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Shard's movements


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Why did the shards choose to go where they went? Ruin and Preservation were opposites, and they chose to go to the same planet. Why didn't they go as far away from each other as possible? Is there a pattern to where the shards chose to go?

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Given their willingness to cooperate, alongside the fact that they more or less created Scadrial from scratch, I'm thinking they were intending to work together, if not from the start, then not long after. It's quite possible they were friends, Ati sounds like the kind of person who'd have a lot of those. Makes it twice as sad knowing where they wound up.

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There is a WoB abot their previous relationship was important about their first actions after the Shattering (example: Honor and Cultivation was lover and they left together Yolen for another Shardworld)

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I see, that makes sense! But what about Devotion and Dominion? I don't think that their vessels were friends at all before the Shattering. Were they?


We don't really know anything about Aona and Skai's relationship with each other. For all we know, they were lovers.

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I see, that makes sense! But what about Devotion and Dominion? I don't think that their vessels were friends at all before the Shattering. Were they?

Pretty much whatever their relationship was they'd have reason to be close, if they were mortal enemies they'd want to keep an eye on each other, heck even if they barely knew each other Aona knew that Skai had picked up a Shard called 'Dominion' that's something you'd want to keep an eye on.

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May I intrude on this by mixing theories? I'm trying to link each Shard with an Allomantic metal, and Devotion and Dominion are currently marked as being the emotional manipulation metals.

Both brass and zinc are capable of yielding the same results from people, but when combined, there are far more precise ways to get results. Brass is currently Dominion, and zinc Devotion. The reason they came together is because their Intents are similar in many ways, but different in some as well. They are not opposites as juxtaposed as Preservation and Ruin, but opposites just the same.

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Figberts, through most of human history, hunter-gatherers and nomads had honor cultures, where the proper resonse to an affront is revenge.  Cultivation of land led to more stratified and larger societies, where revenge (honor) was progressively replaced by retribution and law.  From the Mesolithic until fairly recently, the world was divided between honor-cultures and cultivation-cultures.

Edited by ecohansen
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My pet theory is that ruin and preservation went together not just to create a world, but because they both realized very early (before their intents took over) that both of them could be dangerous to the cosmere if allowed to run amok. By going to together, they neutralized the threat each of them posed as an individual actor.

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Figberts, through most of human history, hunter-gatherers and nomads had honor cultures, where the proper resonse to an affront is revenge.  Cultivation of land led to more stratified and larger societies, where revenge (honor) was progressively replaced by retribution and law.  From the Mesolithic until fairly recently, the world was divided between honor-cultures and cultivation-cultures.

That's true, but did they know that? Do you think that Honor and Cultivation decided that they were opposite legal systems, and so they should go to the same world? It's possible, but I don't think that the Shards made decisions based on those types of ideas.

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