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“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven…”

The harsh environment of the Pantheon islands has gained a new threat. After their success on Patji, the Northern Interests Trading Company have been expanding their foothold in the Pantheon. Experience on Patji has taught a few of their number to survive the cruel jungle, allowing them to explore the islands as freely as the trappers do. Now their gaze has landed on the island of Amaji, and a small party has been sent to scout the island and weaken the resident trappers.

The Game:
48 hour cycles, with combined Day and Night turns.
Players get one vote and one action per cycle. Actions can include the Trader kill, Trapper special abilities, Aviar abilities (two can be used in one cycle) and giving Aviar to others.

Traders - The Eliminator faction. Familiar enough with the Pantheon to pass as trappers, you are also equipped with advanced weaponry. You get one kill per cycle and can communicate in a doc; you win when your numbers are equal to the Trappers’.
Trappers - Native to the Eelakin Isles, you've spent most of your lives in the harsh Pantheon jungle - first on Sori, now Amaji. You win by eliminating the Traders. The surviving Trapper with the most types of Aviar at the end of the game wins a bonus victory.

The jungle has lessons to teach, for those able to learn.


Sori - Too young to have completed your training, you have nonetheless come to Amaji to fight the traders. You start the game knowing the identity of one Trapper player.

Patji (active) - Not all the traders survived their first exposure to the Pantheon jungle. You took a harpoon gun from an unfortunate corpse before escaping the Father. You can make X kills over the game, where X is determined by the number of players.

Skilled Trapper - The traps you set around your shelter are more subtle than most. You can survive one kill attempt other than the lynch.

Influential (active) - You are known and respected among the Amaji trappers. You may change another player’s vote X times during the game. Only one vote may be changed per cycle.

Hidden (active) - Your shelter is well hidden. Each cycle, you may choose to hide; you lose your vote and become untargetable (immune to lynch and actions). Can’t be used two cycles in a row.

Players can start with more than one Aviar. Players can have a max of 5 Aviar; up to two can be used in the same cycle. A player can give any number of their Aviar to another player, and they can also be stolen (see below).
The first player to vote on the lynch target (excluding retracted votes) will receive one of the lynched player's Aviar at random. Aviar are otherwise lost when their owner dies.


Mind Shield - You and your targeted player cannot be detected by Power Sensing Aviar. When this ability is activated, you and your target only need to use your codes once in the next cycle (your target is informed of this).

Death Sight - Your Aviar warns about potential deaths. You may target one player; forewarned of death, they can survive one kill action that cycle (but not lynches).

Power sensing - Your Aviar can sense and identify nearby Investiture. You may target one player, and learn all the Aviar they possess.

Beautiful - Your Aviar seems to draw attention. You may target one player, and their Aviar are distracted and cannot act.

Mind Force - Your Aviar can stimulate emotion - imprecise, but powerful. You may target one player; they lose their vote and cannot act or be acted on that cycle. No other Aviar may be used.

Messenger - Your Aviar can remember thoughts and ideas, and imprint them on others. You may target one player, and in the next cycle you may converse via PM.

Observant - Your Aviar sees the potential actions of others. You may target one player, and see who acted on them.

The Pantheon jungle is dangerous, and even the most experienced trappers can't afford to lower their guard. Each player receives a word or phrase (their 'code'), unique to them. They must include this word or phrase in a post a minimum of twice a cycle. Any player who does not has not been cautious enough. The first time is a free pass and will incur a warning. The second time, their code will be strongly hinted at in the writeup. The third time, they will die.

If player A believes the code of player B is X, they may tell the GM ('Player B's code is X'). If correct, A steals all of B's Aviar (or as many as possible before reaching the cap). If incorrect, B steals one of A's Aviar. This does not count as your action, though only one guess may be made per cycle.

Signups will run for 7 days; the game starts at 30th Jan, 10PM AEDT/11AM UTC/4AM MST


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Does every player start with at least one Aviar?

Players may start with anywhere from zero to five Aviar.

So, if you use the "Hidden" ability, can people still steal your Aviar by guessing your code? 

Yes. None of the roleblocks affect Aviar movement.

If your Aviar are stolen, are you told who stole them from you?

No; you arrive back at your shelter to find them gone.

So, theoretically, what would happen if multiple votes were all changed to a certain target who didn't have any votes before, and that person got lynched? (Who would get the Aviar?)

In that case, it would be a random person out of those whose votes were changed.
About Codes

Codes may be in the form of a phrase or single word. Single words can receive minor modification, eg. plurals, possessives, tense changes. Conversion between noun/verb/adjective etc. forms is not permitted (except where these are identical). For example, if your code is 'world,' then 'worlds', 'world's' and 'Alduin the World Eater' are acceptable uses. 'Worldly' is not. Phrases will be common and reasonably vague, but must be used word-for-word and without interruption. In the case where (part of) your code varies between UK and US English (eg color/colour), using either is fine as long as you're consistent
Formatting and text colour (outside of red and green) can be changed as much as you like - this includes white text! Ciphers, first letters of lines, white text masquerading as spaces etc. are not permitted.
Examples from Kirrah, with the code 'hold the line'. (This is a harder code than any that will be used this game.)

Good examples:

Nobody was paying Kirrah much attention, but that didn't bother her. She could talk at them all day. Maybe she'd hold the line about cadmium - whoever it was had stopped her from having a try at her new banjo, after all. She'd hoped to have some musical accompaniment to her heckling today, but it was not to be. Perhaps she'd get to practice tonight instead.


If we run with the idea that the bubbles were all from the Spiked, then this requires them to have four Bendalloy/Cadmium mistings. That takes up more than half their team (with 30 players and potential conversions, I'd hold the line on the number of Spiked at 7).


She just had to keep her eyes open. No, she wouldn’t fall asleep. She had to hold the line of thought. This was crucial. She would figure out who was involved, and then she could – could…


Axies was explicitly killed by a hemalurgist. Joe and Luckat's attackers were also referred to this way, so this is definitely the Spiked kill. Mountford was killed by a villager.
hold the line
So what do we know about Axies?

Bad examples:

“…Gund in the middle of it! There’s no such thing as holding the line here. If we don’t take action now, it’ll be too late! He’ll control all our minds, then use his new Aon machine, and then you’ll wish you’d done something about it!”

'holding the line' isn't allowed.

"Go bother someone else," he growled. It was accompanied by a menacing wave from Walin's palm frond. As they walked away, Kirrah fixed them with the meanest glare she could hold. The line of sight across the square said it was mostly empty by then. Several of the villagers were still conversing, and the banjo lay where Penrod had left it. The alehouse would be a better place to continue her work, she decided.

Splitting across multiple sentences isn't allowed.

Thehresultsooflthisdlynchtwillhbeequitelinteresting.iI'dnbeesurprised if Lev and Spencer have gone to such lengths to frame Honey Badger, though I'm not game to put out a vote given his Feruchemical brass claim.

White text masquerading as spaces isn't allowed.

Depending on player numbers and how we go generating codes, we may be able to offer all players a choice of two codes. If so, please indicate which one you prefer before posting.
Finally: GMs are human, and you are trying to hide things in your posts. It's by no means required, but if you point out your code uses in your game PM, then we can avoid incorrect reveals/deaths.

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Player list


1   IrulelikeSTINK - Pepe, won't accept 'no' as an answer

2   Mailliw73 - First of the Morn

3   phattemer - Axies, Aviar collector

4   Shallan - Citona Vinid, intrepid explorer from the mainland, definitely not with NITC

5   Kynedath - Teldus Hammerfall

6   TheSilverDragon - First of the Star

7   Hellscythe - Avis

8   Adavantos - Saludan Leiken (Sal), worldhopping Willshaper, not affiliated with the Ones from Above

9   Arraenae - NeLaar, worldhopping kandra, not affiliated with the Ones from Above

10 polkinghornbd - Sean Smith

11 TheMightyLopen - Link, doesn't say much

12 Paranoid King - Lewis, completely sane. Completely.

13 Water - Dihydrogen Monoxide, pedantic would-be scam artist

14 Elbereth - First of the Twilight, sarcastic and somewhat arrogant

15 RippleGylf - Gylfie, avid ornithologist

16 Clanky - Last of the Equinox, a highly experienced trapper with an excellent understanding of Eelakin naming convention

17 Elkanah - Karn, great hunter with murderous tendencies

18 luckat - Fourth of the Moon

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I'll sign up for this game as NeLaar, a kandra that has somehow worldhopped to First of the Sun. She has absolutely no idea what is going on and wants to return to Scadrial, but at the same time she can't resist learning more about the local culture... 


Does every player start with at least one Aviar?


Curse my library for not having Sixth of the Dusk!  :angry:

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I'll be signing up as Dihydrogen Monoxide, a pedantic would-be scam artist.

And hello to all those who are like "Woah, that's really clever for a total scrub." :P My Introduction post of sorts is in the General Rules topic.

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I believe I'll be First of the Twilight for this game.

My character will be the same one as with AG2, because of a number of factors. (The limited PMs in this game means I can't go on to my next character, I am heartily tired of my current character in LG16, and I had a lot of fun with the character in AG2, basically.) See here for an explanation of what I'm talking about in general. My specific character is sarcastic and occasionally arrogant (which is a new flavor not present in AG2). He's also very prone to an enormous amount of RP. Basically, I try to do one with every single post.

I may not be doing quite as much RP as in AG2, unfortunately, because school exists. But I will certainly try.

On with the game!

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I will sign up as Last of the Equinox. A young bay has definitely been a trapper all of his life and didn't just run away from home and make up a name so that he could catch his own Aviar.

Aw sweet! More water!
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I didn't even sea that there was other water in this game. We are going to have to work together in this game if we want to stay afloat! 


Just don't bank too much on that friendship, SE can be rather cutthroat. :)

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