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Herwynbe staggered back, head reeling from all the debates, as well as the realization of what his one little vote had started. Several accusatory glares turned his way.


"Uh... oops?"


OOC: Well... crap. Although, even though Shimble wasn't the inquisitor, he DID kill Ffnord the first night, which made me quite sad. I miss your hidden messages Ffnord! They always made me smile.  :( I know which power I would go for if I was the inquisitor, but I'm not going to say anything, because I don't want to give it any ideas.

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Gamon was stunned. Why do I have a feeling of deja vu? he asked himself? This felt too familiar.... the suspicion and betrayl, the angry mobs, and the deaths of innocents. Survivor forgive us. he silently prayed.

He was simply too shocked to do anything. How? Was all he kept asking himself.


Edit:OOC- well..... crap. I guess Shimble did try warning us. :/

But there was nothing really we could have done better. The game is about guess work. Now we just have to keep our heads extra low.
And now we have to consider Wes or not. If he was telling the truth and he's just a regular villager, then there's no point in really gunning for him anymore.
Uh, Peng? Where do we go from here? Lead us, O' Lord of the Mists!


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Lucy shuddered at the brutality of her fellow crew mates, and at the thoughts in her own mind. She didn't want to kill anyone, but now it looked like that was where they were all heading. A few voices in the day had culminated in an outpouring of accusations that peaked as the sun hid beneath the horizon and the mists started to appear. Now, they were down another innocent, a coinshot no less. Were they even going to find the Inquisitor before they all died? And where was Peng? He was their best bet, and now he was nowhere to be seen.

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"Gamon, Well, you could have stuck to the plan, knowing that the one Peng targeted wasent an important misting.... I did indeed warned you about this, wich was ignored(thou he was coinshot, not tineye). Deja vu indeed, just like warnings about someone in game one.... ;)


So yes, You COULD have done better, had you been thinking it through, or listening to those who did....


Next vote, please do.



And Gamon is one step up on my suspectolist... still weak, but still. And the vote we just had was our last vote where we could kill the Inq and win. Now he will have converted someone."

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But we're not trying to kill unimportant, regular people. We're trying to kill the Inquisitor, and that can really only be done at this point by just following gut suspicions.

Your suspicions aren't better than anybody else's at this point. It was a fairly close split.
The fact remains, unless Peng comes out and said somebody is 100% Seeked and Verified then anybody's roles they've claimed is circumspect. Peng only gave us a random target with no real conviction. (And you see I still followed with Pengs decision and voted for Wes anyway).

So yeah, this sucks we've lost some of our best roles first (again), it's not really a good idea to start saying someone's made any better decisions than anybody else so far. We still don't know crap.

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"I suspected shimble the most, yet still argued against killing him, just to avoid this. That was not due to a guess. 


If we suspect Wes and shimble both based on gut feelings, then it does make sense to kill the one who´s less likely to be someone important. That is what I warned you about, and thats why you should have considered.


This is how things stood:

Wes - decent chance of being Inq, Is not someone important if not.

Shimble - Decent chance of being Inq - Certain to be someone important if not.


(And maybe I should have explained it like that, but I thought it was obvious from what I wrote.)


And there, shimble should be kept alive, due to the second part.  


Thus, for the next vote, please do think, not just go with gut, since we do have _some_ facts. Consider them.

Gut feelings is what made spiked win last game, instead of going by facts.


As a sidenote, I realize a whole lot of gut feelings just started pointing me out to die, as I´m letting ppl know they acted stupidly, wich is never popular compared to sympathy and confirmation of it not being their fault. However, confirmation and sympathy does not lead to smarter behavior the next time.


Now, its nighttime, we should all try and stay safe until tomorrow. I do hope Pong comes back"

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The fact remains, unless Peng comes out and said somebody is 100% Seeked and Verified then anybody's roles they've claimed is circumspect. Peng only gave us a random target with no real conviction. (And you see I still followed with Pengs decision and voted for Wes anyway).

Um. We can't even guarantee that. And I don't mean that that's because Peng or the Seeker is suspect. I mean that conversions take place at the end of the night. What if the person the Seeker Seeked is converted that night? And the Seeker misses it (Meta said he hasn't given it much thought, but he'd probably roll a dice for it, with a 50/50 shot)? I mean, we can trust that person more than we might otherwise, but it's not 100% certainty. Because there's still that chance that something happened and Peng's Seeker didn't catch it.

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"I suppose that if we had someone protected by a lurcher, if we got another, or if someone was seeked to be a thug who´s still on his first life, the inquisitor would be unable to convert them. We could trust thatone."

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Cessie watched the sun set as the crowd around her grew more and more possitive that Shimble was suspect.  She couldn't justify killing an innocent man, but the facts that were presented to her painted the picture of a man who wasn't.  As she cast her vote, she felt a feeling of satisfaction -- she had made an important decision on her own.


That feeling instantly lead to horror as she, along with the others, discovered that she had just sent not only an innocent, but a friend, to his death.  "What have I done?" she asked, covering her mouth in horror.


Holy cow, I did not expect that.  I really wish he had stepped up to say something more, or else that Peng has said something.

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"I suppose that if we had someone protected by a lurcher, if we got another, or if someone was seeked to be a thug who´s still on his first life, the inquisitor would be unable to convert them. We could trust thatone."

In that situation, yes. We could. Do we even have another Lurcher? If we don't, it all depends on that 10% possibility an Unsnapped will Snap in the night (and an even less chance that they'll get Lurcher as well).

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What else was he supposed to say? "Hey guys, I'm the Coinshot. By the way, Inquisitor, how does this bright red target on my back look?"


No, I know he can't say exactly what he is, but what about sending a message to someone else and requeting they say something?  Or... I don't know.  I just wish I knew if we have another coinshot, or else we're all sitting ducks at night.

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What else was he supposed to say? "Hey guys, I'm the Coinshot. By the way, Inquisitor, how does this bright red target on my back look?"


I wish he had told us his reasoning behind why he was targeting Wes or at-least admitted that it was unfounded, so that we could all have decided to avoid killing anyone or at the very least discussed it. It wasn't my intent to have Shimble killed. My hand was forced into action to prevent what seemed only to be random killing.


Shimble's blood is also on your hands. 

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"Right. Just incase the inquisitor does the only resonable thing and targets the smartest man in the crew and I am killed tonight, I wish to make one more statment before I go to sleep(ooc - log off;))


Vron. Aonar. Eddy. Maxill. Wilson. Aspren. Herwynbe.


Theese 7 are now moved up high on the suspectolist. shimbles mentioned he had an important role, thou he didnt say wich. He said that his death would be very bad for team non-hemalurgy.


The inquisitor would have known Shimble wasent the Inquisitor, and thus, could expect him to tell the truth, and then very much want Shimbles dead.


While there is a small chance that he didnt wanna risk voting for Shimble himself, and instead perhaps rioted or soothed, it is still very likely one of those 7 are the inquisitor. They should not be trusted."

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Wes sat in the corner stunned and bewildered. He felt immense gratitude for those who had stepped up and protected him and was still having troubles convincing himself he was still alive. It had been a close thing. he glanced at shambles body out of the corner of his eye and looked away quickly.

This wasn't what I wanted. I just wanted to live, not have someone else take a knife in the back instead.

He hadn't held a knife, merely sat back wide eyed and stunned while it all happened, but he still felt like he should be washing something off his hands.

This all goes back to what was said awhile ago, killing anyone with no information was pointless and liable to dig ourselves in a hole. Wes was the safest kill, yes, but a kill at all just gets rid of one more person the inquisitor doesn't have to worry about. What we should have done is voice suspicious for half the day then Peng make a choice based on the debate. Instead, he said I'll listen to debates, waited 15 minutes, chose Wes (and admitted he had no reason to), and then left us with no direction for the rest of the day. Sorry, but even if I wasn't on the chopping block I wouldn't have gone along with that

Edited by aWESomeness summoned
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Actually, Dyring, if you look, most of us didn't even want to or start out voting for Shimble. Most of us wanted to just force a deadlock so originally I chose Quillion because someone else had already and that was one step closer to that deadlock. I, at least, didn't want anybody dead. I wanted to force a deadlock because you Peng-followers were intent on killing someone today. I would've been fine with not voting at all but you guys forced the rest of our hands.

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Actually, Dyring, if you look, most of us didn't even want to or start out voting for Shimble. Most of us wanted to just force a deadlock so originally I chose Quillion because someone else had already and that was one step closer to that deadlock. I, at least, didn't want anybody dead. I wanted to force a deadlock because you Peng-followers were intent on killing someone today. I would've been fine with not voting at all but you guys forced the rest of our hands.

This. I really have nothing more to add. I wanted a deadlock, plain and simple.

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ooc - in the last game, I was targeted despite having voted against every innocentkill, because people made excuses for their own votes, just like thatone. Continue making them, and youll make the same mistakes as last game. This is also apparent by the upvotes now. The ones having made errors but excusing themselves gets more upvotes then the ones who argued for a better direction, such as me and porridge. Those excuses, and desire to protect yourselves, then also protects the inquisitor.




"No m8. that is just an excuse to cover for a bad decision. Sure some of you might be more likely then others, but at a chance to kill one the inquisitor knew to be important, he would have been wanting to jump at it.


You gave him the chance, by picking a target who you knew was important if he was innocent."


(you used for the group, not pointed at one individual)

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Honestly Dyring, I'm not sure I'd agree with you even if I weren't on that list.


If I were the Inquisitor I would have refused to vote, then broken the quickly forming deadlock towards the one more likely to be a misting with the careful application of Soothing. That way I would both kill off an important member and deflect suspicion. I kind of hate going through the Inquisitor's actions and motivations like this, I feel like I'm giving him/her ideas.  :unsure: 


It was a bad decision, though it didn't seem so at the time. We should have continued to push the Quillion/Wes deadlock rather than make the Shimble/Wes one. Though, given my luck, Quillion would have ended up dying and being confirmed a Seeker.  :P 

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"You should have done what we agreed, and gone for wes. Simply as that. By attempting deadlock you give the inquisitor and a single rioter/soother all the power to decide. Most likely the Inq as anyone else would be happy with the deadlock then. Even if the decision on Wes was simply a random roll, thats where it needs to start. Because its a random roll with the important ones removed!


Peng is picking the suspicious ones from a list of maybe 10 names. You or I pick them from a list of twice that size. And deadlock is not an option.


Now, goodnight."

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A reminder to everyone:


It's around this point in the game (during the middle, hectic part) that things can get... intense. I don't want to have a situation like last time, so please remember to keep things civil. Don't call people names and such.


If you are offended by something that someone has said, say so right away rather than let it fester and grow. More than likely (and hopefully), the person didn't mean for what they said to offend someone and will apologize. If not, I will deal with it; even if that means putting you guys down yet another player by removing them from the game. 


I doubt it will come to that though. I have faith in you guys. Just remember, it's still just a game and the end result is to have fun. 

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Even if the decision on Wes was simply a random roll, thats where it needs to start. Because its a random roll with the important ones removed!


Seriously, I still don't understand the logic that we have to kill someone or nothing is accomplished. If everyone had just agreed with Peng and killed me, what would we have learned? I wasn't the inquisitor? Great, but we also have one less person the inquisitor has to eliminate before final victory. All in all, its pretty much zero net gain and we are back to square one.


If Peng had no ideas based on his knowledge from people's roles, he should have waited to make a choice. He could have listened to us voice suspicions and steered us away from people like the coinshot. If a real suspicion formed, make that the vote. If no suspicions arose that he couldn't already account for, let the vote pass, and verify more non inquisitors in the night by assigning people various roles (I can think of quite a few ways to do this but would rather not voice them out loud).


Plain and simple, Peng shouldn't have campaigned to be the decision maker if he wasn't going to do the job. 

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Okay guys, I see that you wanted a deadlock. And tbh, though the idea of a deadlock, where no one dies, is wonderful, the fact is deadlocks just give unreasonable amounts of power to any Soothers. And also, we don't know if baldface can sooth. In fact, I'd wager that he can't. But our soothers, unless they were acting from Ping, decided to take the decision onto their own hands.

The fact of the matter is, we need to vote as one. And Ping needs to lead us. As long as he understands basic logic, then we're fine. Right now, we're in such a good position that we still have (a little) wriggle room.

And last thing, guys: If you're on and you see a player who hasn't posted viewing this page, then I think you can safely assume that they're the Inquisitor. So be on guard ;)

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I never agreed to go after random people. It doesn't matter whether or not they're important. Heck, why is Peng going after unimportant ones anyway? The Inqusitor has every power. He can claim to be anything. On top of that, the ones that claimed to be Regular Crewmembers may be Unsnapped and the Unsnapped gain the powers of mistings who are converted. That can hugely narrow down the members the Inquisitor converts, and make it much easier to track them down. Peng really has no better idea who the Inquisitor is than we do. You're free to follow Peng because he can't be converted, but I wont unless he can give me more reason to vote than, "he doesn't have any powers, so it doesn't matter if he dies."


Awesomeness: Exactly, that would have been a much better plan than siccing everyone on one person at random. 

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