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Elhokar's Secret


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I was just thinking: the Cryptics seem to be attracted to Shallan either because she was lying to Jasnah, or because she was keeping a terrible secret. Since it appears Elhokar is being followed by them as well, does he have a similar secret? Nothing we've read so far seems to dig that deeply into his character, but I think he's got something going on that we haven't noticed yet. Has anyone seen anything suspicious from him?

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You mean other than the fact that he faked an assassination attempt and implicated his uncle just to get people to take his paranoia seriously? Don't think we have any more direct examples than that but that is enough in itself to suggest he's a shady enough person to interest the cryptics

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I was just thinking: the Cryptics seem to be attracted to Shallan either because she was lying to Jasnah, or because she was keeping a terrible secret. Since it appears Elhokar is being followed by them as well, does he have a similar secret? Nothing we've read so far seems to dig that deeply into his character, but I think he's got something going on that we haven't noticed yet. Has anyone seen anything suspicious from him?

There was the whole saddle gag. He's paranoid for his life; is it possible that he's attracted the ire of someone(s) powerful and can't tip anybody off? He's the son of an assassinated king, and he's being oppressed by his well-intentioned but overbearing uncle.


EDIT: Awesomeness Ninja'd

Edited by Swimmingly
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I don't know if the whole fiasco with the saddle is enough of a secret / lie to make him start seeing Cryptics. Shallan's secret was not only a significant one, she had also buried it pretty deeply, refusing to even think about it. 

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I don't know if the whole fiasco with the saddle is enough of a secret / lie to make him start seeing Cryptics. Shallan's secret was not only a significant one, she had also buried it pretty deeply, refusing to even think about it.

The fact that he did that suggests that he's pulled off others.
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Maybe. It could also be the first time he has done something like that - after all, he did it because Dalinar appeared inappropriately disinterested in his paranoia. So it's very possible that this is his first (major) stunt - which was, in a way, successful.

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There's no evidence of him having the same type of spren. In fact, we've only seen one member of each Order so far as I know. Elhokar could have a worryspren. They would be good buds

there is evidence he is seeing the cryptics the way shallan did. He hasn't bonded one yet but they appear to be interested in him.


EDIT: Unless of course there are other orders of spren with weird symbol heads which is possible.


I see their faces in mirrors. Symbols, twisted, inhuman.
Edited by Awesomeness summoned
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I'm not sure his lying about the assassination attempt is a big enough secret to draw the Cryptics. Nobody seemed to really care that much, until Sadeas began to use it to take control. Shallan's secret was more than just "I killed my father", it was "I am a murderer". In those terms, (which are the terms the Cryptics seem to be interested in) Elhokar could say "I am a liar" but that's not much of a secret. I think that Elhokar's fear of assassins deserves a little more digging. It's explained that he fears them because his father was assassinated, but the Parshendi made it very clear that they were the ones responsible. Considering that the Parshendi aren't exactly in a position to covertly assassinate anyone, his fear isn't just irrational, it seems contradictory to his feelings towards the Parshendi. We pretty much know that Gavilar was involved in some top secret business before he died, but what if he revealed to Elhokar his plans before he died? That would imply that Elhokar fears assassins because he is continuing his fathers work. That seems like it could be a secret worth the Cryptics time...

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there is evidence he is seeing the cryptics the way shallan did. He hasn't bonded one yet but they appear to be interested in him.


EDIT: Unless of course there are other orders of spren with weird symbol heads which is possible.

Jasnah also saw weird behavior in shadows. She is not of the same Order. I think Cryptics are going to be the name of the Lightweaver spren, but we at least know they are a particular group, and other spren have similar characteristics and tells. 

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Jasnah wanted to assassinate his wife, i guess she had a good reason for it. He could be involved in whatever made her suspicious. Maybe they were up to something .. a coup d'état ? Considering how he handled Dalinar he maybe thought his father is unable to rule, because of the changes he went through.

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I'm not sure his lying about the assassination attempt is a big enough secret to draw the Cryptics.

I agree, in itself, that wasn't enough to draw them in, just that it indicates he's the type of person who has no problems creating elaborate falsehoods in order to further his goals. Plus, now that I think of it, he was also talking to darkness during the WoR prologue. Add in what hydrogen said above about Jasnah targeting his wife and it starts to look like there is more going on under the surface than the winey, paranoid king we get from Dalinar's pov

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Jasnah wanted to assassinate his wife, i guess she had a good reason for it. He could be involved in whatever made her suspicious. Maybe they were up to something .. a coup d'état ? Considering how he handled Dalinar he maybe thought his father is unable to rule, because of the changes he went through.


Sort of the opposite of my guess, so I hadn't considered that. If that's true, maybe whoever he was working with wants him dead. That would explain why his paranoia has been increasing... He also seems more stable now that he's accepted the changes in Dalinar.


Plus, now that I think of it, he was also talking to darkness during the WoR prologue.


Where did you find this? I just checked and didn't see much mention of him, beyond the fact that he's there. I also checked the WoK intro to be safe, and he actually talks to the two foreigners that Jasnah comments on. That has got to be an interesting conversation... (p.21, if you want to see. I'd paste it here, but kindle apparently won't let me copy text.)


EDIT: Never mind. I didn't make the connection that Darkness was actually one of those two. That adds lots of depth, then...

Edited by Kyzkle
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See, I was thinking that since someone had assassinated Gavilar... AND he could see the Cryptics always lurking behind him (but no-one else could)... 


I'd probably be paranoid too.  And especially if no-one else believed me?  I'd try to fake an assassination attempt to get people to try to investigate.  Maybe they'd see those wierd symbol-heads and then I'd know I wasn't crazy.

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Fully agreed. The cryptic's interest in someone isn't dependent on one specific secret but rather someone who has a complete false persona. Shallan hides that she killed her father, that her father is even dead in fact, that she has a shard blade, her family is on the verge of ruin, that her father was using a soul caster, that she sought Jasnah for the sole purpose of stealing her soul caster, etc., etc. shallan has built an entire web of lies about herself that was likely irresistible to the cryptics. The cryptics interest in elhokar is a strong indicator that he has quite a few huge secrets yet to be revealed to us.

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There's no evidence of him having the same type of spren. In fact, we've only seen one member of each Order so far as I know.

I'm with you here, Bloodfalcon.

Also I'm sure Elhokar saw 'his spren' prior to the event with his saddle.


“Well, you seemed worried about your safety two nights ago.”

Elhokar sighed audibly. “How many times must I explain this to you, Uncle? I can face enemy soldiers with Blade in hand. It’s what they might send when we’re not looking, when all is dark and quiet, that you should be trying to protect me from.”

TWoK Chapter 12
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In WoR Prologue, Jasnah hired assassins. I don't think anyone had imagined such an action from her. So... all sorts of secrets could be hidden in Elhokar's life. Though he is the king, his character hasn't influenced TWoK much. But there were some interesting hints. I think Elhokar's character will develop more in later books.

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I was just thinking: the Cryptics seem to be attracted to Shallan either because she was lying to Jasnah, or because she was keeping a terrible secret. Since it appears Elhokar is being followed by them as well, does he have a similar secret? Nothing we've read so far seems to dig that deeply into his character, but I think he's got something going on that we haven't noticed yet. Has anyone seen anything suspicious from him?

I do not have any evidence, but heard a rumor he might be a member of NAMBLA.

Seriously though, I suspect whatever he is keeping secret has so etching to do with his conversation with darkness at the beginning of WoK.

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What if the way that the Parshendi found out about Gavilar's plan was because Elhokar slipped and said something?  Then, hearing something very concerning, the Parshendi confront Gavilar and he reveals whatever his plan is.  This confirms the Parshendi's fears and they assassinate Gavilar.


For this to have worked, though, Elhokar would have had to see the Parshendi's reaction and known that was what drove them to kill his father.  If indeed it is related to Surgebinding and the Way of Kings, then Dalinar's newfound obsession would be doubly worrying to him.


I realize this is a bit of a stretch, but there are still so many questions about the night of the assassination that it could be feasible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think El's big secret has yet to be revealed.

At the moment we know:

1. He is married and has a kid.

2. He converses with heralds

3. Someone is trying to kill him.

4. He fakes an assassination attempt with the strap--nearly killing himself in the process, so that people will realize that someone is trying to kill him, then sends his uncle out to find out who tried to kill him...Surprise, it's suicide! This could have attracted the Cryptics, but I think they were already watching him.

It would be funny if the Cryptics he sees are paranoiaspren. The lie being that everyone is out get him, the truth being that someone really is out to get him.

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