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Question about the Shin


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I did some research and couldn't find an answer, so my bad if it's somewhere I haven't seen yet.

So Nale knows that the Shin have the 8 Honorblades obviously, and that the Shin are decendents of the Skybreakers. My question is who gave the Shine the blades? Did they find them or were they gifted to them by Nale to protect? Is it ever said somewhere, either in book or a WoB, what the answer is? Or is just not resolved yet?

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14 minutes ago, KereDerek said:

So Nale knows that the Shin have the 8 Honorblades obviously

They have seven. There were nine left, Jezrien's was taken by Kaladin and one is unaccounted for. (WoR I-14, when Mr.T. lies that one of the Honorblades disappeared, Szeth reacts: "One of the remaining seven?"). Current consensus is one of the Heralds went back for it, specifically Nale.

14 minutes ago, KereDerek said:

the Shin are decendents of the Skybreakers

As far as I know there is no information about that. Do you have a source for this?

As for your question:

20 minutes ago, KereDerek said:

My question is who gave the Shine the blades? Did they find them or were they gifted to them by Nale to protect?

We do not know how did the Honorblades end up with the Shin.

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That looks more like speculation on why Nale might be sending someone to bring 'justice' to Shinovar (aside from the obvious, that they punished Szeth unjustly and he's being sent to right that perceived wrong) than actual evidence of a connection. There are plenty of other possible explanations.

And as mentioned, we have no idea how the stone shamans came to possess the Honorblades. Taravangian's note in the Diagram suggests it's something you could deduce if you had the right set of facts in front of you but unfortunately we don't know what those facts might be; likely there's some in-universe knowledge he has that we don't which would clarify things.

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Ahh, makes sense now that I look at it. The Heralds peaced out before the Raidents, so it would make sense that the Raidents would obtain the Honorblades, and maybe a Skybreaker Shin took the blades to the Shin when the KR peaced out.

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I doubt the Shin as a people would the descendants of the Skybreakers, since they are an ethnicity, and there weren't even that many Skybreakers to begin with. The Skybreakers could have been the core that started the Stone Shamans or something like that, but yeah, it's just a theory.

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Throwing this out there, again, but the Stone Shamans could be the decendents of the Skybreakers. As far as theories go it isn't bad. It is true though that it shouldn't be stated as a fact as we don't know it. 

But, like, if you accept that they are the decendents of some order of radiants I'd say the Skybreakers seem pretty good candidates.

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One theory that I've seen floating around is that Shinovar was the site of the Circle of Blades in the Prologue. Saw the Honorblades, recognized the sheer power in them, built a temple and a city around it, etc...

My Patented 2 Minute Speculation:
Perhaps the early Shin thought the Heralds left their Blades between Desolations (not too sure how the old mythos went back when the Heralds walked the Earth) but if they believed that I can see their devotion to keeping them safe.
Over the generations though, they may have grown more curious about the blades, especially given the whole "we won" shtick. They started training a few people with the powers, maybe after the Radiants disappeared.

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16 hours ago, Oversleep said:

They have seven. There were nine left, Jezrien's was taken by Kaladin and one is unaccounted for. (WoR I-14, when Mr.T. lies that one of the Honorblades disappeared, Szeth reacts: "One of the remaining seven?"). Current consensus is one of the Heralds went back for it, specifically Nale.

You know, that kind of gives me this little mental image of the Heralds sticking their blades in the ground and walking away to look cool... then Nale changing his mind, muttering about how silly that was and taking his back.

I suppose, raises the question why whoever retrieved their blade only took their blade... 

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3 minutes ago, Quiver said:

You know, that kind of gives me this little mental image of the Heralds sticking their blades in the ground and walking away to look cool... then Nale changing his mind, muttering about how silly that was and taking his back.

I suppose, raises the question why whoever retrieved their blade only took their blade... 

Well, if it was Nale, then taking any other Blade would be stealing, wouldn't it?

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6 hours ago, Savanorn said:

Throwing this out there, again, but the Stone Shamans could be the decendents of the Skybreakers. As far as theories go it isn't bad. It is true though that it shouldn't be stated as a fact as we don't know it. 

But, like, if you accept that they are the decendents of some order of radiants I'd say the Skybreakers seem pretty good candidates.

Yep, it's just a theory (sorry if my initial comment sounded more authoritative than it should have)!  I don't even think I can claim ownership of the idea, as I feel like I've seen it trickled in here and there around the forums.  I think with how WoR ended, we're going to get a much clearer picture of what Shinovar looks like and (hopefully) some more info about it's history!

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7 minutes ago, Figberts said:

The Lighteyes are descended from the Windrunners, because their eyes are blue. If we figured out the eye color of the Shin, we would know if they are descended from an order. 

AFAIK, Brandon has RAFO'd question about the Lighteyes Origin.I believe the best that we've gotten was a "on the right track" with Radiant Ancestry, but nothing more specific than that. I'm curious if you've read something I haven't seen yet.
Also a nitpick, Lighteyes come in a fair bit more colors than Blue.

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On 11/15/2016 at 8:13 AM, Figberts said:

The Lighteyes are descended from the Windrunners, because their eyes are blue. If we figured out the eye color of the Shin, we would know if they are descended from an order. 

Lighteyes come in many shades, not just blue and not just normal earthly varieties. For example, Gavilar has pale green eyes. Page 21 ebook WoR. Page 97 ebook, a general is described as having pale yellow eyes.


I do subscribe to the theory though that eye color is related to Radiant order/spren type, but after so many generations the interbreeding has mixed everything up.

Edited by dionysus
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I think it's extremely unlikely that the Shin are descendants of a specific order of the Knight's Radiant.  They are a genetically distinct race on Roshar in that they are the only one to have not evolved the epicanthic fold typically associated with Asian ethnicities here on Earth.  IE: their eyes are round and everyone else on Roshar has almond shaped eyes.  This type of evolution takes a significant amount of time.  IIRC, humans are not a native species on Roshar.

Considering the Cosmere's timeline, it's barely possible for this type of racial distinction to have developed even if the Shin isolated themselves from the other settlers of Roshar from the moment of arrival on Roshar.  If they had only splintered off within the last few thousand years the distinction would be unlikely to be significant enough to encourage such pervasive and easily identifiable physical differences.  Now, remember, I said barely possible, not impossible, Authors always have wiggle room.

All that said, I think it's a safe bet that the Shin are literally just the descendants of the people who have historically lived in the narrow region between the two mountain ranges that provide sufficient shelter from the hellish weather of Roshar to support some semblance of a temperate Earth ecosystem.  They haven't migrated much because they don't have to, they don't marry outside their valley often because crossing mountain ranges to meet girls is hard, and their eyes are shaped differently from other inhabitants of Roshar as a result of gradual natural selection resulting from the radical differences in their environment from the rest of Roshar.

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