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I abstain from voting.


I realise that won't have any kind of impact; Digits currently has nine votes, so unless he makes an impassioned plea or there is a last minute avalanche of voting, it seems safe to say he's the man whose being killed today.


That being said, I'm not a fan of voting him down, albeit it for "feelings" rather than logic. So here's hoping that, even if I'm not the one holding the knife to him, not holding the knife might convince people who to vote for, either in the last minute scramble, or in future days.


EDIT Ten. damnation it Grayv, I'm supposed to be the ninja here, not you!

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Vron. Aonar. Eddy. Maxill. Wilson. Aspren. Herwynbe.


Those are the main suspects.


Of them, I personally have Aspren on top of my suspectolist at this time(subject to change;)). Not based on the last argument just now, but mostly in the earlier thread.


Second suspects are Aonar and herwynbe, whom Iv both seen as suspicious.


Vron, Eddy, Maxill have all been a tad less active then I would think the inq would be. But its a possibility.


Wilson is a possibility, but well, I´m thinking she was just tricked, given that she acted just the same in defending it as with beetle, so it fits her standard actions. So I´m suspecting her less since shes acting the same way as when she was innocent;)


Im only suspecting them strongly thou. I dont _know_ like I did with beetle.

Edited by dyring
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I feel that the inquisitor is far more likely someone who pushed for shimble to be taken out than one of the inactives but I have no more direct insights than that for suggesting someone specifically. I understand the reasoning for knocking out the inactives though so I'll go with the group and vote Digits.

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I feel that the inquisitor is far more likely someone who pushed for shimble to be taken out than one of the inactives but I have no more direct insights than that for suggesting someone specifically.

OOC: Wes! You cut me deep! We saved you, and now you accuse us!?  :P


"To Master Dyring, and all others who have cast suspicions on those of us who voted for Master Shimble, please permit me, if you will, to point out a few items of interest.


First, if one of us wasin fact, the inquisitor, and we did know that Shimble was an allomancer, it would not have been the wisest move to swing the vote to Shimble, I think. The inquisitor already had a misting corpse to work with- with a very useful power, I might add, and if the Inquisitor was one of us, he would have known that Master Wes was not the inquisitor, and could safely vote for him along with the group (or choose not to vote at all). Then, on the next day, he and his spiked convert could target Master Shimble or anyone else whose death would be advantageous to them.


Second, If you will note from the debates that took place yesterday, all of us who voted for Master Shimble were the same people who were most opposed to voting for someone that Lord Peng stated he had no particular reason to suspect. We were the ones who were most vocal about pushing for a deadlock, choosing not to vote, and pushing for more time so that we could get further instructions from our Mistborn. All of us, that is, except for one. Master Eddy refrained from commenting directly on the debates, and withheld his vote until the very end before casting it on Master Shimble. I do not wish to make any further accusations, but I do believe that this is worth our sincere consideration.

Edited by Herowannabe
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The inquisitor would be the one who prefers a deadlock the most. He´s bound to be a soother or rioter. He can swing an even result any way he like without anyone knowing who he is. Deadlock is perfect for him.

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Or he could just quietly vote along with the crowd (or let the crowd do the voting for him), and thus avoid the need to sooth or riot and use a different power instead, and avoid the possibility that another soother or rioter messes up his plans. Pushing for a deadlock sounds like a bad move for the inquisitor.

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He cant use another power at day thou. Except thugness if hes voted in.


And he doesent need to push for anything. But if we assume he doesent, then its no point suspecting anyone. One must assume he tries to win.. and getting rid of a powerful misting is better then getting rid of a nothing special.


(and he did know shimble was important, shimble said so, openly in the thread. And lying if not the inquisitor is sabotaging. Its not done. )

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If I may point out a flaw in your reasoning Dyring. Meta told us that the inquistior has access to ALL their powers. Now I'm not sure but I believe that means the inquisitor isn't as limited as you claim. I think that the inquisitor can seek during the day if they choose to, it's the only way I see for how they found a lucher on the first night, either that or they were extremely luckly.

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Answered the rest of the arguments already, but Alvrons is new, but faulty:


1. He would need to be as lucky to random seek the lurcher as he would randomly killing him, so how does that make a difference?

2. He gave up the seeking ability, so he obviously doesent think its that useful. if it was usable during the day, I doubt he would.

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Dyring, the inquisitor gave up his coppercloud piercing ability. For all we know he has a multi-seeking one as well. The flaw in your argument was that the inquisitor could only sooth or thug during the day. We have NO idea what they have, so claiming as you did is faulty and raises suspicion on yourself for trying to downplay the inquisitors powers..

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Sorry, I don't have a ton of time to say anything before I run to work, but I did want to cast my vote really fast.  Also, my font color issue days are over!  Did you guys know there's a way to change the color in the editor?


I'm going to go with Digits simply because if someone has to die, it does make sense for it to be a person who is inactive.  

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Hey guys. I just got back to the house. My girl got into a bit of a fender bender during her lunch break, so I had to take off for a few hours. She's fine, just shaken up a bit because she's only been in one other accident in her entire life. I apologize for yet another late writeup, but at least I actually have a reason this time! 


Any vote after 12:24pm EST will not be counted and I'll have the write up as quick as possible!

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First off, saying that 'he won't have two bronze powers' is a MAJOR assumption.

Secondly, I was not trying to divert suspicion away from me.  I was trying to get people to open their minds to the idea that making assumptions about the inquisitors abilities is not the way to go about finding them.  If you suspect me, good, your supposed to  The ONLY one not suspect is Peng, everyone else is.


Personally, I think those that voted 'no kill' during day 2 cycle are more likely to be the inquisitor. 

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Great all is well Meta. Doesent really matter if we gotto wait abit when something happends. Its a game only:).


"some assumptions are required. It doesent help worrying about extremely unlikely things just because its not expressively stated he cannot, like him having two bronze power or being able to multiseek most of us during the first day so he could already know the lurcher before the first night.


He got lucky with the lurcher, or the lurcher trusted the wrong person with info. The alternative is fooling oneself. " 

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Night 3 (Healing Factor)


The specter of Shimble’s sudden and wanton death still lingered over the Crew. They knew they needed to still find the Inquisitor, but many found they just didn’t have the stomach for it. They spent the entire morning in an usual silence, almost as if they were finally giving the dead the respect they deserved.


When Peng finally looked up from his notes, he found all eyes on him. It was still daunting, considering he’d spent most of his life trying not to be noticed, and it made a part of him want to crawl under the table and hide. He held firm, his resolve to kill this Inquisitor giving him strength.


“I’m doing the best I can,” he said. “There is so much to sort through and this is a thieving crew. Everyone here is so good at keeping secrets that it’s hard to find any discrepancies! I do have a few ideas though. Our doctor has been pretty silent recently. What if that’s to help him stay hidden amongst us? Besides, who would expect the healer to be the killer?”


A few people nodded, but most people just looked away, unable to bring themselves to kill again. Aspren squeezed his eyes shut tight, trying to block out what he already thought of as another pointless and gruesome death.


Except they were not the only one affected by the earlier deaths. Peng caught Vron’s attention and whispered something in his ear. Vron nodded and scurried out of the inn. As he left, the bar fell back into silence. Afternoon came and went before Vron finally returned. He walked up to Peng and handed him something. Peng nodded in thanks, then after a deep breath, convinced himself to stand.


The Doctor wasn’t at the bar. He was more than likely at his home, which doubled as his office as well. Peng headed there. He didn’t go alone. Roughly half the Crew came with him for support.


They indeed found Digits in his office. He had no clientele at the time and he seemed to be surprised to find over half the Crew in his home.


“Here,” said Peng, holding out a small vial filled with a strange liquid. “Drink this.”


Digits took the vial and popped the top. “The antidote?” He asked hopefully before downing the ingredients.


Peng’s answer was barely a whisper. “No.”


The drug worked fast, but then that was what Peng had requested. Something painless, but lethal. In less than a minute, Digits was dead.




Night 3 begins! I’m just going to leave it at 36 hours from here. It’s a little later than I’d like, but I don’t want to keep jerking you guys around with the turn times.


Dr. Digits turned out to be a Regular Crew Member!


Everyone send in your Night Orders!


Player Votes

Digits - 11 (Gamon, Barty, Wes, Kukri, Herwynbe, Dyring, Edgedancer, Wilson, Peng, Grave, Lucy)

Windrunner - 1 (Vron)

No Kill - 1 (Aspren)

No Vote- 12 - (Windrunner, Digits, Ridge, Seran, Aether, Mathieu, Aonar, Cessie, Quillion, Maxill, Roban, Shiv)

Updated Player List

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