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Everything posted by Paliah

  1. I wonder if Navani's glyphwards have a connection to the passions and voidbinding. Readers have noticed that her prayers seem to be answered when she burns a glyphward in a moment of intense emotion. This happens when she prays for justice in the Way of Kings. SA5 spoilers:
  2. The Shardcast episode called Cosmere Beefs 2 has some constructive criticism about issues such as the portrayal of oppression and anger in the Cosmere. The episode on Moash also has some great analysis on the ways in which Moash is similar to some of the protagonists who are portrayed much more sympathetically.
  3. The question is, if you were one of the parshmen in that situation, how would you want to be treated?
  4. One thing I noticed about that scene is that Renarin offers Adolin some spheres to repair his Shardplate after the fight, which could imply that Renarin didn't use Stormlight during the duel. (I could be mis-remembering, since I don't have the book with me.) I wonder if anyone in the audience was using emotional allomancy during and after the duel, since a lot of characters demonstrated extreme versions of their usual emotions and personalities at that time.
  5. It would be interesting if Sanderson included all the names of the Shards (or at least synonyms) in a piece of text somewhere, the way he sometimes hides important information in plan sight.
  6. I don't think it's an exact parallel to any magic system that we've seen so far, but it's still interesting to note the similarities between scientific and fictional concepts. Many speculative fiction authors are inspired by ideas from science, and some even seem to predict future discoveries and inventions. This is usually more common in science fiction than fantasy, but Mr. Sanderson's books are some of the most scientific fantasy I've ever read. One thing I love about the Cosmere is the way the in-world process of studying the magic systems is similar to the scientific method in our world.
  7. I'm not a scientist, just a fan of popular science, but sometimes new theories I read about remind me of the Cosmere. Apparently some newly discovered bacteria can "use energy in its purest form – naked electricity in the shape of electrons harvested from rocks and metals." Somewhat more dramatically, I've even seen speculation that these bacteria could be present in the human body: "El-Naggar suspects that electrical interactions between bacterial and human cells may have important, almost entirely unexplored health implications. After all, the sewage experiments indicate there are electrically active bacteria in the gut. He wonders aloud: Do they communicate with human cells as part of the body’s internal ecosystem?" I'm not saying Mistborn Midi-chlorians, but....
  8. The most common theory seems to be that she is Cultivation's Vessel, but I don't think it has been confirmed. I can't help but wonder if the blonde hair is also significant.
  9. In chapter 63 of Words of Radiance, Taln does call Shallan "one of Ishar's Knights," but he is apparently just referring to Ishar's role in founding the Knights Radiant.
  10. It's also possible that Glys might have been the Nahel spren of a female Truthwatcher who died in the recent past. When the Nahel bond was transferred to Renarin, Glys could have kept his identity and pronouns from the former bond. I think that some unusual aspects of Renarin's experience as a Knight Radiant could have been caused by a different kind of spren bonding process. It could have been the Rosharan version of Hemalurgy. There are still eight books left, so I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about the magic systems of Roshar.
  11. Speaking of similar names, the word Ire reminded me of Iri, one of the Silver Kingdoms in Roshar. It's probably a coincidence, but there could be some kind of connection with the Iriali Long Trail.
  12. This obviously isn't always the case, but it would be interesting if some of the versions of Hoid turned out to be illusions created by advanced Lightweaving at a distance, while Hoid is actually located somewhere else. This would prevent the illusory Hoid from killing and from being killed. However, we've seen Hoid give other characters material objects, so he seems to have been physically present, at least in those instances.
  13. True, but a kandra could easily fake their death, as we have seen several times.
  14. The events during Lhan's Interlude in WoR have some parallels to Paalm's plot in SoS, at least thematically. Maybe the ardent called Pai was actually a kandra or some other variation of worldhopper who became a martyr to inspire the Alethi darkeyes to overthrown the corrupt lighteyes/Vorinism.
  15. "Let Me Be Your Armor" by Assemblage 23 reminds me of Shallan and Lin Davar.
  16. I realize that this is extremely unlikely, but maybe someone is gathering Hemalurgic spikes for the Southern Scadrians.
  17. Since the setting of Dark One is a shard world, it could match #3, with the ubiquitous electricity for spark and fire.
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