with a spren. Of course, Syl, Jasnah's spren (the name is escaping me currently), and Lift's spren have all made comments about being wary of reaching out to humans. 

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A tiny inconsequential piece of info you may not know

Eshonai's plateau is called narak.

In Hindi Language It literally means "HELL"


 Brandon lived in the Asian (Korean if my memory serve me right) maybe the similarity could be proposital =)


Also some elements in the Brandon books kind of remember anime/manga elements my bet is that the time he stayed there influenced him, after all the Alenthi epicanthic fold didn't appear out of thin air =)

Edited by Natans
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Well, regular shardblades don't grant surgebinding abilities (although honorblades might). So I see plenty of reason to bond with a spren. Of course, Syl, Jasnah's spren (the name is escaping me currently), and Lift's spren have all made comments about being wary of reaching out to humans. 

I meant, we know the KR existed in the prelude and Kalak mentions shardblades exist.  If the betrayal was turning spren into shardblades it stands to reason that the spren would have stopped bonding with humans immediately.  Since you need the nahel bond to become a KR that would have meant the end of the KR right away.  Given we know the KR stayed around for awhile the betrayal cannot possibly be turning spren into shardblades.

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Less likely to my mind.  He recognized the KR symbol (well, what became the KR symbol) that Nohadon was wearing.  Seems like he would have likewise recognized the pattern on the ceiling if it was the same. 


It seems quite likely Nohadon would have been wearing the same symbol as the one on the ceiling. It's also likely that modern times have simplified the Surgebinding chart. What confused Dalinar were the lines connecting everything. The Double Eye of the Almighty is likely just eight spheres surrounding two 'pupils'.

Is it possible that the familiar but unrecognizable chart is actually the other chart? The "Voidbinding" one? (Man, we have to figure out what that is used for so I can stop calling it that.) Forgive me if I'm not catching the point, but that seemed possible to me. I take circles and lines to mean one of those two always. 

Also, I was thinking of the consequences of Adolin's duel and I'm really excited for it. I think Dalinar is going to recognize those signs and have something to say to Adolin about all that. I imagine after seeing how effective it is, some other duelists will attempt it. Even if only in practice, having the Thrill run wild within the camps is going to be.... problematic, I think. This may cause quite a chain of unfortunate events. 

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kkchaitu, on 29 Jan 2014 - 6:26 PM, said:snapback.png

I completely overlooked that gem flashing thing there. Now I have to go back and read the chapter where Dalinar gives up his blade to Sadeas and see what happened there. Thanks for pointing this out


There is no mention of a flash when Sadeas took up Oathbringer


It seems to me that the gem's on the Shardblade Adolin won are there for decoration, and are not original to the blade, hence he was able to remove it. I think the reason that Dalinar's didn't flash/shine is because Dalinar likely didn't have any gems for decoration on Oathbringer, since Dalinar doesn't decorate his Shardplate, he likely also doesn't decorate the blade.

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Is it possible that the familiar but unrecognizable chart is actually the other chart? The "Voidbinding" one? (Man, we have to figure out what that is used for so I can stop calling it that.) Forgive me if I'm not catching the point, but that seemed possible to me. I take circles and lines to mean one of those two always.


Could be. The fact that Dalinar didn't recognize it is super weird, though. Particularly if they're in Kholinar; the same mural should be on the ceiling of his palace.

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