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Era 2 Steris theory

Orlok Tsubodai

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Before I start, I'd like to apologise for the lack of quoted evidence in my post. Part of this is due to my owning only the kindle editions of the Era 2 mistborn books, and partly due to the specific incident that triggered my thinking up this theory being within the first chapters of Bands of Mourning.

Now I admit this theory is completely outlandish, but I have some niggling intuition that Steris is a Spinner - a chromium ferring, with the ability to store luck.

I would argue that constantly storing luck is both the reason for the consistency of unplanned and unfortunate events plaguing her, and also the impetus for her remarkable contingency planning - storing luck means that she knows that something will go wrong, and so mitigates the disadvantages of doing so by being prepared for even the worst eventualities.

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yes, she does not look like the kind of person that would store luck. also, if she was a spinner she would have to be lucky in other times,, which we don't see her being. in fact, she's not even unlucky; nothing really bad happens to her that it wasn't plot-related, that's not consistent with storing luck. she looks more paranoid than anything else.

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Can there be Invested genre saviness? Because if so, Steris has it in spades.


Beyond that, it's certainly possible she's a misting or ferring and is either keeping it secret or doesn't know (the Set considered her someone worth kidnapping so the odds are quite good) it but we've seen so little of her so far. Hopefully that will change in Bands. And as an aside, I really really want to see how feruchemical chromium works.

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We know uncle ladrian said her kidnapping was a mistake.  So I don't think she has any powers.


Well, I think that was in reference to the fact that he inadvertently got Wax's undivided attention.  Steris most definitely comes from a family with Allomantic heritage.

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Given the degree to which Terris blood has been diffused through the population in just three centuries, I could see the Harms' having some of it, unless there's some discussion of their heritage in Alloy that I'm forgetting which would preclude it. Though on reflection, if the Set's goal is to try to breed a new Mistborn, finding allomantic lines with no Terris ancestry would be the way to go about it. Guess we'll learn in the next book.


We know uncle ladrian said her kidnapping was a mistake.  So I don't think she has any powers.


He's also a lying liar who lies so he could say that water is wet and I'd want to check for myself. :P

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Does she even have Feruchemical blood? I thought Lord Harms was only of Allomantic heritage o.O

At this point, with all the terris being made public, most people have some terris blood because of the breeding between the two races, or species maybe?

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The Originators consisted of a handful of nobles, skaa, and Terris, all in very small numbers (for continent-level standards anyway). Interbreeding is probably unavoidable.

BoM chapter preview minor spoiler

VenDell also estimates that there would be Terris blood in almost everybody in the Basin by now, when discussing aluminumminds.

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The Originators consisted of a handful of nobles, skaa, and Terris, all in very small numbers (for continent-level standards anyway). Interbreeding is probably unavoidable.

BoM chapter preview minor spoiler

VenDell also estimates that there would be Terris blood in almost everybody in the Basin by now, when discussing aluminumminds.


True. It does raise the question; how would you know if you're a feruchemist? Do we know feruchemists also require snapping?

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A part of me thinks that Steris might find a place on the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. Given her continuous planning and management of social situations (including marriage), it certainly seems like she might just perceive the world in an atypical manner that isn't quite pathological but definitely impairs her ability to fully enjoy life (and relationships with other people).


As for her status as metalborn, I like the theory but I don't think it's terribly likely. I have a hard time imagining how that would be incorporated into the narrative structure of the books, unless Steris' luck-storing ability leads to Wax finding his sister or finally thwarting his uncle & the Set. Even then, it has a 'deus ex machina' feel to it.

On the other hand, the activities & involvement of the cosmere's gods is kind of the subtext of the Wax & Wayne Mistborn series, so maybe a 'deus ex machina' would be a good way to tie the story and the sub-plot together.

Edited by KidWayne
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A part of me thinks that Steris might find a place on the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. Given her continuous planning and management of social situations (including marriage), it certainly seems like she might just perceive the world in an atypical manner that isn't quite pathological but definitely impairs her ability to fully enjoy life (and relationships with other people).


Somebody actually asked Brandon about this during the Shadows tour and he confirmed that she is mildly autistic.

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