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This looks too good to miss. I'll be in as Neal. There's only one word to describe him. Survivor. He believes that he can outsmart, outmanouver, outrun, or outdo anyone else and he has a chip on his shoulder to prove it.

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I'll sign up as Clanky


For the Shadow Leader when do they have to put the order in to cancel the lynch? The previous night cycle or during the day they are cancelling for? Also will everyone be informed that the lynch was canceled ahead of time or will it just be revealed in the write-up?

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Rance Idsmill always knew that the Epics were a test sent by the one true God, who he had devoted his life towards. One of these Epics by the name of Steelheart was dead, and so it was time for Rance to finally spread the word of God…


Convert the Epics to my Creed, Rance. They must learn to obey, as thou hast learnt.

Everyone must bow.


He had obviously tried before, but the hierarchy of Epics made it near-impossible to have any influence on them. Now that Steelheart was dead? Their was a whole new city waiting for a new Overlord, a benevolent one, and one who was omnipresent. It wouldn’t be that hard to convert the previously subservient Epics and the even more subservient people of Newcago when you thought of it that way.


He was currently travelling through the warrens however, and while he appreciated all things placed upon the earth by Wilhelm the First, one could appreciate the warrens less than say, a chocolate bar. His robes, once clean and worthy of a devoted follower, were now covered in grime and was not the most pleasant smell, though not the worst he had ever smelt in his life.


Up ahead is a clearing, with what seems to be a great number of people talking amongst each other. Rance was unsure whether he should communicate with these poor people or try to find better targets for conversion, so as always, he asked the mighty one for advice on what to do.


Everyone must bow, Rance. Strengthen thy fold to convert more.

The Creed must triumph o'er all.


It was clear to Rance that he should converse with these people, and spread the word of Wilhelm the First, he who commanded all things, and sent these divine messages to Rance. If he was to convert everyone, then he must talk to as many as he can, as he may never see these people again. It was the warrens, after all.



So my RP character is Rance Idsmill, priest of Wilhem the First (pronounced Vilhelm the First). For this game, I will try to stay in character all the time, so don't expect much of my usual thing (which I don't even know what it is), but instead expect Rance to respond to everything. Not much to say other than that, I guess. I'll still send PMs and stuff, but Rance won't appreciate people sending anti-Wilhelm comments. 
Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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For the Shadow Leader when do they have to put the order in to cancel the lynch? The previous night cycle or during the day they are cancelling for? Also will everyone be informed that the lynch was canceled ahead of time or will it just be revealed in the write-up?

The order needs to be in during the Day of the lynch they are cancelling.  No one will be told that the lynch is cancelled until the write up is posted.

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By the way guys, I am not entirely sure about my activity levels in either this game, or in LG16. Not only do I have mid-terms, but I am also applying for a scholarship through air cadets. I will try my best to post twice a day, a moderate to long post in the morning and a final thought post after I get home from school. This is for MST.

Same in this game.

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Hrmph. Due to discovering ill be away for about 8 days (20th -28th), I don't know how active I'll be this game. I imagine it will be about the same as MR10, where I posted generally once per cycle. Though I tried to make sure my posts were long. So idk how this is going to work for me but I'm going to try make sure it does. Just a heads up.

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So, with the side role of blood-ties, do we get a second serial killer, or is there no serial killer to begin with, and then once one of the siblings dies, then there is a serial killer.

Also, can one person have multiple side roles? I don't think so, but I'd like to ask nevertheless.


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So, with the side role of blood-ties, do we get a second serial killer, or is there no serial killer to begin with, and then once one of the siblings dies, then there is a serial killer.

Also, can one person have multiple side roles? I don't think so, but I'd like to ask nevertheless.







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Metrick was crouched behind a rusted out junk car that someone had left behind ages ago, trying to stifle a snicker as he heard voices approaching from the warrens. He'd been waiting for the better part of a half hour, but even small pranks took time to pull off if they were to be done properly and, in an ironic twist, pranking was one of the few things that Metrick took even somewhat seriously. He had sprinted ahead of the rest of the group just so he'd have time to set everything up. 


The glow of a light let him know that everyone else was finally starting to catch up with him. He flipped the foot-long lead pipe that he always carried with him (he had marked one side with evenly spaced indents, like the markings on a ruler) one last time before running a hand through his ear-length blonde hair and inching forward to make sure he had a good view. 


As far as pranks went, this one was a fairly simple one; though the execution was something else entirely. One could say that Metrick had carved out a pit all along the floor at the mouth of the tunnel, but carve would've been the wrong word entirely. Technically, there wasn't even a pit. Metrick was an Epic and his powers allowed him to distort spatial dimensions. He could make the distance between any two points either extremely close together or very far apart and he could do it to multiple points at once in any direction he wanted. 

What that meant for the group of people that had just rounded the curve of the tunnel from the warrens was that there was a line of space, barely centimeters across, stretched in front of the mouth of the tunnel. It would barely be perceptible to the naked eye. But once they went to cross that line, they would find that the rift was actually far longer than it initially appeared and that the floor had dropped by several meters, creating a steep incline, before gradually climbing back out. 


The people in the lead didn't even stand a chance and they were the ones with the light. Metrick was able to see their eyes widen in surprise as their reality shift and then the cries and curses as they fell and slide into his makeshift pit. Due to the distorted space, the unaffected area above was cast into a dim darkness when the lights the front runners were holding were suddenly a lot farther away. 


"Metrick!" He heard someone curse his name from inside the pit. It was just a small prank; totally nonlethal. They'd be out of it in no time. 


But he still found it just so much fun to throw everyone, anyone really, off their stride. 


As the group tried to regather themselves and get around his pit, Metrick continued on ahead laughing as he went. 



I've had this character in mind for quite some time now. I have an entire backstory for him and I even know exactly what his Epic weakness is. Even with all of that, I still wasn't sure about trying to get in this game. Classes have just started back up for me and I can already tell that they are going to be very time consuming this semester. 


In the end, I figured I'd wind up being on the Shard anyways, so I might as well give it a shot! :P Just don't expect me to be at my best. I'm playing this one far more for the fun and RP than anything else this time. :)

Edited by Metacognition
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Metrick, by means of being the only one not to fall into his prank wound up getting to the rendezvous spot where they were all going to meet well before anyone else. It was just on the border of the Warrens and there were plenty of either broken or half finished constructions; both looked like they had been that way for quite some time. Metrick didn't know which he found to be more depressing; the destruction of something that someone had built or the dashed dreams of something that would never be completed. 


As he walked forward, he pulled the lead pipe he had, he called it the Conversion Table or CT for short, out of his pocket and jabbed it towards the ground in front of him. Using his power, the pipe grew in length. It went from the size of a ruler, to the length of a walking cane, to the length of a car, and continued growing in a matter of seconds. Metrick used it to pole vault to the edge of one of the decrepit buildings before he shrank it back to the size of a ruler and sat down. He rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands as he watched the rest of the group starting to pull themselves together. 


So many of the group seemed to take themselves a little too seriously, in Metrick's estimate. He'd have to do something about that. He'd help teach them to laugh at themselves again. He'd help knock that chip off their shoulders. In a way, he was doing them a service. Just because it was fun for Metrick too didn't mean that it wasn't helpful after all. 


But who to start with? His eyes roved across the crowd. He was making his way back across the group for a second time, weighing his options when he, in a moment of inspiration, knew exactly who he'd start with. 


A wicked mischievous grin spread across his face. 



That's right, I'm singling one of you out for Metrick's torments. I haven't actually decided who yet, but I do have some ideas on how I'll decide!  :ph34r:

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That's right, I'm singling one of you out for Metrick's torments. I haven't actually decided who yet, but I do have some ideas on how I'll decide!  :ph34r:


Oh snap! Meta's playing and he's gonna be trolling someone! This sounds like fun.  :D


I haven't come up with a name for my character yet.....sorry Alvron! I'll think I'll go with Finn. He's a guy who likes to fight and very rarely loses a fistfight, and he always wears bright colors and socks on his hands(hey, it's cold in Newcago, and punching people hurts!). (Random backstory accomplished!  :P)

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Day One: Remnants

The leaders had been at it for the better part of the night.  Each one putting forward their idea for how to root out and deal with those that were, even now, plotting to kill them.

Kali, Second in Command, plunged her bone handled dagger into the table, her voice cutting through the murmur of those watching  “And I say we kill them all.  Cut out the cancer while we can!”

Several faces of the onlookers noticeably whitened and the smell of fresh urine could be detected drifting among them.  For good reason too.  Kali had a way of getting what she wanted more often than not.

The figure at the head of the table raised his hand silencing Kali and the others from their argument.  Dressed as he was, head to toe in black and only his eyes showing, little was known about the leader of the gang but rumours were rife.  Some thought he was an Epic that was in hiding while others thought he was just a man pulling off a con.  No matter the truth though, everyone agreed that when he spoke everyone listened.  As the clothed man rose, everyone leaned in not wanting to miss a word knowing that whatever he said it would change the gang forever.

However no one expected the explosion that erupted suddenly from beneath the table.

Once everyone had picked themselves off the floor all that could be seen at the front of the room were splinters and the mangled bodies of those that had been seated just moments before.

Shouts began soon after as those that survived started blaming others for what happened.  Several were killed before order was restored and the hunt for those that planted the bomb began.

LG16 has begun and Day One shall end in 48 hours.

Reminder:  PMs can only be used during the night.

Player List:
Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind
Deathclutch - Hashirama
Elbereth - Ereth
Hellscythe - Avis
Adavantos - Michael Durbin
Kynedath - Drake Pierce
Araris Valerian - Allen
Kipper - Krippe the Krippling
IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill
Shallan - Citona Vinid
Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti
Mark VI - Marr
OrlokTsubodai - Locke
phattemer - Exisa
Elkanah - Neal
Clanky - Clanky
TheMightyLopen - Finn
twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa
Metacognition - Metrick

Edit: All role have been sent.  If you didn't get one please let me know.

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I, for one, think having a mental illusionist around is just plain dangerous. Let's get rid of Altermind before he causes too many problems.


How do we feel about minimising role uses (day and night) as much as possible for the first cycle? If we do that, then a future Mortician scan on the Traitor kill target is very likely to only show their killer. The Traitors have to choose between letting one of their own be revealed like that or bodysnatching someone whose alignment we effectively know. The main downside is that Snitches are set back a cycle.

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