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Mestiv's signature


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Yes and yes. Just send me the pictures and schedule :)

On second thought the second yes is more a "probably", I'd have to google a bit to make sure. I'll have a definitive answer for the second question tomorrow.



I did some research and I can say that yes, I can calculate local time for someone displaying my signatures :)

Edited by Mestiv
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It's broken for me, it just shows an image file called sig.png that links to this page. It was working a couple weeks ago, but isn't now for some reason

I'll have to look into that. Is it broken in every thread you see it in?

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Ooh, it's working again. I switched devices though

Edit: And yes, it's happening on every thread for my computer. Might have something to do with my new security software

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason you iPad disconnects from my server before it manages to respond. It might be some security software protecting you from my evil signature or even your Internet Service Provider blacklisting my IP for some strange reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Elenion said:

@Mestiv Your signature is also broken for me; I am using a PC browsing on Google Chrome. It may have something to do with the failure of my computer to open the hyperlink on the previous page.

That's sad :( My sig is made from 3 images: a polandball, some text about the topic you are in and a short last.fm list of what I've recently listened to. If you can't see any of these pictures there is nothing I can do, your IPS or antivirus software decided to block my server and you can't download it properly :(

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9 hours ago, Mestiv said:

That's sad :( My sig is made from 3 images: a polandball, some text about the topic you are in and a short last.fm list of what I've recently listened to. If you can't see any of these pictures there is nothing I can do, your IPS or antivirus software decided to block my server and you can't download it properly :(

Funny enough, I can see the ball and the last.fm, just not the text. The text only shows up as sig.svg.

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Funny enough, I can see the ball and the last.fm, just not the text. The text only shows up as sig.svg.

Same here, and I'm using Google Chrome. However, when I use Safari the message about what thread I'm in shows up like it's supposed to. I'm using a Mac, in case it matters. (Also, I hadn't realized until now that guests could no longer view sigs.)

Also, @Mestiv Elenion already mentioned their browser (Google Chrome) in their earlier post. It might have something to do with Chrome.

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It doesn't appear to work for me (the dynamic svg about what I'm looking at) in Chrome or Opera, but does work in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, all on Windows 10. 

The version of Chrome I'm running is Version 51.0.2704.106 m (64-bit), which is the current version.

Edit: The error it returns is: 


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


Edited by Haelbarde
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