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Finally decided to finish Food Wars. Lots of controversial things can be said about this show and they'd all be justified, but I still consider it to be an extremely entertaining series and I enjoyed every episode. So yeah, good show, would and will watch again.

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14 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I finally watched Revenge of the Sith!  It only took me... a year of being allowed to watch it to do so.

Also I watched a few episodes of The Clone Wars from Season One, and I remembered why I liked it when I was younger.  (Also why I got stopped from continuing.)

I just started season 4 of ye olde Clone Wars.

Something you might be interested in, if you continue, is to look up what the proper watch order is. Disney+ has them in a weird non-chronological order. Like a side character will die in one episode and appear several episodes later. 

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11 minutes ago, Orlionra said:

I just started season 4 of ye olde Clone Wars.

Something you might be interested in, if you continue, is to look up what the proper watch order is. Disney+ has them in a weird non-chronological order. Like a side character will die in one episode and appear several episodes later. 

I knew they weren't in order even back in the day.  Hopefully one day I can buy the seasons on DVD and hopscotch through them, but for the moment, probably better to just go with release order.  I want to do a chronological watch for certain.

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2 minutes ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I knew they weren't in order even back in the day.  Hopefully one day I can buy the seasons on DVD and hopscotch through them, but for the moment, probably better to just go with release order.  I want to do a chronological watch for certain.

It's not too confusing. I think season 1 and 2 are the worst, but I didn't have too much trouble thanks to binge watching! 

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Still kind of watching Dragon Ball GT. The fight scenes don’t enthrall me like they used to as a teen so I end up zoning out during fight heavy episodes. I got through the first three sagas (Black Star Balls, Baby and Super 17) and only have the Shadow Dragons saga left. My order for these sagas have to be Shadow Dragons, Baby, Black Star Balls and Super 17. They did have one ‘filler’ episode between Baby and Super 17 where the gang participate in the World Fighter Tournament (I might’ve butchered that) but it’s considered part of the Super 17 saga but I think it was much better than the saga as a whole considering the only thing I liked from the saga was the ending of the fight when Android 18 comes in to assist Goku in stopping Super 17. This was also the shortest saga so that says a lot about it when it felt longer than the other sagas.

Once I’m done with this show I’m moving on to something more intellectual that I hope will entertain me better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel III: Spring Song (gosh, long names). I waited six years for this, and I couldn't possibly be more satisfied. Everything from the animation to the soundtrack to the adaptation itself was just perfect. It was absolutely worth the wait.

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This is kind of tv related:


Joel is doing another Kickstarter to bring MST3K back for season 13 and this time it’s going to be on its own platform! They’ve already met their $2M goal and to get a full season, plus a dozen shorts, they will need $5.5M. I hope they get that many backers since they got to $6M last time.

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Finished watching Dragon Ball GT last night. I definitely grew out of enjoying shows like this since the fight scenes bored me enough I went to play a game on my iPad until the fights were over. Oh well, at least it’s out of the way.

Also went on a Madonna tour watch and I liked all of them except for Rebel Heart. Something about it didn’t click for me at all. What probably started it off wrong was that section 1 was religion and sex combined to the point that the dancers during Holy Water were dressed as stripper nuns and ended with The Last Supper turning into an orgy. Then section 2 was called rockabilly Tokyo and it didn’t click either, the only song I liked being Heartbreak City. The transition song was S.E.X. and was Like a Virgin Blonde Ambition version on steroids so it was almost pornography in nature. Section 3 was her Latin stuff and I only like the 80’s medley. Section 4 on the other hand I loved. Between the 1920’s theming and the song choices I wished the entire show was more like it.

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Just watched Mon Oncle. M. Hulot is right up there with the Tramp and Mr Bean for comic characters. Heck it definitely felt like a silent film despite not being one at all.

It also included L’ecole des facteurs and I loved how Tati can translate cartoon gags with real people since I was reminded of the old school Disney shorts.

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Watching Freeman's Mind for like the third or fourth time. Every time I tell myself "It's enough for now. Gotta wait at least a year for a re-watch", I last like a month before finding myself watching the first episode again. 

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Watched some of The Nevers.  It’s okay.  First episode is very iffy.  Second episode seems better but the hbo max app just stuttered to the point I turned it off twenty minutes in, lol.  That app reeeeallly isn’t good.  I have it on both my PlayStation and my xbox, and it finds a way to have different problems for each.  Only have it for Mortal Kombat at the moment. Trying to find other things to watch that I don’t already own to make my 15 worth it.

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Watched Harold and Maude. I liked it but the 70’s Hollywood direction style is something I don’t like since in most 70’s movies it’s like Hollywood wants you to feel bored watching the films and somehow make 90 minute films feel twice as long. I only really have this problem with 70’s films since the other decades don’t put me in that mood unless the film actually is boring.

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Late to the party with this one but just saw the Tenet (the new Christopher Nolan movie). This movie just broke my brain in a good way. It’s one you have to watch with subtitles and really pay attention but I think I understand most of it now. Is it a movie one fully understands? I can’t stop thinking about it and I’m going to start mixing in, “ We live in a twilight world” into some casual conversations and see if anyone can complete the pass phrase.

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Watched La Dolce Vita over the course of three nights. Interesting and visually pleasing. I had never seen an Italian film before and had heard of their weird sound dubbing practices but I didn’t realize it was going to be distracting when you actually watch the mouths of the actors. You can sort of tell who was speaking Italian and who wasn’t but most of the time the sound was usually off by a second so it reminded me of old Japanese dubs but worse.

I also watched last nights livestream for #MakeMoreMST3K where Joel, Felicia, Mary Jo, Rebecca and Yvonne watched Quest of the Delta Knights since it’s the only episode that is not on video that they have the license for. There were some good jokes but it was sometimes hard to hear over the group chatter. It was also nice having Pearl in the theater and Joel proposed having Pearl back in the theater for an episode of the season. Also they met their latest milestones and will include a 3D movie in the season and give everyone Kingavision glasses. I also upped my pledge by $50 for a keychain and a tiki mug they added to the add-ons. We’re so close to 4.4M to get 9 episodes and getting Joel in the theater for an episode. Just hoping the upcoming livestreams are enough to push to the final 5.5M to get 12 episodes, 12 shorts and Joel in the theater for 2 films.

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