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Bands of mourning release party??

Peng the Just

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I have to admit that I've been tempted to move to Utah literally just so I can be part of a bigger community of Sanderson fans. But then I realize that those of us in the Far East have an important duty: to spread the word of Brandon to the poor huddled masses unknowingly suffering in their ignorance of the Cosmere.


It is my personal goal to bring the Words of Brandon to Pennsylvania with so much force that Allentown actually becomes like the Mecca of the Cosmere fandom.


Every time a new Cosmere book is released, the whole community will have an officially-sanctioned, citywide public holiday so that everyone can get a full day to start reading it with no distractions. The night before the release, people will throw giant elaborate Cosmere-themed parties in their homes, and the local theatres will put on staged readings of scenes from the Cosmere, and the Allentown Symphony Orchestra will play a concert of selections from some of the Cosmere film/tv adaptation scores that are eventually coming (part of my convoluted daydream is also to be the composer of some of those scores...) and sometimes there will be even be a parade. The line parties will be the most amazing line parties ever, and when the clock strikes midnight, a roar of celebration will echo across the entire Lehigh Valley.


This is my fondest dream, friends.

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For those of us here in Utah, who also like Magic, I plan on bringing 3 commander decks so we can play just inside the Wilk before they open the doors.  If you are interested, just meet at one of the tables (near the foodcourt).  (We did something similar for the last release, where I discussed my theory that burning allomantic gold with duralumin would make your personality flip.  There were lots of other awesome theories that went around.)  If Brandon gets done signing the books early, and has nothing better to do (yeah right!) he is also welcome to join us!   :ph34r:

Edited by Lightning
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For those of us here in Utah, who also like Magic, I plan on bringing 3 commander decks so we can play just inside the Wilk before they open the doors.  If you are interested, just meet at one of the tables (near the foodcourt).  (We did something similar for the last release, where I discussed my theory that burning allomantic gold with duralumin would make your personality flip.  There were lots of other awesome theories that went around.)  If Brandon gets done signing the books early, and has nothing better to do (yeah right!) he is also welcome to join us!   :ph34r:


Just clean up after yourselves and put the tables and chairs back in order, please, and the Cougareat is yours. (source: I am a manager there)

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if anyone could ask any of these two sets, much appreciated <3

Is there a connection between Nightblood's effects as he kills a person and the Shades on Threnody?

What's Nightblood's sheath made of?


Have the Words of Founding in Era 2 Mistborn ever been transcribed so that they are located in a central or localised space and;

Were/are the Words of Founding transcribed into metal or stone at any point between HoA and AoL?

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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I'll ask the question about Nightblood's sheath.


Don't get me wrong ParadoxSpren's question is a very good one, his usually are, but that has RAFO written all over it.


Another question I've been curious about for quite a while; Is Aslydin a Feruchemist? I think it is pretty much assumed she is but as far as I know this has never been confirmed.

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I doubt Alslydin is a Feruchemist, or at least was not born one.


Mistborn spoilers

Sazed thought of himself as the final Feruchemist after the Inquistor's purge of Terris. I feel like the refugees would have acted far less hopeless if they had a Feruchemist among them, and Sazed would have been informed by them that there was at least one other in existence.

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Here's my gigantic list. If anyone would be so kind to ask any of my questions, I would be very thankful.


  • Would a camera, when it takes a picture of an object drained of color by Awakening or a Shardblade cut, show it as grey?

  • How can the new god metal in SoS create spikes that steal multiple kinds of Allomancy and Feruchemy? Isn’t that a trait restricted to atium?

  • Why can people not from Scadrial use Hemalurgy? Shouldn't you need a connection to Ruin, like Allomancers need one to Preservation?

  • Could there be a spren made of Odium who was made of both Adhesion and Pressure, like Syl? Could this spren grant Surgebinding? If it could not, if the person who had bonded this spren had a bond to another spren of Honor/Cultivation, could they use this Odium-spren’s Surges in Surgebinding? (This might be confusing, so to clarify: imagine the Surges as metals in Allomancy. A Mistborn can burn any metal. So if you had a bond to a Surgebinding spren like Syl, maybe this makes you a "Mistborn" and you can "burn" any Surge, even if it wouldn't normally grant you Surgebinding.)

  • If Honor's Investiture was used to Awaken a sword in the same way Nightblood was Awakened, would the creation still be broken? (Alternatively, perhaps likely to lead to a better answer: if you tried to Awaken a sentient object, would it be possible to create something that is not broken like Nightblood is through a Command more in line with Endowment’s Intent?)

  • If you spike a Mistborn for one of their powers (say, pewter) and they survive, do they lose the ability to burn all metals, or just pewter?

  • What happens if you alloy two tinminds storing different senses? Can two Feruchemists store different senses in the same tinmind?

  • Lift’s food to Stormlight ability... where does the Stormlight come from? Does it come from a gateway created to the Spiritual, or is the food itself converted into Stormlight? (Note, we have a WoB on this, but the answer is quite unclear. We know from it that digesting sugars is what gives her the Stormlight, but not the exact mechanism.)

  • Can Investiture from one Shard be directly converted into another’s Investiture? For example, could some Stormlight be directly turned into Breath, forever reducing the amount of Stormlight in the world?

  • Did Paalm Compound her Feruchemical speed? (Note: RAFO’d before, but probably more likely to answer that at Bands’ release.)

  • Marasi in AoL did not know about Compounding, and had to have it explained to her. She’s studied Allomancy (and presumably Feruchemy). Is Compounding that generally unknown?

  • Does duralumin cause your other metals to burn instantly, or over the course of seconds? Vin duralumin burns some things, and the effects seem to last for a little while longer than an infinitely small moment (like when she duralumin+pewter's and headbutts someone).

  • Koloss are now different, and less monstrous. What technique did Sazed employ to accomplish this? Did he change Hemalurgy himself, did he teach the koloss a new place to put spikes, or what?

  • Do the Unmade require Investiture to live, like the Returned? If so, do they partially subsist off the souls of those they kill?

  • Why can Breath not power a Returned forever like it can an object?

  • Is the color aura of an Awakener them ‘leaking’ Breath like a Surgebinder leaks Stormlight?
  • If you used Stormlight to Awaken, would you drain color or create frost? (Note: RAFO’d before, but he may be willing to answer it this time around.)

  • Does Surgebinding drain heat like Awakening drains color?
  • Can Mistborn draw power from Preservation via burning a metal and use this Investiture to power other abilities they have? Or must they always get the metal's singular effect? (Note: Nightblood CAN suck power from an Allomancer doing this, and it prevents the metal's effect from working normally.)
  • If two Mistborn of the same-strength had a Mistborn child, would the child be weaker Allomantically? How much weaker, mathematically, on average would it be if only one parent was a Mistborn?
  • How would Hemalurgic decay affect a Shardblade stolen with Hemalurgy?
  • How does Hemalurgically stealing a spren bond work? Could the stolen spren break the bond because by using Hemalurgy you’re breaking one of the ideals that Surgebinders swear?
  • What state is the Investiture gained from burning metals in? Can it even be classified as gaseous/liquid/solid?

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Don't get me wrong ParadoxSpren's question is a very good one, his usually are, but that has RAFO written all over it.



it probably does, but it is linked tangentially to the first question :P although i wasn't the one that brought the sheath question to the surface, that belongs to the Silver in the Cosmere theory starter along with the other theory in the Cosmere novellas section :B


I'll ask the question about Nightblood's sheath.


Much obliged, although I'm leaning towards the Words atm, given how it could provide evidence/insight on a few things in WaW

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Is there a connection between Nightblood's effects as he kills a person and the Shades on Threnody?

What's Nightblood's sheath made of?


I would recommend rephrasing this as "is there a /meaningful/ connection between..." because when Brandon has been asked questions in this style before he's wiggled his way out of it by saying "technically yes, they're both in the cosmere".


That said I really don't think there's anything there.  Nightblood devours Invesiture, including the spark of life, Shades are Cognitive shadows, which are dead people who have had the parts of their soul tying them to the Realms replaced with Investiure (like petrified wood).  It's something about Threnody itself that is causing them to manifest as Shades, if a shadow from another world were to go there they would also become a Shade.

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