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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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55 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Think about this:

There is no reason that the alphabet is in alphabetical order.

"But bleeder," you say, "it's because it's arranged in alphabetical order."

But why is that alphabetical order?

"Because it only makes sense."

But what part of it makes sense?

41 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

Yeah, the order is arbitrary.

After googling it it seems like no one knows. Its just an ancient way of ordering the letters.

Blame the Greeks. They started it.

10 minutes ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

So this may be a stupid question, but what is the QWERTY order of the alphabet?  :wacko:

The order in which the letters are arranged on a standard computer keyboard.

Edit:  Ninja'd by the one with square pants!

Edited by Kaymyth
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9 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

... it's like saying that one day order of numbers will be 1,2,3,...,8,9,0. Or 789456123 cause numpad.

Not gonna happen, people. The power of Alpha and Beta is too great.

No, that is completely different. One order exists for a reason, one is completely arbitrary.

1 minute ago, Kaymyth said:

Blame the Greeks. They started it.

Its even older, apparently.

But fine, it was just an idea.

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2 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

The order of letters in alphabet won't change. It's base of too many systems humanity rely on. Changing ordering of letters in all computer systems we use is practically impossible.

It also works wonders as a prank. Switch out four or five letters for one another in the registry, and watch chaos ensue.

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*looks down at keyboard*  Ohhhhh!  Ok, I get it.  Thanks guys.  ^_^

Now that would be interesting, to recite the alphabet in the order of the keyboard of the common laptop.  One problem, in different languages (I'm only talking about the ones that follow our alphabetical system of course) the computer keys are often put in different orders.  For example, Germans have the "z" key in the "y" key's place.  So wouldn't changing the letter order to the QWERTY system cause more confusion since it would be slightly different for every language?

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The good: Just went to Target, and they're hiring! The nice man at the booth explained that because tomorrow is National Hiring Day or somesuch, they're doing on-the-spot interviews at the store (if one applies online first)! :D

Also I got a new notebook. ^_^ 

The bad: My hand still aches, and has since I was playing the piano earlier. And it's my dominant hand. :( Hopefully, Ibuprofen helps. May have to stop by the doc's office if it keeps up. 

ETA: Hand's better now; will see if it remains so.

Edited by Slowswift
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I'll watch/read the rest of it tomorrow, but the theory alone is actually plausible to me. And it adds a good layer of grey to Dumbledore's character, even more so than what we learned in Deathly Hallows. Creating a Horcrux not out of malice, but out of pain….that makes a lot of sense for his character. Furthermore, it explains why, despite his status as the series' Big Good, he had so many moments of, quite frankly, indifference to the suffering of others—the two examples that come to mind are in the spoiler below: 


His using Snape as a double agent was far less kind than it's portrayed; when Snape comes to him begging for a second chance, Dumbledore uses that moment—a moment of intense vulnerability and remorse for Snape—to deliver a The Reason You Suck Speech, which, given Snape's emotionally fragile state, could have backfired spectacularly. The other moment is—and those of you who know me know what I'm going to say next—his stunning lack of action upon learning that not only was Draco making halfhearted attempts on his life, but that the stress surrounding and stemming from that task had caused him to have a nervous breakdown. Really, someone who has lived as long as Dumbledore should know that when you give someone a second chance as known terrorists are climbing the stairs, that person isn't going to have time to accept your offer, no matter how badly they want to. The fact that Dumbledore made his offer then and not, I don't know, three months earlier is evidence, to me, that he simply did not care about Draco and made the offer at the last moment so he could die patting himself on the back for clearing his conscience. 

These are not the actions of a good and kind man. These are not the actions of a man who even wants to be good and kind. No, these are the actions of a man who truly believes he is good and kind, despite ruined lives and broken spirits attesting to the contrary, and cannot or will not be persuaded that his actions are for anything but the ultimate good of others. 

Perhaps I'll analyze this more later, but for now, a quick disagreement with a woman who is not and probably never will be listening to me: 


Well, Rowling, maybe you should have written Dumbledore in such a way that it wouldn't have been possible for us to believe it. You can't put the evidence in front of us and then become upset when we put the puzzle together in a way you didn't intend—especially when the pieces fit together so perfectly. 


Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Yeah, I didn't really like Dumbledore beyond making stupid jokes about him XD It always baffled me how he could make so many mistakes, am I right? And then he makes that, "I have made many mistakes, and I am sorry" speech a couple of times lol. Harry actually went through alot of crap because of Dumbledore.

And J.K.Rowling....god. When I first read Harry Potter, I kinda idolised her, then the more I learnt about her, the less I liked her :/

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9 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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I suppose if it was a cornerstone character of the franchise I wrote, I'd be protective too...

...but honestly? Alternative character interpretations are one of my favorite Tropes. I actually really, really enjoy seeing how different people interpret the same character, especially when it's a conclusion reached based upon evidence rather than "I don't like Character X, let's drag them through the muds for lulz to are my fave look better."

So...yeah. I'm curious about this video now.:ph34r:

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8 hours ago, Dankness Ascendant said:

Yeah, I didn't really like Dumbledore beyond making stupid jokes about him XD It always baffled me how he could make so many mistakes, am I right? And then he makes that, "I have made many mistakes, and I am sorry" speech a couple of times lol. Harry actually went through alot of crap because of Dumbledore.

And J.K.Rowling....god. When I first read Harry Potter, I kinda idolised her, then the more I learnt about her, the less I liked her :/


8 hours ago, bleeder said:

My sister and I have conversations/one-sided two-person rants about how terrible Dumbledore was to Harry.

Also, Harry's bad naming choices. He named his sons (specifically Albus Severus) after people who were just terrible to him.

The Horcrux theory also explains his treatment of Harry. What kind of mentor figure leaves an orphan with his abusive relatives, knowing full well they will abuse him, and insists said orphan stay with those relatives until he's a legal adult? A mentor figure who is missing a piece of his soul. If he's missing part of his soul, his perspective is going to be warped. He'll have less difficulty believing that he can mistreat people "for their own good." Why shouldn't he? A piece of his soul is missing, trapped in an object (Fawkes or the Elder Wand—I'll decide which I think is more plausible after I've heard both sides) and kept at his side with his followers none the wiser. He's probably kept it so long that he's convinced himself that he alone managed to make the first good Horcrux. Voldemort did it wrong. Voldemort made his Horcruxes out of hate and selfishness. Dumbledore made his out of love for his sister. And love redeems anything, right? 

1 minute ago, Quiver said:

I suppose if it was a cornerstone character of the franchise I wrote, I'd be protective too...

...but honestly? Alternative character interpretations are one of my favorite Tropes. I actually really, really enjoy seeing how different people interpret the same character, especially when it's a conclusion reached based upon evidence rather than "I don't like Character X, let's drag them through the muds for lulz to are my fave look better."

So...yeah. I'm curious about this video now.:ph34r:

I haven't watched it all, but I did read part of the article linked in the description before bed last night. Just the idea makes a lot of sense. 

I may have a new headcanon. :ph34r: 

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I swear, I go on the most random, embarrassing internet spirals. 

I start out with new breakthroughs in Diabetes management (artificial pancreas!).

Then I do some on-the-spot reading on major religious figures. 

Then I try to find the latest on season 7 of TWD

Then I go to road bikes, because road bikes are cool and aesthetic. 

Then, I find myself on theories debating whether or not Poe/Finn should be a thing (I personally am all for LGBT rep in Star Wars but Poe/Finn is pushing it if you ask me)

Then I end up right back here. On the Shard. 

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

I swear, I go on the most random, entertaining internet spirals. 

I start out with new breakthroughs in Diabetes management (artificial pancreas!).

Then I do some on-the-spot reading on major religious figures. 

Then I try to find the latest on season 7 of TWD

Then I go to road bikes, because road bikes are cool and aesthetic. 

Then, I find myself on theories debating whether or not Poe/Finn should be a thing (I personally am all for LGBT rep in Star Wars but Poe/Finn is pushing it if you ask me)

Then I end up right back here. On the Shard. 


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Random annoyance: my brother literally just said: "a man comes to himself on the toilet that's why I meditate in the bathroom."


Please help me explain to him why this is more than just plain wrong.:mellow:


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Well, EQG4 got a UK premiere this morning.

I'm between 12 hour shifts, so I didn't have a chance to watch it yet...and in fact, I've been largely spoiler free so far.:ph34r: So.

Anyone want reactions when I do get it watched?

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