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Other Possible uses for Soulstamps?


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In Emperor's Soul, soulstamps were only used for forgery, beautification, or healing, but what other uses could there be? Could you take an old rusty sword and 'reforge' it into a brand new one? Or fix a roof that had fallen in? Or recover an extremely important manuscript that had been burned irreparably? 


Anyone have ideas? I think there are great possibilities out there!



Edit: This would also be great for warfare. Soldiers could carry around pre-prepared mini stamps for their most important                pieces of equipment; e.g. if your sword breaks, stamp it, it's as good as new. Any damage is instantly repairable.

Edited by CastleStorm30038
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In Emperor's Soul, soulstamps were only used for forgery, beautification, or healing, but what other uses could there be? Could you take an old rusty sword and 'reforge' it into a brand new one? Or fix a roof that had fallen in? Or recover an extremely important manuscript that had been burned irreparably? 


Anyone have ideas? I think there are great possibilities out there!


The first one you can definitely do with a bit of research, as it's essentially what Shai does with her desk while staying at the palace (in this case, you'd start with who the previous owner was and work from there).  The second runs up against plausibility problems depending on what exactly you're Forging - the piece of roof that fell in won't magically disappear, while the gap in the roof might repair itself depending on the exact parameters of the stamp.  The third is probably just fine as long as it's plausible that the manuscript could have escaped whatever conflagration that burned it in the first place.  (And/or is familiar with the manuscript in question - since the manuscript was burned "irreparably" there's no telling that the manuscript is in fact the thing you're trying to reconstruct)  


Essence Marks instead of psychiatric drugs?  

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Are you suggesting the act of overwriting a spiritweb using forgery to put them into a state where they have a burned a metal that itself does nothing but rewrite spiritwebs? What good would that do? :P

The stamp is also unlikely to have enough power to actually make you a powerful mistborn anyway.

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In Emperor's Soul, soulstamps were only used for forgery, beautification, or healing, but what other uses could there be? Could you take an old rusty sword and 'reforge' it into a brand new one? Or fix a roof that had fallen in? Or recover an extremely important manuscript that had been burned irreparably? 


Anyone have ideas? I think there are great possibilities out there!



Edit: This would also be great for warfare. Soldiers could carry around pre-prepared mini stamps for their most important                pieces of equipment; e.g. if your sword breaks, stamp it, it's as good as new. Any damage is instantly repairable.

On soldiers using pre-prepared stamps, I'm not sure how well that would work since anything new that happens to and breaks the sword might need to be reflected in the stamp to correct it. eg. 'During this battle the sword was not damaged'

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Either way, it would almost undoubtedly be much less expensive to just buy medication instead of having a master make you an Essence Mark :P


It's a matter of lump sum vs. long series of smaller payments.  Essence Marks cost both arms and legs, but they'll last essentially forever, especially masterwork ones like Emperor Ashravan's Mark.  Meanwhile, drugs cost much less, in exchange for a lack of flexibility and a general crudity of method imposed by dosage.  



On soldiers using pre-prepared stamps, I'm not sure how well that would work since anything new that happens to and breaks the sword might need to be reflected in the stamp to correct it. eg. 'During this battle the sword was not damaged'


Not really, the stamp could read "This sword has not been damaged since I got it from the quartermaster such-and-such units of time ago."  It might even be plausible enough to not alter the stamp.  

Edited by Landis963
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I asked Brandon what would  happen if a forger forged ther spirit web so that they ate a bead of lerasium. He said it would be possible but wouldn't do any thing, dose anyone have a idea why ?

Probably the Forgery needs a "bridge" to Preservation power and can't simply creates a new one.


For example You probably may use a Stamp a Misting to be another kind of Misting (and maybe also a Mistborn), it would be quite intresting. A Metalborn with a Power-replacement Stamp.

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On one hand Shai worked her butt off to make the Ashravan stamp instead of (presumably) between jobs in her downtime with her own essence marks.

On the other hand her own essence marks modify off of her own experiences and skills while the Ashravan stamp was essentially a self-contained artificial intelligence with memories and personality based off of a person she had never met, with only being able to take the person's best friend's word and knowledge for it when it came to accuracy.

Curing psychological disorders would hopefully be somewhere inbetween closer to the former.

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It's a matter of lump sum vs. long series of smaller payments.  Essence Marks cost both arms and legs, but they'll last essentially forever, especially masterwork ones like Emperor Ashravan's Mark.  Meanwhile, drugs cost much less, in exchange for a lack of flexibility and a general crudity of method imposed by dosage.  




Not really, the stamp could read "This sword has not been damaged since I got it from the quartermaster such-and-such units of time ago."  It might even be plausible enough to not alter the stamp.  

Might do but then it probably wouldn't last as long. We really don't know enough about them to say for sure.

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Might do but then it probably wouldn't last as long. We really don't know enough about them to say for sure.


The stamp would probably need to tell the sword that it's the replacement for the first sword, which broke irreparably x time units ago.  That seems plausible enough to me.  


I know when stamping humans, the mark has to be refreshed. Does anyone remember if the same stood for other things? Like the desk, pots, etc?


I think that's only a danger if the stamp is just tenuous enough to take for a bit, and then fail.  Shai worried about that when she first stamped her desk, remember.  If the stamp is stable enough to last for an hour on an object, it's stable enough to last a lifetime.  

Edited by Landis963
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The stamp would probably need to tell the sword that it's the replacement for the first sword, which broke irreparably x time units ago.  That seems plausible enough to me.  



I think that's only a danger if the stamp is just tenuous enough to take for a bit, and then fail.  Shai worried about that when she first stamped her desk, remember.  If the stamp is stable enough to last for an hour on an object, it's stable enough to last a lifetime.  


But she worked years on her own soul stamps, and stated she needed to build in the compulsion to re-stamp herself to maintain them. 

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The stamp would probably need to tell the sword that it's the replacement for the first sword, which broke irreparably x time units ago.  That seems plausible enough to me.  



I think that's only a danger if the stamp is just tenuous enough to take for a bit, and then fail.  Shai worried about that when she first stamped her desk, remember.  If the stamp is stable enough to last for an hour on an object, it's stable enough to last a lifetime.  


That's the problem though, you have to know the history of an object to stamp it, simply saying 'it broke x time ago' might not be enough and even if it is you'd have to change it every battle to reflect the new x.

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But she worked years on her own soul stamps, and stated she needed to build in the compulsion to re-stamp herself to maintain them. 


That's for a person, which are much more complex, Spiritually speaking.  We're talking about stamping objects, whose minds (I use the term loosely) are the phrase "I am an 'insert object here'" over and over and over, such as with the infamous stick.  


That's the problem though, you have to know the history of an object to stamp it, simply saying 'it broke x time ago' might not be enough and even if it is you'd have to change it every battle to reflect the new x.


Not necessarily.  "The first sword broke last battle, which was x time ago."  Altering the time since the last battle, and making the sword think it's new again rather than old and beat-up.  A whole lot of detail might make the stamp last longer, but it would be harder to renew the stamp when those details change.  Also note that a sword can't ask follow-up questions.  

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That's for a person, which are much more complex, Spiritually speaking.  We're talking about stamping objects, whose minds (I use the term loosely) are the phrase "I am an 'insert object here'" over and over and over, such as with the infamous stick.  



Not necessarily.  "The first sword broke last battle, which was x time ago."  Altering the time since the last battle, and making the sword think it's new again rather than old and beat-up.  A whole lot of detail might make the stamp last longer, but it would be harder to renew the stamp when those details change.  Also note that a sword can't ask follow-up questions.  

It can't ask follow up questions but it can just change back to what it's supposed to be if you don't convince it enough. You have to know when the last battle actually was in order to change when it thinks it was. Like Shai has to know what a type of rock is and where it was mined in order to change it into something from somewhere else, she can't just say 'you were a piece of iron mined from here.' or it won't hold.

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Assuming that there was no sudden change of foundry, the origins of the sword should be fine. Now I think of it, however, there's no real evidence of using stamps to alter the age of something. It's all been cosmetic - a desk is refurbished, a wall is given a mural, a damprot outbreak is transferred from the ceiling to the floor. Something for the question file?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think the sword thing would work... I don't get the impression that any truly "generic" stamp would work like that. I supposed I have to confess it's just an impression on my part.

I asked Brandon what would  happen if a forger forged ther spirit web so that they ate a bead of lerasium. He said it would be possible but wouldn't do any thing, dose anyone have a idea why ?

He's stated that to give someone "powers" requires more energy than normal Forgery can provide. You could make someone look Elantrian, but they couldn't channel the Dor. You could Forge someone to be "I ate a bead of Lerasium" but it wouldn't have any substance; it would be like the difference between an explosion and a photograph of an explosion.


Probably the Forgery needs a "bridge" to Preservation power and can't simply creates a new one.


For example You probably may use a Stamp a Misting to be another kind of Misting (and maybe also a Mistborn), it would be quite intresting. A Metalborn with a Power-replacement Stamp.

HRM WHAT A FASCINATING IDEA. After my next round of edits I might have a fanfiction I'd suggest you read...

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I came up with these ideas a while ago, but with a lot of research you could alter the course of someone's life. If you were feeling particularly odious and you wanted someone to suffer, you could Forge them into making a bad choice in life. (Ex: When choosing between a career path that makes them rich vs one they enjoy, you make them choose the one that makes them rich and miserable. Then you also Forge them into making a few... inefficient choices with how they spend their money so they become poor and miserable.)


Or if you're feeling benevolent, you do the reverse.

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I came up with these ideas a while ago, but with a lot of research you could alter the course of someone's life. If you were feeling particularly odious and you wanted someone to suffer, you could Forge them into making a bad choice in life. (Ex: When choosing between a career path that makes them rich vs one they enjoy, you make them choose the one that makes them rich and miserable. Then you also Forge them into making a few... inefficient choices with how they spend their money so they become poor and miserable.)


Or if you're feeling benevolent, you do the reverse.


That's a lot of effort placed into Forging someone else into making good (or poor) life choices.  There's got to be a simpler way of doing that without resorting to Essence Marks (which BTW take years to produce).  

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That's a lot of effort placed into Forging someone else into making good (or poor) life choices. There's got to be a simpler way of doing that without resorting to Essence Marks (which BTW take years to produce).

You don't have to actually make them make those bad decisions, though. That's the beauty of Forgery. You can simply (relatively speaking) stamp them and they'll experience what life is like if they had made those choices.

Of course, I'm not really convinced how well that would work out anyways, but it's intriguing.

Edit: I wonder if you could stamp someone into having a disease like cancer or AIDS or even diabetes? Diabolical if so.


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I came up with these ideas a while ago, but with a lot of research you could alter the course of someone's life. If you were feeling particularly odious and you wanted someone to suffer, you could Forge them into making a bad choice in life. (Ex: When choosing between a career path that makes them rich vs one they enjoy, you make them choose the one that makes them rich and miserable. Then you also Forge them into making a few... inefficient choices with how they spend their money so they become poor and miserable.)


Or if you're feeling benevolent, you do the reverse.


There are only a few major flaws in your plan...


First, remember that Shai is a paragon of Forgery, and she barely got this one Stamp to work, and it was as plausible as "his real personality". In order to really work, you'd need to know literally everything about this man, up to and including why his favorite color is green. Even then, you'd need months of testing stamps on either him, or people incredibly close to him. I doubt you'd find willing participants, or manage to do it without anyone knowing.


Even then, supposing it works, you won't change anything. He'll remember his other life, he'll remember making terrible decisions and wasting things, he'll remember opportunities slipping past... but right now, he'll be living in paradise. He'll have his house, his money, his family, he just won't remember getting any of it. It would be the most wonderful feeling in the world. Having made mistakes all your life, seen chance after chance slip through your fingers, and then in one magical moment he's just given everything. Everything he ever missed, retroactively returned to him, with interest.


And even if he didn't enjoy it, even if it felt wrong or weird, the stamps aren't permanent. Even if you somehow did make this so that things were bad, he just has to remove the stamp. Or not stamp himself after one day. Or get more than five feet from that metal seal with all the other stamps. And poof, his life is back to normal.


It feels like a lot to go through, prolly years of effort in order to punish a person by giving them a euphoric feeling of perspective and bliss for a few minutes.

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