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JordanCon this year?


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He asked that the reading not be posted online.


That is true, but I think we can at least say the following:


It was a brand new reading (first time in public).

They were Kaladin chapters.  No more detail than that should be shared I think.

And they were awesome.

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Whoa, can we get stuff behind spoiler tags?  The transcripts are LONG, and the divided breakdown could use hiding just so people who haven't caught up on one book series or another don't get spoiled on things.

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Whoa, can we get stuff behind spoiler tags?  The transcripts are LONG, and the divided breakdown could use hiding just so people who haven't caught up on one book series or another don't get spoiled on things.


Uhm, sorry. Done.


Oh gosh, sorry about that. I can't find how to do spoiler tags...can somebody enlighten me?


{spoiler}Hidden text {/spoiler}, with "[" brackets instead of "{".

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Now if we could only figure out which question he wriggled out of...


My money is on this question:


Q: Are there people on Roshar who are pretending to be Heralds who are not?


A: There are definitely lots of people who have claimed to be Heralds who were not.


Q: You said “have.” The question was, are there?


A: I’m sure there are people around...[Laughter] I’m sure you can go to any city in the United States and find someone who claims to be Jesus, right? So yes! Absolutely!


He avoided discussing whether or not Nale or Taln is actually who they claim to be, but still gave an answer.

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My money is on this question:




He avoided discussing whether or not Nale or Taln is actually who they claim to be, but still gave an answer.


Nah, that one was pretty obvious that he was dodging around it.  Hence us all laughing as he did it.


The one I'm referring to is where he told us that he wriggled out of something and we didn't know it.

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I suspect this is the one whether Khriss is working with 17th Shard at the time of Secret History (55:18). I'm guessing the meaning of the question was whether 17th Shard had any interest in Preservation's death and while Brandon did go on a tangent about her goals and Edward-Snowden-like philosophy, if you could put it that way, but he didn't say whether or not she was helping the 17th Shard by the time of Secret History. Also, the one about more cultures on Scadrial (1:14:16). I mean, what do we have? Terris, Southern cultures (Hunters and Allik's people), Elendel Basin, Roughs, koloss-blooded. Anything else, could there be more cultures on Scadrial? 


Oh, and let me just put my tinfoil hat on for a moment... Emphasis mine:

Q: So in Words of Radiance, when Hoid switches places with the carriage driver, who was mentioned as having a hat and a strange accent - is that carriage driver important?

A: That’s a - I’ll leave this one to you. It’s a RAFO, but not a big RAFO.


A: Yes. You have seen people from off-planet who have Breath before.

Moderator: Or… perfect pitch?

A: Yes. [laughter] And are making use of it in variety of ways.


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Oh, and let me just put my tinfoil hat on for a moment... Emphasis mine:






Considering Mistborn Adventures are set between SA5 and SA6, Wayne would be keeping one heck of a secret for him to have worldhopped prior to Alloy of Law.


Vasher's not from off-planet - he's a native to Nalthis. I think he was referring to Hoid; we've seen him use perfect pitch. I wonder what else he's been using his breath for... possibly just the life sense. I don't think we've seen any Awakening from him.

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My money is on this question:




He avoided discussing whether or not Nale or Taln is actually who they claim to be, but still gave an answer.



Nah, that one was pretty obvious that he was dodging around it.  Hence us all laughing as he did it.


The one I'm referring to is where he told us that he wriggled out of something and we didn't know it.


Actually, my bet is also on this question.  Let me explain why.


Even though it was somebody else (Billy the moderator I think) that asked this question, it was spawned based on something that specifically said in a previous panel.  We were all discussing Stormlight and the Heralds and I mentioned that according to WoB the Heralds are a big part of the "back 5" books and some of the viewpoints are from Heralds.  In addition, two of them "claim to be Heralds".   I brought this up and there was some skepticism about the legitimacy of the statement, but I was quite sure.  Why was I so sure?  Because Brandon specifically told that WoB to me last year at Minicon during his signing.  See here:  http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/23992-minicon-minneapolis-040215/?hl=minicon   We all had a good laugh about the idea of fake Heralds being in the books and shook our fists at Brandon in mock anger like "How could you confuse us even further?!" but I am pretty sure that my statement here was what prompted the question to be asked.


Now, if I had been asking this question to Brandon I would have said something like "It is true that some of the Heralds we've seen or will see in the books are not true Heralds but instead claiming to be Heralds?"  Frankly I'm not sure if Brandon would even answer this question--I was completely surprised when he offered as much unprompted information at Minicon--but I doubt that he'd remember even telling me that last year.


Due to the way the question was worded this time it was easy for Brandon to wiggle out of it, and if somebody did not know about the previous WoB they would not get any valuable information from this answer and not think much of it.  If we had an actual recording of Brandon saying "You will see many more Heralds in the upcoming books but not all of them are really Heralds" that would have been a pretty big deal, so I think the question was intended to get this on recording instead of just my notes from prior signings.  Since the question was asked so loosely and the matter not pressed further I feel like Brandon wormed his way around it and, based on the audience reaction, there was no indication that he did so.


Compare this to my question in this recording about if Hemalurgy required intent to work or if it could be "accidental", and he tried to say that we've seen it but I pressed the matter to remove Spook and Vin's mom from the discussion since I consider Ruin's intent to be fueling those, and he actually buckled and ended up RAFOing the question, saying that I got him "to admit that [he] was trying to wiggle around it."

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Q: On Nalthis we know that Endowment makes splinters to create divine breaths to bring Returned, the process with which those Returns are chosen, is that deliberate by Endowment or is that a process that was put into place to select?

A: Yes.


I thought this one was pretty funny. He didn't specify which one was the case, he just said yes. Trolled by BS...

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He asked that the reading not be posted online.



That is true, but I think we can at least say the following:


It was a brand new reading (first time in public).

They were Kaladin chapters.  No more detail than that should be shared I think.

And they were awesome.

You cremlings. I am so, so envious of you all right now. If only I had money. And didn't have exams. 

Also - awesome work on the transcriptions of the RAFO sessions! Who should I upvote for those :)

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Q: Someone who has Breath Investiture, can they give the Breath to someone who doesn’t, so

like somebody from Scadrial, or…

A: Yes.

Q: Would the Scadrian be able to use it.

A: Yes. You have seen people from off-planet who have Breath before.

Moderator: Or… perfect pitch?

A: Yes. [laughter] And are making use of it in variety of ways.


That's a weird question... I have my suspicions, and since he did say people, I think it's more than just Hoid (and Vasher) fooling around with Breath...(super minor spoilers for BoM under the tags).


"That kandra bloke [VenDell] stood on the other side. His suit now was an even lighter shade of tan. “You,” Wayne said, pointing. It had been ... what two hours since he left?"


~The Bands of Mourning,42, Kindle Edition~

And if we are to believe Wayne, it's the same bloody suit. Most people don't leave to change their suit if they're going back to the same place a few hours later, it's a waste of time, so I doubt that's what's happening here. Wonder what makes cloth lose its color spontaneously...might be Awakening! (And I think it is, I've talked about this on tumblr a bit awhile ago...)

Why would VenDell have Breath? I have no idea, but I swear there is something weird about that kandra. So, why not worldhopper-weird, eh? And he's interested in Investiture enough that I think that getting some Breath would be right up our 'favorite' kandra researcher's alley.

Edited by Kandra-in-disguise
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I was the moderator for this Q&A and I had extended conversation with Brandon at other points during the convention, so I will comment here. 



I’ll tell you, today I wiggled around one question that none of you saw me wiggle around, really well, today. Today. I’m not going to tell you which one it is but there is one here that you all thought, you’re all like “woo!” but you didn’t realize you’d given me so much wiggle room.

Here are the exchanges that got substantial audience responses (the "woo!" moments he refers to): 



Q: Was it placed there intentionally by Leras or did it sort of grow [...]?

A: The Lord Ruler...it was not placed for him, he had to...get it.




 Are there any vessels or shards i.e. Bavadin that are sympathetic towards Rayse’s cause? 

A: There are some who are - um, more li - more willing to go along with it than others, yes.

Q: A dullform Listener is indoors when the Everstorm passes over, will they be transformed into a Voidform?

A: No. It depends on the strength of the boundary between them, but it is possible for them to... [. . .]

While there was an audience response, I don't believe it's the false herald question, because I knew, and he knew I knew, that he was wriggling so I tried pinning him down (I am the one who nailed his verb tense for clarification in the transcript). His reference is to a question in which his wriggling went unnoticed. 

I believe his wriggling is related to the two following question batches:

Q: Talking about the Stormfather, are the Nightwatcher and the giant water spren, Cusicesh, are they on the same level?

A: The Nightwatcher, yes. Um...uh...there are...I would say, a level below the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher who are also a much bigger deal than something like one of the sapient spren, and that’s what Cusicesh is.

Q: So the Nightwatcher is a spren?

A: They call the Nightwatcher a spren. Everyone in the books thinks the Nightwatcher is a spren. That’s what they would call...that’s what they would call, if they knew what Honor was, they would call Honor a spren. A spren is Investiture that is alive. So they would call Nightblood a spren. That’s the word for what all of these things are. They would probably call Adonalsium a spren. [Laughter] If...Right...So.

Q: What would Hoid call one of those? What would Hoid call the Nightwatcher?

A: Um…[long pause]

Q: If Hoid were to use a non-proper noun?

A: Unpleasant names. [general laughter]

Q: When it comes to the… epic-level spren on Roshar, like the Nightwatcher and Stormfather - is the number of epic-level spren equal to the number of Bondsmiths that you have on Roshar?

A: Hm, is the number of epic-level spren related to the number of Bondsmiths you have? Well, I’ve said there’s a maximum of three. And there are three Shards involved in Roshar. I’m not gonna tell you if that’s a coincidence or not. Sorry.

Several hours after the panel, I asked him which question was the wriggle question. He of course laughed and said he wouldn't answer, and which point I said: 

Me: OK, Let's talk about the Nightwatcher

and he got that rust-eating look on his face that said he was caught and said "sure!" 


I didn't record it, but here's the takeaway: 

1) The Nightwatcher and Stormfather are parallel entities such that NW:Cultivation::SF:Honor
2) There is sort of a parallel for Odium, but the parallel is the various Unmade instead of a single entitiy; 
3) They are parallel in that they are all Splinters; 
4) The Unmade are voluntary Splinters, because Odium ("like almost all of the other Shards") voluntarily splintered part of it's power
5) The SF is different from the others because it's a Sliver.


Edit: My first question in this off-camera inquiry was "Does the Nightwatcher predate the Shattering?" and he RAFO'ed on the grounds that the Nightwatcher and the Stormfather are parallel (see 1 above) and whatever he reveals about the Nightwatcher by extension spoils OathBringer which will be heavy on Dalinar and Stormfather reveals. He then trapped himself when he later said they were all parallel Shard-splinters (and thereby post-date the Shattering). 

Edited by KolinahrMaster
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Actually, my bet is also on this question.  Let me explain why.


Even though it was somebody else (Billy the moderator I think) that asked this question, it was spawned based on something that specifically said in a previous panel.  


Now, if I had been asking this question to Brandon I would have said something like "It is true that some of the Heralds we've seen or will see in the books are not true Heralds but instead claiming to be Heralds?"  Frankly I'm not sure if Brandon would even answer this question--I was completely surprised when he offered as much unprompted information at Minicon


That question came from someone in the back who was in a previous panel. Like you, I would never have worded it the way it was worded. I had eye contact with him the entire time he was answering this question and he was definitely not about to answer it on the merits.


When I asked him for clarification, I knew based on his tone that he was going to RAFO a direct, pinpointed question. There's no doubt -zero- in my mind he knows we know he wriggled out of this one. It's something else. 

Edited by KolinahrMaster
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I was the moderator for this Q&A and I had extended conversation with Brandon at other points during the convention, so I will comment here. 




Here are the exchanges that got substantial audience responses (the "woo!" moments he refers to): 






While there was an audience response, I don't believe it's the false herald question, because I knew, and he knew I knew, that he was wriggling so I tried pinning him down (I am the one who nailed his verb tense for clarification in the transcript). His reference is to a question in which his wriggling went unnoticed. 

I believe his wriggling is related to the two following question batches:


Several hours after the panel, I asked him which question was the wriggle question. He of course laughed and said he wouldn't answer, and which point I said: 

Me: OK, Let's talk about the Nightwatcher

and he got that rust-eating look on his face that said he was caught and said "sure!" 


I didn't record it, but here's the takeaway: 

1) The Nightwatcher and Stormfather are parallel entities such that NW:Cultivation::SF:Honor

2) There is sort of a parallel for Odium, but the parallel is the various Unmade instead of a single entitiy; 

3) They are parallel in that they are all Splinters; 

4) The Unmade are voluntary Splinters, because Odium ("like almost all of the other Shards") voluntarily splintered part of it's power

5) The SF is different from the others because it's a Sliver.


Edit: My first question in this off-camera inquiry was "Does the Nightwatcher predate the Shattering?" and he RAFO'ed on the grounds that the Nightwatcher and the Stormfather are parallel (see 1 above) and whatever he reveals about the Nightwatcher by extension spoils OathBringer which will be heavy on Dalinar and Stormfather reveals. He then trapped himself when he later said they were all parallel Shard-splinters (and thereby post-date the Shattering). 


So this actually brings something really interesting up. Does Hoid have some sort of issue with the nature/existence of Splinters? According to this conversation the Nightwatcher isn't specifically Cultivation so the unpleasant names wouldn't really be because of a past that Cultivation's vessel and Hoid had together. It's a seperate entity.


Why does Hoid dislike Splinters/Slivers???

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So this actually brings something really interesting up. Does Hoid have some sort of issue with the nature/existence of Splinters? According to this conversation the Nightwatcher isn't specifically Cultivation so the unpleasant names wouldn't really be because of a past that Cultivation's vessel and Hoid had together. It's a seperate entity.


Why does Hoid dislike Splinters/Slivers???

This would help the theory that Hoid is trying to piece back to get her Adonalsium.

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So this actually brings something really interesting up. Does Hoid have some sort of issue with the nature/existence of Splinters? According to this conversation the Nightwatcher isn't specifically Cultivation so the unpleasant names wouldn't really be because of a past that Cultivation's vessel and Hoid had together. It's a seperate entity.


Why does Hoid dislike Splinters/Slivers???


An obvious reason why Hoid would have bad names for the Nightwatcher is the same as anybody else: he may have received a boon with a particularly unpleasant curse. Alternatively he may be displeased with what she's done to somebody else. For example, she may have given someone the ability to track Hoid across the Cosmere, or he may not be a fan of the Diagram, or maybe it's important to Hoid that Dalinar remember his wife, or any number of things.


The fact that she is associated with Cultivation, or that fact that she is a Splinter, may be irrelevant (except insofar as those things are related to her power to do the thing he didn't like). 


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It's true- is there anyone who has known worldhopper Hoid for an extended period of time who likes him and agrees with him? I mean the closest I think we've seen so far is the Letter recipient, who still is arguing with Hoid about intervention. 

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