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Day 11: Defensive Maneuvers


Awake in bed, one of the nobility lay restless. Unable to sleep, they arose and practiced their sword techniques, hoping to be able to be prepared for the Ghostbloods, if they ever began attacking again.


Sweaty and breathing heavily, they finished their maneuvers, putting their weapon away. They washed off and returned to bed, tired enough now to sleep.


A figure entered the room. One. Two. Three. They stepped forward, making sure to step lightly so as not to make noise. Four. Five. Another step. Six. Almost there. Seven. Eight. They reached out over the bed. Nine. One more breath. Ten. Plunging their arms down, the attacker’s Blade resounded off something. What?! A barrier?


The target sat up in bed, alarmed. The attacker rushed out, running for their life. There shouldn’t be anything to block a Shardblade! Unless… the target would have to have a Shardplate. Or maybe one of those new Half-Shards?

Balanced on the balls of their feet, a Shardblade wielder was ready to attack. Waiting for just the right moment when their prey would round the corner. The light of the sun utterly gone, they hid in the darkness.


There! Rounding the corner now was the soon-to-be-dead noble. The hunter attacked. Blade sweeping, flashing by in Windstance, the prey stopped, looking like a chull in a trap. They managed to block the attack, their armor prepared. They managed to get a fist in their attacker’s side and ran off, using the distraction.


It had been too dark for the hunter to see where their prey had run. Angry and sweaty, they returned home to hunt another night.

Two different people were attacked by Shardblades, but did not die!




Player List:

  • Elbereth: Tintallë-Probably a goddess, definitely a ninja Thief

  • Phattemer: Axies-In denial Noble

  • Master_Elodin: Eobard Thawne-Reverse-Flash Noble

  • DeathClutch: Itachi Uchiha-Some Japanese kid Noble

  • Alvron: Alv-Badchull Halfborn Ghostblood

  • ThatTinyStrawMan: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Noble

  • Kynedath: Kayden Ianlynn-Definitely arrogant

  • little wilson: Brightlady Kenara-Looking for body parts. Definitely British.

  • AliasSheep: Kelen Taldar Noble

  • Zas678: Kaythar

  • Twelfthrootoftwo: Teialan

  • Macen: Ace

  • Yafeshan: Geran Noble

  • Mark: Mayelek Noble

  • Kasimir: Karnan-Not Khas. Nope. Ghostblood

  • TheMightyLopen: Loopen-Just a wee bit crazy Ghostblood

  • Seonid: Senna Idian Noble Artifabrian

  • Burnt Spaghetti: Ebony Ghetti Noble

  • Stink

  • Nyali: Brightness Arisia

  • Orlok: Subadon-Probably secretly American Ghostblood

  • TheOnlyJoe: Sani Joslin-Traitor to 'Murica Noble

  • Elkanah: Montnog Spot Thief

  • Trelagist Noble

  • Araris Valerian: Ardel Noble

  • Hellscythe: Hellscythe Noble

  • Luna: Luna Arryn Noble

  • Silver Dragon: Star Thief Noble

Edited by Mailliw73
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I pain knifed Zas. At this point, I I don't know what's going on. It's possible that the GB attack was stopped, or it's possible that the GB has a SB and isn't attacking with both the GB attack and the SB attack? No idea.

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I pain knifed Zas. At this point, I I don't know what's going on. It's possible that the GB attack was stopped, or it's possible that the GB has a SB and isn't attacking with both the GB attack and the SB attack? No idea.


Even if they had a Shardblade (or a Grandbow), there's nothing stopping them from using both attacks. There are three action periods. All they'd have to do is use either the T1D or T2 action period for the GB attack and they'd be able to get two kills through. Or at least two attacks through. And it wouldn't even look terrible to anyone who spotted a kill with an Emotion Bracelet, because they'd have an excuse with the Shardblade. I personally think they're scared. They don't have a kill item to excuse making a kill and they're worried about the Emotion Bracelets and the Soulcasters so they're refraining from killing and hoping that the lynch and our other kill roles do the work for them.

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I would like to ask that the Shardblade users reveal themselves, either in here or through someone else, so we know who was protected- it would be a pity to try and lynch someone (like Kyne) and find that they still are protected. 


Also, it would be good to know if any of them were redirected.


Also, Stink, what happened to your Grandbow? Did it get blocked? Broken?


In terms of the painknife, I'm still unsure if the GB either forgot to do it, is too scared of other actions revealing who they are to do it, or if they're getting painknifed out of it. However, I know that last night, it seems that the GB either forgot to do it, or was to scared to do it, since apparently no one painknifed anyone last night. I know that I at least, was active enough to submit night actions. 

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Someone with a Shardblade tried to kill me last night.


I know that I at least, was active enough to submit night actions. 


What were your night actions?

Edited by Nyali
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I was also attacked by a shard blade. Apparently I can block those now too.

I will look through the rules again to see where it explains this, but I honestly thought that that would have killed me. I'll even copy the message mail sent me in a little bit. But right now I have to get to school.

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In terms of the painknife, I'm still unsure if the GB either forgot to do it, is too scared of other actions revealing who they are to do it, or if they're getting painknifed out of it. However, I know that last night, it seems that the GB either forgot to do it, or was to scared to do it, since apparently no one painknifed anyone last night. I know that I at least, was active enough to submit night actions. 

I'm going to vote for Zas because of this. For two reasons. One, I already said that I used my pain knife last night. Two, I pain knifed him, so he would have gotten a notification stating that someone pain knifed one of his actions.

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I want to know what actions Zas actually successfully performed, or at least which ones he tried to perform.


Also, who passed me their halfshard, saving my life?


And I attacked you, Kyne. If you're surprised, I don't know what even.



EDIT: Oh, and to get back to the whole logicing out who's the last eliminator thing, someone tried to kill me last night. It was either the person with the Shardblade, or it was someone with a Soulcaster who redirected the Shardblade.


Macen claims to have painknifed, and Zas claims to have performed actions. I want to know if Macen actually did painknife Zas, which is why I'm asking about what actions Zas took. If Zas did try to take actions and they failed, then we know that Macen couldn't have tried to kill me.


Stink used to have a Grandbow, but he didn't try to use it last night. Could he have gotten a Soulcaster since then? Only if he has Alvron's.


The Soulcaster wasn't Twei, Wilson, or Zas. I know one of them has the second blade, one has the second soulcaster (I'm looking for the third) and one has neither of those items.


Kyne could have done the Soulcasting.


Macen could have lied about painknifing and done the soulcasting instead.



Though, if Kynedath is a villager, he could have tried to kill me. I can't see any other villagers trying that at this point. If you did try to kill me, Kyne, please say something? You're still my default target for the lynch if we can't logic out who the last Ghostblood is by the attack against me. So, until I find someone better, Kynedath.



Just to confirm though, there WERE three soulcasters in this game, right? Or were there only two?

Edited by Nyali
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I can't try to kill anyone! I only have Shardplate! I can't use a shardblade! I can't use a soulcaster to re-direct a shardblade! I don't have those items!

And I'm not surprised that it was you, I was just surprised that I survived.


And looking back upon the shardplate rules, I am pleased to find out that shardplate protects against two reg attacks and one shardblade attack. That was my bad for misinterpreting. In my period of inactivity, I forgot the rules of shardplate and replaced shardblade attack with painknife attack when shardplate protects against that passively.

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I think Alvron's Soulcaster was randomly allocated since I couldn't hold it, if I'm understanding the rules right. Were you checked before or after that point?


EDIT: Yes, if I'm understanding the rules right and items that can't be held are randomly allocated, Alv's soulcater was randomly allocated AFTER Kyne was scanned by Stink.

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Nyali, what can I do to convince you that I am not in fact an eliminator?


Edit: I am 100% sure now that Nyali is not the eliminator. Sorry it took me so long, but no eliminator would focus so keenly on one person.

Edited by Kynedath
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That's a good question Twei, and one I'd like to know. I apparently got it after night 9 (though Maill missed it till last night). I decided to keep the painrail rather than the half shard, as so far the half shard hadn't done anything for me. I then used it to try and protect you Twei, but it got blocked by Macen. It turns out I didn't need it.

As to where it came from, I have 3 guesses. One, Nyali decided that she didn't want it because she had a different protection, so she passed on it and I randomly received it. Two, Alvron named me as an heir to try and cause confusion. Three, someone randomly decided to give me one (like Wilson did with her Shardblade).

My guess is one, though Nyali would have to confirm that.

As for votes? Kynedath. Let's get him settled for good.

Edit- Nyali, I think that the half shard you got was mine. As I said above, I gave it up for the painful.

And I was unclear above about actions. I committed actions on Night 9 (protecting myself). My only action (trying to protect Twei) on Night 10 was blocked.

Edit 2- I suppose another option is Alvron didn't set an heir, so it got randomly given. That seems unlikely to me.

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Or Alv gave it to you because he wanted you to succeed in killing us all. He wanted his team to have as many resources as possible. I would believe either that or maybe #2.


Wait, you want to lynch me because I have survived this long? How does that make any sense? Please explain.


Zas, you are on the top of my list right now.


No this isn't just so that I might be able to survive, but I am legitimately trying to help find an eliminator so that we can win this game.

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Where'd that painrial come from, Zas?

Twei, how do you know he had a painrial?


Mail: Will someone still be alerted that they were targeted for an action, even if the person using the action on them gets Pain Knifed?

I'm curious if we caught Zas in a lie or not.

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I was also attacked by a shard blade. Apparently I can block those now too.

I will look through the rules again to see where it explains this, but I honestly thought that that would have killed me. I'll even copy the message mail sent me in a little bit. But right now I have to get to school.

Please do not copy messages.


Twei, how do you know he had a painrial?


Mail: Will someone still be alerted that they were targeted for an action, even if the person using the action on them gets Pain Knifed?

I'm curious if we caught Zas in a lie or not.

No, because they were no longer targeted.

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No, because they were no longer targeted.

So, if Twei got notified that Zas targetted her with a Painrial, or if emotion bracelet-ed it (which means the action went through), then he lied about me blocking it. So, that means I blocked another action of his.

This makes me thinks more that he is a GB.

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No Kyne, the reason why I want you to be lynched is that you've been deemed the target for 4? 5? Attacks, and you're still around. If we don't lynch you today, we'll have to do attack you two more times to discover your orientation.

You were one of the few that was able to make the GB kill a few rounds back.

Stink, what's your opinion?

And Twei, how did you know I have a painrail if it was blocked?

Edit- It seems the only Twei can know is if either Twei or someone in contact with Twei is a spy. They would've seen that I had one item, and it was a painrail. Is that right Twei?

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Please do not copy messages.

Ya sorry about that. I forgot that that was a thing with game etiquette. I decided no to copy it in the end so . . . Yay?

EDIT: Jackson waddel says jello! (Hello)

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My opinion is that this game needs to end before Monday so we kill Kynedath and then if he is inno then I'll just kill some people that like trust groups cause I am the kind of guy to use a kill role personally.

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