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My vote is on Digits as well.

And hopefully this doesn't change, because I can't guarantee that I'll be on long enough tomorrow before the day ends to post again, changing my vote. I check up regularly on my phone, but I really hate replying/posting on that thing. Hate it with a fiery passion.

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&%#¤!!!!!!!!!! I had a bloody long post here - including SEVERAL lists - but I accidentally updated the tab. Anyone knows if it is possible to recuperate it somehow? If not, I'll do it over again, but it would have to wait for a few hours.

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oh wait. Duh.

If only one person has come forward claiming to be a SNAPPED, then we actually know that they are not inquisitor or converted.

Peng, if you haven't sent the PMs out yet, DON'T! 4-5 people is too big a circle to trust, and I really think the snapped is a much better choice to give the info to as back-up. There's no guarantee he won't eventually convert, but he can release that info safely in time.


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"I cast my vote for Master Digits as well. May the forgotten gods forgive us."

OOC: Aether: I feel your pain. I try to make a habit of selecting all and copying whenever I'm typing up a long post, just in case. But even then, there are those times when I forget to and the page refreshes or the post doesn't go through right...  :angry: 

Edited by Herowannabe
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Windrunner is left off the list of inactives. Poor Windy, always being forgotten.

Peng has plenty of time to decide who (if any) should be given his list. Even if he's killed during this night cycle, (which I don't see happening) he has until the night ends to send any PMs out. That!s at least 40 hours away.

Personally I think the inquisitor used his lurching spike on someone and left the coinshot ability to rot. He is very exposed at moment. Having a lucher protecting him makes more sense to me.

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Personally, I think the people on the list of those who voted for Shimble are more likely candidates than the people who haven't done anything at all. Of course, which of them is a bit harder. My gut says Aspren, but I don't really have much to prove anything? Anyone have more concrete suspicions from those 7?

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If I were the Inquisitor It'd be smarter ingratiate myself with the mistborn, rather than oppose him publicly, as I have. If I was, it would make more sense for me to support killing people at random with little or no evidence, as you have. It would mean more corpses for the Inquisitor to choose from, less people who could attempt to kill the Inquisitor and also lowers the amount of people that need to be converted in order to outnumber the rest of the crew members.

Edited by Aspren
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I have to say, I'm a tad reluctant to vote for someone based on inactivity. If they were the Inquisitor, I'd have expected them to, minimally, make votes often enough that we don't get suspicious by them ignoring it completely. I'm more inclined to think they've just forgotten about the game entirely.


(If they haven't, and this really is part of a plan, then good job sirs.)


I'm hesitant to vote for Digits or Mathieu, since it seems like a wasted vote if they are just being inactive. There's less than five hours left (I think?) and I'm unlikely to be here for that whole time, so I'll vote before I go, but I'm still waiting to be convinced. Right now, my decisions are based more on gut instinct rather than logic, and my gut is telling me that attacking the doctor would be a waste of time.


After all, he'll just regenerate anyway, right?

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Personally, I think the inq would be very happy to vote for someone he knew was an important misting.... I really cannot see how anyone objects to this. Its like saying the inquisitor would not try to kill say, a seeker or the lurcher if they went public.


(shimble claimed he was. So eitehr he was lying aka the inquisitor, or he was someone important to us. the inquisitor would have known he wasent that. Ergo he knew shimbles was someone important wich would be great to get out of the game. )

Edited by dyring
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eh? No. You said it would be smarter not to join those voting for shimbles and instead ingratiating yourself with the mistborn. As it happens there are several who ingratiated themself with the mistborn yet changed their mind and voted for shimbles when that option came to hit someone important.


All while trying to give the impression they didnt wanna kill anyone, yet knowing they could soothe any deadlock so they could choose who died.

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'Twould be very clever indeed, for baldface to take lurcher, because then, we would only have 1 coinshot to attack, so it wouldn't work.

Dang, that's smart. Guys, if you're a coinshot, let it go for the night. See who baldface kills, be it 1 or 2 people.

EDIT: Kill Digits.

Edited by bartbug
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Dyring, you're going off on a tangent. I said: the Inquisitor wouldn't publicly oppose the mistborn and would prefer that someone was lynched.

You said that: The Inquisitor would vote for someone he knew was a misting.


How are these contradictory?

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Because you couldent do both. Either the inquisitor followed the mistborn, aka, voted kill wes, or the inquisitor went to try and kill the one he knew was a misting, aka shimbles.

 He had a choice to make.

Thus, you cannot do both. And voting to kill an important misting, under cover of not wanting to kill anyone, is quite nice as inquisitor.

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You have a point there. Though that's excluding the possibility that the misting lied about their role, that the Inquisitor doesn't actually know their role or that the Mistborn doesn't know either. Also, you do realise that I'm talking in general, and not specifically about the scenario that occurred on day 2. 

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I don't really think that the Inquisitor would be ignoring the game as completely as Digits and Matheiu seem to be, and if that was their master plan, it seems to have failed. That being said, I'll vote Digits to go with Peng. There's no way I'll be back on before the day ends, so I hope he doesn't change his mind.

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