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[Secret History Spoilers] the ire...


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 Theoretically it is NOT impossible that Hoid carries metallic dust from Scadrial, but in practice, I think it is a safe assumption that he is using local metals. 


Maybe, though, the alloys are so specific and exacting that it might be hard for Hoid to get it made on Roshar. Assuming he was soothing her, he'd need just the right percentages of copper and zinc to make allomantic brass.


That being said, I had been under the impression that the metal glowed to Vin/Ruin/Sazed because it was a gateway to the power of Ruin/Preservation, to which they were attuned. Kelsier is a Scadrialian allomancer who is residing by virtue of linking himself to the Well, so he's probably similarly attuned.

Edited by fyodor
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Got an answer just now about people using metals on other planets: F9LMAVP.jpg



Seems like, as long as your are invested in the Scadrian way (as in are a Misting/Mistborn/etc.) you can burn any metal, as long as it's the right composition.

I also got confirmation on something I had suspected for awhile but couldn't find confirmation on:



so it's literally the Shardic power itself that blinds Shards from seeing it clearly on the Cognitive. (Or at least, blinds Preservation and Ruin.)

Edited by Zmann966
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What's up with their soldiers protecting Threnody "border" (which is apparently very far away) to prevent them from entering "main stage"? Are Elantrians blockading Threnodians, is there an interplanetary conflict? Who else is on this main stage aside from Elantrians?

I wonder if it may have something to do with the Elantrians on Sel not dying and the shades that wander around on Threnody. Perhaps the Shades are the missing spiritual aspects of the Elantrians...or something like that. Don't know I'm just spitballing. 

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Speaking of similar names, the word Ire reminded me of Iri, one of the Silver Kingdoms in Roshar. It's probably a coincidence, but there could be some kind of connection with the Iriali Long Trail. 


That is pronounced "Ee-ree."  The Ire are the "Eye-Ree."  

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Gems come from the beasts of Roshar. Metal can be mined I guess, but with highstorms I think they'd all rather soulcast metal. The only place highstorms are not a problem is in shinovar but they don't like to mine so.... Soulcast metal.

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@gems and their origin:

I dare remind you that the Davar's wealth came from (faked, but anyway) mining gems. If mining gems would not be usual on Roshar the Davars would have had no possibility to stay with that fake mines of them.

Also it seems that at the moment (as in at the time when TWoK and WoR set in) the only means of getting large gems (aside of mining) seem to be the chasmfiends as other (known or accessible) greatshells were exterminated by the scouring of Aimia. At least that's how I understood it from (Jasnah? I honestly don't recall at the moment).

Also it seems to me that chulls (for example) don't bear gems worth of rising chulls just for that purpose.

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I think Ire are on a diffent than Scadrial. Kelsier was in space, which he didn't understand and thought was ocean. Ire may very well be on Threnody itself. Preservation's power tried to pull Kelsier back, that means something.

Kelsier was mistaken mostly because he looked like a Threndian. Nazh looked like a skaa, which means skaas looked like Threnodians.

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I think Ire are on a diffent than Scadrial. Kelsier was in space, which he didn't understand and thought was ocean. Ire may very well be on Threnody itself. Preservation's power tried to pull Kelsier back, that means something.

Kelsier was mistaken mostly because he looked like a Threndian. Nazh looked like a skaa, which means skaas looked like Threnodians.

After a re-read of this part I think you are right. I can't find it but I seem to recal there was a WoB about distances between planets being shorter in the CR.

Now the question is what planet it actually was. I'm guessing Thredony as they seemed be guarding against them but I do not think we have conclusive proof at this time.

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I thought we were not supposed to know if Hoid used the Lerasium bead as of yet? Don't remember if it is a WoB I read or just a post here or something but isn't it believed that the letter refers to him keeping the bead safe (ie not using it)?


Lets look as what Hoid specifically said:


Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.



As in... it's inside his skin. Because he swallowed it.


(And then burned it so now its a permanent part of him... and his skin)

Edited by NovaSeeker
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What if Nazh's knife and stool screw didn't glow because, unlike the metals Kell could see across the realms, they were fully inside the Cognitive Realm? Perhaps only metals in the Physical glow?

I believe that this is probably true.


But before I saw this post, I thought that they might be made of silver...

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i think mining metals and ores exist on Roshar, its just not a focus of the points of view characters so they don't put much note to them. The regular soldiers have normal armour spear points and swords made of metals and the women and fabrials have metal workings. so they have blacksmithing and metal artisans. In the plot when they are eating i assume they are using metal cutlery as Brandon would put a focus on hand eating or wooden cutlery.so there is metals on roshar and mining its just not something the characters pay attention to like the gem stones on Scadrial  (vin notices nobels in jewlery and keilser knows what a gem looks like and value of its size).


there might be a way to hack the investiture by its identity and soul in the cognative realm. sort of like hemerlarlgy spikes steal spiritual identity from one persona soul and grants it to others. Kriss assumes that the fabirals work because they enslaved spren inside of them. the coins the south scadriels use with the power granting uses simlar hacking principles. the shards grant power divine to their realms through investure and the races of the cosmere use science to hack investure to grant them god powers. its probably easier for allomencers, surgebinders, awakeners ect to figure out how to use powers on other planets if they have enough realmatic knowlege. although it probably has diminished returns to thier orginal realm kinda like using a secondary language does, theres always something lost in translation and not natural to the neural network.   

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