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I was actually going to ask yesterday if we could get the time period shortened a little, since I thought the 48 hours were dragging a little, so I'd be all in favour of 36 hour Days.


And having looked over the posts here, I say we give Peng a night or two to prove that he is a Mistborn. Speaking of preparation for the future though...


Quiller sat back during the discussions, eyeing everyone, and making surrepitous notes. At one point, one of the crew threw up the blame at the feet of the nobles, and he stiffened; but nothing came of it, and the suggestiong was quickly silenced. For now.


Still, he was the only one to actually speak up. Everyone else seemed to have reached the same conclusion as Lord Ollivier.

Well, not exactly the same, he reminded himself. They probably don't want to kill someone who doesn't deserve it. He just doesn't know what to do.


It would be best not to say that to his face, of course. It would be better if he could bring back some valuable information.

So the obligator pulled out a pen and a sheet, and began scribbling in a code, starting with the one who had spoken against the nobles.


Skaa, dirt (ash clean? Ver) Eyes on street, lk? No-nob, L.dell connect. Survivor(?)- L.O. 

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It also saves them the wait for you/Aether to post an updated list, and, quite frankly, stops evil!Aether from "accidentally" miscounting something and so affecting how other people see the vote going.

Believe it or not, but that was actually an honest mistake. I never intended to skew the vote on our favour (at that particular time, that is).


"Ooh... Aether gon be pissed..."

I do not really mind others doing the count if I'm not around for a while. I'll be keeping my eye up for everyone trying to usurp my count next time, though, as I should be around for that!


@Shiv: Could you change your vote for Bartbug? I know it's not an official vote, but it could potentially set off the mob-rule anti-mob-rule measures we discussed earlier.

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Huh. Just realised I was voting of the poll forgetting.


Quiller's eyes perked at Dyrings words. Someone else he could have to take into account, and make certain to report back. If the rebellion in Luthadel had shown anything, it was that the skaa were motivated by a single leader, but this group had lost theirs. He licked his lips. If there wasn't something -someone- to bind them together, what were the chances this entire crew would just fall apart? He had a feeling that Lord Ollivier wouldn't like that one bit...


Anymore than he'd like you running a skaa gang? he reminded himself. He bit the nail of his thumb. No, Ollivier wouldn't like that, either. Maybe the old man had that in mind for later, to direct the group to his own ends, but now would be too soon. And, Quiller was sure, too presumptuous on the part of a mere agent.


Instead, he started looking through the rank and file, to see who was likely to step to the mark- and noticed her immediatly.

"Of course," he mumbled. It was in the nobility to lead. If that woman with her Terrisman stewart were a real noble, she'd seize control of the situation.


He took out his page again, and waited to add notes.


EDIT: You know, I agree with Aether, that rescinding the vote would be a good idea... but I can't help but notice he didn't mention Leo taking away my vote. Which would set off Mob-rule anti-mob rule in my direction, you cunning fiend!

I may be reading too much into it, but I did warn you I would suspect everything you said after how I got played last time ; )

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The poll says "Who deserves death the most?" It's mostly useful for seeing which way the wind blows, and as much as we want to avoid lynching people, eventually we are going to need to start hanging people so I suggested we start with the nobles :D.


Also I ended up following the anti-mob mentality since it makes sense to play safe for now.

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The end of the day was nearing. It had been quiet for quite some time now. Most of the crew members were simply wallowing in their current predicament, or more accurately attempting to drown themselves in it, considering the amount of drink that was flowing. 

Aspren stood up and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of those that still had any left to spare. 


"Though we don't have a lot to go on right now, there are some things that we have yet to consider concerning the situation we're in and the opposition we face. But first let's summarize what we already know:


We all know that the Inquisitor can and will convert one of us to their side every night.

Except the Inquisitor can't do so on the very first night as they need at-least one fresh corpse that they can use.

I'm sure that the Inquisitor has some form of nightly killing ability.

The Inquisitor is limited as to how many of us they can convert. 

Each time the Inquisitor converts someone they lose one of their special abilities. And If they lose all of their special abilities then they die. The amount of special abilities an Inquisitor has is proportionate to the amount of players in the game.  

And to win the game the Inquisitor and converts need to outnumber the other crew members. 


Previous conflicts (In the wake of the Koloss) had  4 spiked enemies against 12 villagers. In our situation there are 28 of us against 1 Inquisitor. It can be assumed that if the odds were to be evened it should be that the Inquisitor be able to convert at-least a third of the initial crew members.


Now, I don't imagine that the Canton of Inquisition (Meta) would give the Inquisitor more than 10 special abilities, as that would make it almost impossible for us to beat. If so It should be safe to assume that the Inquisitor won't be able to convert more than 9 other players. It goes without saying that our main priority should be finding and killing the Inquisitor, regardless of how many Converts the Inquisitor makes. Relative to the Inquisitor, the Converts are much less dangerous as they can't convert crew members. We also need to remember that the Inquisitor needs our corpses to convert other crew members. So by the time that the Inquisitor has 9 converts, there will be at-least 9 dead crew members and so only 10 of us left alive. And that's if we're lucky and manage to avoid unintentionally killing eachother.

Effectively, by the time that the Inquisitor has their 9th convert it will be almost impossible for us to overcome them.


That said, right now the odds are in our favour. Yet I still have no idea what to do. I don't have any plan that I'm willing to suggest. Even if I did, it would be quite a suspicious thing to do after all that I've said."


With that said, Aspren slowly made his way back to his seat.




*I couldn't manage both roleplaying and trying to get my point across at the same time.

Also, when does the day end? 


EDIT: a misspelling and new information.

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I have an idea and i want to run it by you guys real quick. So our current plan is to have the seekers (i honestly believe there are two) seek me tonight, then someone else the next night to use as a spokesperson, then tell that person that I'm clean and then the spokesperson tells the thread. the problems with this are 1) it delays everything a day and 2) an intelligent inquisitor would target the spokesperson to convert, thereby gaining the identities of both seekers.


My new plan is the after the seekers seek me, they start a chain PM saying "seekers say that peng is clean. (or an inquisitor if that's the result of the seeking) send a copy of this message to two other players." everyone PMs this message around, and everyone learns the results of the seeking and no one will know who started it. Thoughts?

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Herwynbe spoke up, "Excuse me for saying so, Master Aspren, but your logic is unsound, I think. In the first game, there were 4 spike villagers, unfortunately, out of 16 total villagers, a ratio of 1 to 4. If the same ratio holds true in this game, then the inquisitor should have roughly 7 powers. Indeed, in the sake of balance within the game, he likely has less than that, I think."

Edit: Also, what is to stop the inquisitor from sending similar, albeit false, messages around to players inboxes? Silence on the part of the seekers would be best, I think.

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Aspren replied, "Yes, but unlike the in the first game the, where the Spiked definitely had the initial advantage, in this one the Inquisitor most likely doesn't. He has no allies yet (I hope) and so Meta would probably give the Inquisitor the chance to convert more than a 1/4 of the crew in case some of them get lynched or the Inquisitor themself gets killed. So that even if the Inquisitor dies the Converts still have a chance of winning.


You may be right. In fact it's more likely that you're right, but I'm going to play assuming the worst. I'm not going to give the Inquisitor the benefit of the doubt"

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Sorry I haven't been on recently, Seran doesn't talk much anyways. 


My originally liked the idea of not killing anyone, but then a couple people's arguments convinced me otherwise, but then those people changed their stance and have brought me back to killing no one.


P.S. Did you know more Words of Radiance just got posted?  :D  :D  :D 

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P.S. Did you know more Words of Radiance just got posted?  :D  :D  :D 


Haha, I'm not falling for that! I bet that's just a crude attempt at distracting us and and...     oh, look, new chapter illustrations...

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Weiry was still in shock...


He had been in a daze since he had walked into the hideout (pub?) and saw the crowds milling around Modeft.  He was just hanging there, like a fish.  He had known the Inquistitors were horrible creatures that did terrible things but that was supposed to happen to other crews.  Modeft had always outsmarted them before, what had changed?  Was one of the people here a traitor?


No, it couldn't be.  There was no way to be sure.


Some members of the crew looked ready to lynch someone, though most of the rest were trying to talk them down that it was too soon to make such a hasty decision.


Weiry agreed, no one should die... Yet.

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Wes returned to the bar after a rather unsuccessful pocket poaching expedition around town. He was hoping to see if there was any recent news about the possible inquisitor but was instead surprised to find everyone sitting around staring at what appeared to be small news clippings.


- cough - "hello?"


No one glanced up or moved a muscle. Strange. Wes had never been one for reading so he couldn't quite fathom what would hold everyone's interest so fully. He noticed a copy of the papers sitting on the nearest table and picked it up. It was entitled Words of Radiance: Excerpt.


"Why would anyone want to read words about better words?"


He shrugged and sat down to see what it was that everyone else found more important than finding a traitor in their midst.

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If there is only one Inquisitor, then I have an idea: Every Misting message two random people and tell them your role, full disclosure, as well as the other person you are telling everything. If anyone is killed, then we assume that one of the people they told their role killed them. Everybody, misting or no, does this and posts the two people they told.

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If there is only one Inquisitor, then I have an idea: Every Misting message two random people and tell them your role, full disclosure, as well as the other person you are telling everything. If anyone is killed, then we assume that one of the people they told their role killed them. Everybody, misting or no, does this and posts the two people they told.

but since you've posted this to the thread, a clever inquisitor would just kill at random and hopefully then bring the suspicion on someone else. two deaths for the price of one.

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"Zwo plans zwo oles as I see it. Peng´s plan ollapses wen he getz smoked and Shimbles jot pointed out. Not thatz I have a besser plan, Just be carefull with trusting Peng. Might jet ya killed."


Eddy was locking at his bottles and made a decion. His old bottle shall symbol his old life, the simple violence, while the Brandy Gamon gave him personifies trust and comradice. Right now the Brandy tasted better, so he decided that he must not yet smash in Peng´s head. Yes this shall be a better way of life.


I think I just created a very illogical and dangerous philosophy/religion for Eddy, but I think this might turn out fun.

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Fair warning guys, I may be a bit late with the write up. The day will still end on time and no votes will be counted afterwards, but I've got some calculus homework I need to finish before I do anything fun. Besides, doing the write up will be my reward for finishing the homework (it would've been more of an reward if you guys had planned to kill someone! :P ). Depending on how much later it is, I may adjust the amount of time in the night. It won't be drastic, but there may be only 35-34 hours in the night, rather than 36. Sorry in advance and thanks for being understanding!

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